Chapter 80

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I woke up to Chris getting out of bed but this time I ignored him and rolled back over to try and fall back asleep for the first time since we brought Theo home. Since I'm breastfeeding I always get up to either feed him or pump in the middle of the night especially since I start leaking milk as soon as he cries. I was almost fully asleep when I felt the bed dip next to me. "Hey sweetheart, Elsa, and Chris are here if you want to get up and come downstairs. You can sleep and I'll take the kids outside if you want to keep sleeping." Chris told me softly while rubbing my back

"I'll get up, I'm excited to see everyone but I'm just exhausted."

"There is no issue with you staying in bed, I am happy to go hang out with the kids and play while you sleep."

"Okay, I just need a little longer and I'll be okay."

"Take as long as you need, baby girl. Ma said dinner won't be ready for at least an hour and a half, maybe more. Oh and Jade and Sebastian will be here soon. I'll just send Jade up when she gets here."

"Perfect." I mumbled

I felt him kiss my head but I fell right back asleep without another word to him just to be woken up what felt like a minute later. "I'm jealous that you're still asleep." Jade told me

I rolled over and looked at her as she got comfortable on Chris' side of the bed. "You could just nap with me, they'll understand. You're pregnant and I gave birth a week ago but hey look at that little bump growing."

Her baby bump was finally noticeable even though she was a lot earlier than when my bump showed up. She's in her sixth month I think but I was barely keeping up with my own weeks let alone hers too. "Yours is more understanding than mine, I tried to be late to nap and I got the huff."

"Hmm I know exactly what huff you're talking about too and I will personally tell him to shove it, do you want my pregnancy pillow and we'll nap?"

"Yes, please."

I helped her get comfortable facing away from me and then decided to just spoon her which made her giggle at me. "I'd like to see them try and pull us out of bed now." I mumbled

"How hard is it?" she asked softly

"Theo's easy, it's his dad that's the issue most of the time."

"What now?"

"His stress and anxiety is just getting to him and I've been focused on Theo probably too much and not paying any attention to him. We're working on it and we'll be okay but he doesn't want help because he thinks you all think we're helpless and can't do it. I know everyone is just trying to help out and make it as easy for us as they can. Plus I was excited for you and Sebby to be here with us. We can learn all kinds of things about being first-time moms together while the men learn how to be dads. I also just always thought you'd be here with me when I had my first baby and that he'd know his aunt by now."

"I'd love to come stay over here, staying with your brother is weird. Don't get me wrong, Elsa is nice and very welcoming but I just don't know them well and the boys." she groaned loudly which made me laugh

"If you're talking about the twins and how Christopher rough houses with them then I know what you mean and they are a loud trio."

"Well yes that but also it's weird to watch Sebastian be all bromancey with Christopher, they've been playing video games together and watching some sports. I'm used to it with your Chris but your brother is so loud."

"Oh I know, I lived with him for entirely too long. Fuck what Chris wants, you guys should come back here as long as you can stand to hear us fight or bicker."

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