Chapter 10

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 I walked into our bedroom with just his button-down on as I dried my hair with a towel to find him sitting on our bed. "Whatcha thinking about?" I asked as I tossed my towel in the hamper and walked toward him

"I'm just thinking about something you said earlier, can we talk for a minute?"

"Yeah." I laid across the bed in front of where he sat cross-legged. "What's up?"

As if it was just an instinct to touch me, his hand ran along my bare thigh before landing on my knee. I sat up on my elbow and reached my other hand out to rest on his leg as I waited for him. He sighed deeply as he ran a hand through his hair, he was stressed about something. "Earlier then you were talking about being a good wife, you said something about having my children. Do you feel obligated to have kids with me? Like you won't be a good wife if we don't have kids?"


"Then what did you mean?"

"Okay, so you know how you have this strong desire to take care of and protect me?"


"Well, I for some reason have a very strong desire to have your baby. Maybe it's just hormones trying to make me have a baby or maybe it's all in my head. I don't know where it comes from but there's a part of me that wants to give you kids so bad it almost hurts. Obviously, we've both agreed that now isn't the time but I do still have that feeling."

"Why do you phrase it like that? Have my baby? Give me kids?"

"Because that's what the feeling is, isn't not really about me want to become a mother, it's about you. It's weird, I know but fuck I just want to give you a kid, Chris."

"But you promise it's not out of obligation? You genuinely do want to have kids and be a mother?"

"It's not out of obligation, I can't wait to have kids with you when we're ready. As for the being a mother part, I don't know. I'm kind of terrified of being a mum but I know that if I have you, we'll figure it out."

"It's really not weird though, I mean I want to get you pregnant very badly. We're just impatient people."

"I have something to admit."


"Um well, a part of me is a little scared that we're going to miss our window. I don't say this to be mean but you are getting a little past your prime baby making age. That and at a certain age it becomes way more dangerous for a woman to have a baby. I know we have time, we just have shit luck."

"Cassie, I'm not waiting that long. We just need to get through these next few projects and we can do it. You know I'll do whatever has to be done for us to have a family."

"I know." He gently stroked my face for a few seconds before I picked up his hand and kissed his palm. "One other thing, just a small request."


"I want another dog. Before you protest it, Dodge is lonely and if we're going to be home to have a kid we may as well get another dog. The original idea was to ask for a kitten but I know how you feel about cats. Just think about it before you say no."

"I wasn't going to say no. It's a good idea, it will just also have to wait until we're back home. Maybe closer to when we're ready for a baby?"

"Deal. But no cat?"

"Baby, if you want a cat then we'll get you a cat. I'll get you whatever you want."

"And that is why I'm the luckiest woman in the world. Well, that and all the sex, all the very good sex."

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