Chapter 69

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Chris kept me on his lap the entire time we were on the plane and he didn't let me go anywhere alone. Even if I was just going to the bathroom, he would be standing right outside waiting for me. As scared as I was, I knew he'd been 10 times more scared but he was trying to fight it back. He always wants to be strong for me and I appreciate it more than he'll ever know. Once we're home, we'll talk about it but I need a few hours to breathe and think. We were both quiet on the plane but not out of anger, more shock I think. When we landed and got off the plane both Scott and Lisa were there waiting for us. As soon as I saw her I burst into tears and she hugged me tightly while she stroked my hair. "It's okay sweet girl, you're safe." She told me

I felt Scott join our hug on one side and then I felt Lisa reach for Chris to pull him in. He had one hand on my back with the other on his mom's and he just kissed my head over and over again. I reached for him when I pulled away and held his hand as Lisa wiped away my tears.  "I hope it's okay I came with, Ma told me what happened and I just...I wanted to see you both." Scott picked up my other hand as he spoke to me

"Of course it's okay, thank you for being here." I sobbed

"Oh my sweet girl, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Let's get you both home and I'll make you some dinner before I go. Or I can stay if that would make you feel better."

"You don't have to stay but I won't say no to a home-cooked meal that isn't at least a little burnt." I laughed through my tears

"Of course, just tell me what you and little man are craving and I'll get everything."

"No need Ma, I'll go the store just send me a list." Scott offered

"Thank you guys, I know I'm not your problem but thank you for being here with me. It means a lot to me."

"Nonsense, I've already told you before that you are my daughter now and not just because you married Chris. I love you like my own, Cassie and I will always be here."

"And I like you more than my own blood siblings so I'll always be here first. We're family now and nothing will ever change that." Scott added

I leaned into Chris and he easily wrapped me in his arms. "We've all got your back and we're all going to be here through it all." He told me softly

"Let's get you both home." Lisa ushered us all out to the cars

Chris stopped me just before we got outside and forced me to put on the hoodie he'd been wearing. I protested because it has been warm in LA but I was very grateful when we went outside. It was colder than I expected, low 50s at the best and I found myself cuddling into him while we walked. He helped me into the back seat and helped me get buckled before he climbed in next to me. "Are you comfortable, baby girl?"

"Yeah, I'm good, thank you love."

"Of course, I love you."

"I love you too, now and forever."

"Now and forever baby."

He leaned in and kissed me softly for a moment before his mum got into the car. I went back to my silence on the way home and continued it after I told Lisa what sounded good for dinner. Chris helped me up the stairs to our room and to the small couch near the window. He took a seat next to me and let out a deep sigh. "It's good to be home." He sighed

"Are you okay? I know today has been a lot for both of us and I appreciate your support but you don't have to hold it all back."

"I'm okay. We don't have to talk about it if you're not ready. I need to stay with you for a while and I want to go to the doctor and get you both checked out tomorrow."

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