Chapter 17

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Cas' POV...

I woke up to Chris moving out of the bed next to me. "Chrissy, where are you going?" I whined

"I have to pee, I'll be right back." he laughed and I pouted my lip at him

When he came back into the room I was snuggled up under the blankets with my eyes closed. "Welcome back," I grumbled

"Sweetheart, you need to get up since you've got somewhere to be."

"I don't want to."

"I know."

"Will you go with me to the gym before I go to set this morning? I only have one day left with you and I don't want to lose any time."

"Yes, but if you want to be on time then you need to get up and get dressed so we can leave and I can still have time to feed you." 

"Five more minutes, please?"

"If you want to be difficult then fine." He yanked the blanket off of me and he started getting me dressed. "You asked for it."

I giggled and fought against him as he wrestled a pair of leggings onto me, flipping me over to pull them over my ass. "Chris, stop it. I'll get up."

"No squats today, I didn't bother to put underwear on you so if these leggings are see-through then everyone is getting a show. But my god do these leggings do wonders for your ass." He smacked my ass hard before he let me turn over

I was met with a bra being pulled over my head and a shirt right behind it. "I can dress myself, you can stop doing this." I fussed as he finished pulling my shirt down. 

"Just shut up and let it happen princess." He slipped on my socks before throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me out of the room

"Chris put me down. Where are you taking me right now?"

He tossed me down on the couch and started putting my shoes on me while I giggled at him and tried to get my feet away. "There, now stay in here and get your water ready while I get dressed. If I have to chase you or put anything back on you then you're going to regret it. Got it?"

"Yes sir." 

He suddenly leaned down and nipped at my neck, making me yelp slightly. "God I'm having to resist fucking you in these leggings all day."

"Well, the gym is right around the corner so we can swing back in here to shower and get dressed. So we can probably find a way to get a round or two in before we get to set."

"No, you need to eat."

"So I'll text my assistant and have her pick us up something for when we get there. I promise I'll eat breakfast, you know it's my favorite meal."

We managed to make it out of the house without messing around any or without me getting into trouble. He tightly held my hand as we walked the only five minutes. "Are you nervous about your first day directing?"

"Very but I'm hoping you'll hold my hand and help me out if I need it."

"I can try but you've seen my work, I'm no director."

"Oh shut up, you did amazing. I think you just need more time and more practice is all. You should try again, I mean hell if I'm trying then you should do it again and I'll hold your hand through it."

"Maybe in a few years, when we've got a couple of rugrats running around and they're old enough to bring with us to sets."

"If you don't watch it I'm throwing my birth control away."

"Patience. Promise not to distract me while we work out, please? I will do things that will get us both arrested in that gym, you should not test my self-control right now." 

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