Chapter 27

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I woke up just in time to take off running to our bathroom and barely made it to the toilet to throw up. Chris called my name behind me but I was too busy to answer him. He came in just seconds behind me and pulled all of my hair out of my face and gently rubbed my back. "Please don't stay in here while I do this, it's gross," I said once I'd gotten a break from puking

"In sickness and in health baby girl. Plus it's far from the first time I've seen you throw up, it doesn't bother me."

I started to respond but I was overcome with nausea again and ended up with my head back in the toilet. He stayed there crouched beside me while he rubbed my back and held my hair up until I sat up away from the toilet. "I could've gone the whole pregnancy without throwing up and been okay with it."

"I'm sorry, I know it sucks. Do you want to try and get some water and go back to bed?" He gently played with my hair while he spoke to me in such a gentle tone

"I think I need a minute just to sit on the floor before I brush my teeth and then go back to sleep."

"Whatever you need."

"You don't have to stay with me, you can go back to sleep."

He moved so he was sitting behind me on the floor with his arms securely around me. "We're in this together so if you're up all night getting sick then I'll be right here with you all night. I don't want you to go through this alone or feel alone. You may be doing the physical labor at this point but I'll do whatever you ask of me."

"Just because I'm carrying your child?"

"No sweetheart, because I love you and you're pregnant with our baby. I'm excited for a baby but I'm excited to do it with you."

"I don't mean to be so insecure, I think it's the extra hormones and I'm scared of gaining weight," I confessed as I felt tears stinging at my eyes

"Why are you scared? That's completely normal when you have a baby, you're growing a person." I chewed on my lip for a minute while I contemplated telling him the truth. "Please talk to me, you can tell me anything."

I took a deep breath and I was suddenly very thankful that I didn't have to look him in the eyes and say this. "What if you're not attracted to me afterward? What if I'm too big or have too many stretch marks? I'm scared that you're not going to want me anymore after I have a baby."

He didn't move for a long minute and then he just kissed my head. My heart was damn near beating out of my chest as I waited for him to speak. "Turn around please." His tone was demanding but it was gentle. He gently cradled my face once I was facing him. "Cassie, I want you forever and for more than just the way you look. Yes, your body is going to change but I'll still think you're the sexist woman alive. I'll still rave to everyone about my beautiful wife. Oh and I think I'm going to love to see you with a swollen belly, carrying our baby, my baby. I'll be the happiest man alive and I'll be even more obsessed with you. It's already happening. I'm sorry life's been so crazy lately and I've not been at my best but I still intend to give you the entire world. Thank you for telling me."

I felt pointless tears well up in my eyes and Chris just immediately pull me closer to try and calm me down. "What'd I say, princess? I'm so sorry, please don't cry. I didn't mean to upset you, I was just trying to make you feel better."

I pulled back with a small laugh as I wiped my eyes. "You didn't do anything, I'm just hormonal and feeling guilty," I confessed as I pushed his hands off my face

"About what?"

"Nearly every day since I met you, you've been reassuring to me and made sure I was okay. You notice every time I'm upset and you always tell me how much you want me or love me. I'm not good at that type of stuff, I don't always know when you need reassurance or how to make you feel as loved as I feel, as wanted as I feel. You're my world, Chris, and I just really hope you know how much I mean everything I say to you. I need you to tell me when you need my reassurance or to ask for it the way you want me to. You've been struggling for so long and I didn't see it, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

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