Chapter 70

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It's been a couple of weeks since everything went down between me and Jess but it still has us both on edge. Chris shields me from any news about her and I don't mind for once because I can't deal with it right now. Our appointment with the doctor did not go as well as we had hoped, Theo is fine but I have high blood pressure and the doctors think that because of all the stress I've been under I may have a higher chance of complications. All I heard was Theo was okay and that was enough for me but in true Chris fashion, he took the part about me a little too seriously. Sure the doctor put me on bed rest but that doesn't mean I can't stand up to walk to the bathroom or shower. Although given that everyone is being just as dramatic as he is, I guess I have to accept that he's probably right. Christopher and Elsa made their final move and now they are living down the street from us which means he's been over a lot. It's not that I mind but Chris and I are supposed to be enjoying some much-needed quiet alone time and it's hard to do that with our families checking in and stopping by constantly. Not only that but Jade and Sebastian will be staying with us for a couple of weeks while their house finishes being built. Lisa has been coming by about every other day and Chris keeps telling her she's going to annoy me but I think she's annoying him. I feel like I'm watching him turn into a ticking time bomb when it comes to all of the visitors.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Chris asked as he sat down on the bed next to me and kissed my head

"Tired. Your son is very heavy."

"I know Cassie, I'm sorry. You're getting close though, only about another month or so and he'll be here."

"Yeah, and I think as soon as he's born, I'm going to miss having him here."

Chris moved to kiss my stomach and stayed there to talk to the baby. "I can't wait to meet you, my little man but I need you to take it easy on your mama. She's doing all the work right now and all I can do is watch you grow. I didn't know it was possible to love your mama more but it turns out watching her bring you into this world, makes that love grow. I love you Theo and I can't wait to meet you." I did my best not to cry but between hormones and how incredible Chris has been through my whole pregnancy, it was impossible not to. "Oh honey, why are you crying?" he cooed as he stroked my face

"Because I'm happy and hormonal."

He laughed softly as he leaned in to kiss me sweetly. "I want to try something, do you feel like getting out of bed for a minute or two?"

"Sure but I'm going to need help."

"I'm happy to."

He gently helped me to my feet before moving behind me. "What are we doing?"

"Just wait." I felt his arms wrap around me and underneath my belly before he slowly lifted my stomach. "Does that feel better?"

I let my head fall on his shoulder as I sighed in relief at the lack of weight on me for the time being. "So much better. He's heavy."

"He sure is. How do you carry him around all day?"

"I don't, I sit."

"And now I understand why."

We stayed there like that until Chris' arms started to hurt and then he slowly let my stomach back down. "Can we watch a movie on the couch and just cuddle please?"

"Of course, I'll get all of your favorite snacks while you pick the movie."

"You're the best."

"I'm just trying to do my part. You're bringing him into the world so the least I can do is take care of you."

"I'd do it a hundred times over just to have a family with you. The truth is Chris, I'm very lucky and I've had a pretty easy pregnancy compared to some. We're lucky. Thank you for taking care of us, now and forever."

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