Chapter 46

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The day rushed by in a blur of pretend smiles and comforting touches. I didn't want Chris to know how afraid I was of everything that happened or how much I need his comfort right now because I know he was still freaking out. On more occasions than I can count, Chris has put his own feelings aside to take care of me and now it's my turn to repay that. Between scenes, I would just make sure I was touching him, telling him I love him, and reassuring him that we were good. He ate up my attention the entire day and returned every ounce of attention I gave him and he kept a protective hand on my belly all day. Our friends stayed close by as well and so did Christopher. I was exhausted by the time we made it home and I think Chris could tell. "Let's get ready for bed, sweetheart," he told me as he hugged me from behind 

"We need to make dinner."

"We can order in and eat in bed."

"Let's just cook."

"Baby, I can tell how tired you are. Can you please just let me take care of you?"

"I'm fine," I assured as I turned and pulled him in for a kiss

It only took him a minute to realize what I was trying to do once I deepened the kiss and he pulled away from me. "No, absolutely not. We are calling in some dinner and then we are going to bed. We need to take that camera to the police station tomorrow and you need to give your statement. It's probably going to be a long day because we'll have to meet with our lawyer as well as the security team. Usually, I'd do most of that by myself but I'm not letting you out of my sight for any length of time."

"We have a baby appointment tomorrow too."

"See, that's all the more reason to get a good night's rest."

"Can I be honest for a minute?" 

"Of course, what's wrong?"

"I am exhausted but I don't want to sleep."


"Because I have no idea what's going on while I'm asleep and I'm worried about you and my psycho of a sister breaking in or something. Mostly I'm worried about what's going through your head while I'm asleep."

"I'll be asleep right next to you plus she's probably long gone. Has she tried to  contact you at all since?"

"She's tried texting me and calling me but I haven't responded. So far it's just a bunch of bullshit about how you're lying and that she would never do that to me."

"Just make sure you don't delete anything in case the police want it for something. Now, what do you want for dinner?"

"Something greasy."

"A burger and fries?"

"Yes please, can I have a milkshake too?"

"Of course. Any other requests?"

"An orgasm or two while we wait."

He laughed as he leaned back in to kiss me, gently nipping at my bottom lip. "You're a pain in my ass you know that?"

"I was hoping to be a pain in your jaw tonight but yes I know."

He groaned but he kissed me again, a little rougher this time and with much more intent. "Let me get the food ordered and then you can have what you want until the food gets here."

"Tell them to take their time."

"Go get naked then."

"You're sure there aren't any other cameras in the house?"

"Yes the security team came through and did a full sweep but they suggested that we install some of our own. However, we can talk about that tomorrow."

His brain was clearly going a million miles an hour and I can't say mine isn't too but it's hard when we're both stressed like this. I decided rather than just being boring and getting naked, I'd put on some lingerie. He always loved when I wore the tops that were see-through lacy bras with a see-through part over my torso. It'd be even better today since it highlighted my bump and he loves when I wear anything that makes it look like I'm pregnant. I put on the matching thong before I sat down on the bed with my legs crossed. His focus was on his phone when he came in but as soon as he saw me, he tossed his phone onto the nightstand and came over to me. I looked up at him as he stood right in front of me, cradling my chin so I couldn't look away. "I remember saying be naked, not be wearing lingerie baby girl. You look amazing and you're going to test my ability to stop so I can make sure you eat and sleep." 

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