Chapter 41

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"Chris, leave me be I'm fine. I promise I am okay to go to set today." I whined as I tried to get out of bed

"Just take the day off with me baby."

"I am awake at 5 am to go to set, we're going in. This is our last week on set and we've already missed so much time between the wedding, traveling, and now the baby. Let's just finish it out and then we'll be on our way home to finish watching our baby grow."

"Fine but I think I need a minute to just hold you this morning."

"Can we hop in the shower and we can have a minute there?"


I know he's being a little extra clingy because he was scared yesterday and he thought he lost me for a bit so the least I can do is let him have whatever he needs. Plus I'm never going to say no to having time with him. It's hard to say no to him asking me to stay with him because my back hurts, I'm tired, and I just want to cuddle with my husband and take a damn nap but the sooner we get done filming the sooner we can be home. I miss our home and our family even though I do enjoy working. It's time for me to be settled in on our couch with a snuggly blanket, some good snacks, my favorite movies, and my beefcake of a husband. Pregnancy hormones have really done wonders for us, not that we need any help in the sex department but we're closer than ever and it feels so nice. Even though I told him not to do it, he lifted me up and held me so I had my legs around his waist. I just relaxed into his touch and let myself enjoy being with him even though I was concerned about him supporting all of my weight now since I'm steadily gaining weight and he's starting to complain about his back. My hot old man. "If you would let me hold you like this all day then I would, you know that right?"

"Yes I know but I'm not light right now and I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not going to hurt me and I promise you are not as heavy or hard to lift as you think you are. How is your back feeling today?"

"Sore but it's okay."

"You're so much tougher than you give yourself credit for."

"And you're much sweeter than you give yourself credit for. I love you and I appreciate you caring for me so much and for our little one."

"Forever baby."

We were now running late because we spent too much time in the shower being all lovey-dovey. "I'm getting in the car, Chris, hurry up."

"I'll be on the way in just a minute, I'm getting your heating pad."

This dude is too nice and he's far too good for me. We luckily were only a few minutes late and Chris already texted my assistant to bring us breakfast so we could eat while we were in wardrobe. When I got the message that my sister had landed I was excited but mostly relieved until she said she was on her way and I realized we forgot something. "Shit, babe did you put Dodge up?" I asked

"No, I decided to leave him out since we were behind and it's a short day. Do you think your sister can't handle him?"

"I'm worried about him barking at her and being obnoxious especially when he realizes she's not me but looks like me."

"I can run home and put him up if you want."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I've got some time, I'll be right back."

"Thank you."

He kissed me a few times before finally telling me goodbye again and leaving to go run home. I didn't think much of it, I figured he wouldn't even run into her and he'd be back before I knew it.

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