Chapter 57

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Chris and I both went to bed without saying much more to one another after our fight. He still told me goodnight and talked to Theo but things were tense. We have our maternity shoot today but it'd been an equally quiet and tense morning. I'd only left our room to get some breakfast then I'd come back to try and avoid making eye contact with Chris. I was too harsh with him yesterday and I knew he wouldn't hold it against me but I'm holding it against myself. It's to the point where I'm starting to think we should cancel the shoot today since I can't even look him in the eyes.  He's mostly left me alone, coming in to check on me and bring me water or anything else he might think I need. This time when he came in I was sitting on the side of our bed, holding my lower back from pain. "Sweetheart, why didn't you call for me? I can rub your back." He fussed as he sat next to me

"I didn't want to bother you."

"You're never bothering me especially when you're in pain and need help."

He moved so he could start rubbing my lower back with a few soft kisses along my shoulder. "Thank you."

"Do you want to reschedule today?"

"Kind of, how did you know?"

"I figure based on how quiet you've been that you're still upset about last night."


"I'm sorry again, I wish you would talk to me rather than be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you, I'm upset with myself for being cruel to you when you don't deserve it."

"Sometimes I do deserve it and it's okay, baby girl, we're past it. You're growing a whole person, I think you get a few slip-ups with all the extra hormones and stress. Don't beat yourself up over it, just relax and let me support you."

"I'm still sorry, Chris. You've been so sweet to me and then I repay that by being mean to you for caring."

"You were right about what you said last night, I do try to hide things from you and I shouldn't but I want to protect you. This is just one of those times where we're both going to mess up but all we can do is apologize and move forward. Dwelling on it doesn't help anyone and canceling something we've both been looking forward to won't either."

"I know you're right but I feel so guilty."

"You don't need to feel guilty, what can I do to make you feel less guilty?" He asked as he continued massaging my back

"Stop being so sweet and be mean to me for a minute."

"I can't do that."

"Which makes it worse because we can never be even."

"Alright fine, you went too far last night and I was mad for a minute until I realized that I pushed you to that. I know you hate when I lie to you or hide things from you but I did it anyways. We both fucked up, we both hurt each other but it's not the end of the world. So let me go get Jade to help you do your hair and makeup so we can do these photos we've been looking forward to."


"Am I helping your back at all?"

"Yes, very much."

"Can I get you anything else? How about the heat pad or some ice for your back?"

"Some ice would be great and maybe some more water?"

"Of course, I'll get those for you and send Jade back here to help."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, my beautiful wife."

"I love having all of our friends with us but I can't wait to have some alone time."

"You're sure you still want to go to Australia for our baby moon?"

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