Chapter 30

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Leaving Boston was bittersweet. On one hand, it was nice to be back with all of our friends in Atlanta but I missed our home already. Today was our first day back on set and everyone was in high spirits after spending Thanksgiving with our families. There was one person though who seemed to be kind of sad and quiet today though and I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of me. Chris was filming something while I sat with Scarlett who was asking me about baby things when I saw him looking sad again. "Scarlett, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"To check on a friend."


I hesitantly walked over to him and flashed him a soft smile. "Hi, Seb."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Can we talk privately for a minute?"

"Won't your husband get jealous?" He snipped

"Don't be like that, please. He knows we are friends and I'll deal with him. Just come talk with me for a minute."

"Yeah, okay."

I led him to a quiet room and shut the door behind me. "I just wanted to check in, I didn't get a chance to after Thanksgiving and our accidental announcement."


"I wanted to tell you differently, privately and not in a giant group of people. I'm sorry for how it happened." I confessed to him, making his posture softened

"It's okay, Cas, I'm sorry your announcement got taken away from you. I'm sure you had some spectacular ideas to tell everyone."

"I hadn't gotten that far but I wasn't ready for everyone to know. Are you okay about it?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm happy for you both but I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt a little. I know it's over between us but I guess there was a part of me that really did imagine having a family with you."

"I know, I imagined that too. Is this why you look so...sad today?"

"Not really. Jade and I are fighting again and I'm just tired of fighting."

"Can I ask what it's about? She hasn't said anything about it to me yet which is bizarre."

"Uh well, I guess she realized I was upset at Thanksgiving because of your announcement and got mad at me. She accused me of still being in love with you and screamed at me about feeling like my second choice."

"Are you?" He was staring at the floor in silence. "Actually I don't need to know that. Just apologize to her and make her feel wanted and like she's your first choice."

"I can't do that."


"Because she was my second choice and she knows that so even if she's my first choice now, she'll never forget that. Once you lose trust in a relationship, it's gone for good."

"That's not true, look at Chris and me. We managed to build our trust back up and now we're good. Do you love her?"

"So much."

"Then for once in your life Seb, fight for her. Fight for her the way you refused to do for me, the way I wanted you to fight for me. Show her that you'll do things for her you wouldn't for me. Have the hard conversations and ensure she knows she'll never be your second choice again. Chris' mum said something to me the other day that maybe you need to hear. She told me that we just have to love each other and that we have to wake up every single day and choose one another. So choose her, Seb."

There was a knock on the door and the door opened with Chris on the other side. "Hey baby, is everything all right?"

"Yeah, we're good."

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