Chapter 12

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I made a point not to tell Chris what was going on with the director because I knew he'd abandon his movie to fly here and intimidate or beat up the guy. But the events of the next day made it kind of hard to keep ignoring it. I had to take a minute to run and go pee, which I admit I'd been needing to pee a lot recently but I was just well hydrated. This trip took me an extra minute or two because I was responding to messages from multiple different people, including Chris who I'd barely gotten to talk to today because the director was up my ass. I walked back onto set and was met with him glaring at me. "What now?" I asked with an eye roll

"What took you so long to pee? Were you sending pictures to your husband of that cute little set I saw you in the other day?"

"Excuse me?"

"Or maybe it was a boyfriend of yours who got the photo?"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Oh come on Ms. Hemsworth we all know you have a side piece or two and there's no way your husband is your real husband, it's all for publicity but we'll take it."

"Alright, I'm done. Get me, Mr. Brown, right now. I'm done with this movie and I'm done with you."

"And here I was hoping that you'd let me see that set again." He walked closer to me as he spoke. "I thought you were just playing hard to get Cassandra."

I rolled my eyes at him and we went back to filming for a little bit before I had to head into the wardrobe trailer. The normal people that were usually in here were gone so I assumed they were at lunch or something but my clothes were in a pile for me. I was in the middle of getting dressed when the door opened and the director barged in. "What the fuck are you doing in here again?"

*Trigger warning*

"I came to see that set again."

Luckily I was at least wearing pants so all he could see was my bra. "Get out."

"Oh come on." he crossed the trailer toward me and in one swift motion pulled me so my back was against his chest. "Quit playing hard to get, just let me see what's under this bra."

"Get off of me right now."

He grabbed me tighter as I struggled to get away from him but he managed to get a hand into my bra. Panic set in as I realized I was at a major disadvantage, he was bigger than me, stronger than me, and he was determined. "Just give in."

"No, now get off of me," I screamed as loud as I could in hopes that someone could hear me and would help me

His other hand started to slip into my jeans and I decided to try stomping on his foot as hard as I could. He yelled loudly and threw me to the floor. I scrambled back to my feet and ran for the door but he grabbed me again. This time he pulled me to face him and I pulled my knee into his groin. As soon as he crumpled to the ground I took off running and went to find Mr. Brown. I didn't wait for him to tell me what he wanted to do, I told him that Kevin would be in contact about breaking my contract. Once I had my stuff, I went back to my apartment and just sat on my couch trying to process what just happened.

Kevin called me about an hour later with the news. "So the director has been fired and they want you to come back to set tomorrow to talk about the future of the project."

"Fine, I'll be there"

"Although, I am going to warn you that this will be public in a matter of hours so if you never told Chris, now is the time."


I hung up and decided he was right so I called Chris. "Hey, baby. Is everything alright, I thought you were on set?"

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