Chapter 44

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Chris and I talked ourselves in circles about the idea my sister had presented to us before we settled that he would do it but just long enough for people to get photos of them together and of her drinking. She'd send me a photo or two to post so it looked like we were out but she was going to have someone she knows spread the word that we were out to get them rushed. It was obvious that Chris was not into the idea but he not only agreed to it but was the one who pushed for us to do it. He wanted to give me back the bit of power and choice when it comes to our baby and revealing my pregnancy. I trust him completely but what I don't trust is that he'll tell me if she does something sketchy. In fact, I'm pretty sure that something has already happened and that's why he's been acting anxious and strange. We agreed they'd go the following night, which was tonight and I was uncomfortable watching them get ready to basically go on a date but I bit my tongue. He came to say goodbye to me in our room while she waited in the front of the house. "I know this is awful and weird but I will be home to you soon. Try not to worry about it because I promise that I am coming home to fuck my beautiful wife to sleep and to say goodnight to our son. I love you both and I wish there was another option to convince people you weren't pregnant but I'm trying to give this back to you."

"I don't know why I'm freaking out like this, I trust you and I know you're not interested in my sister but this feels shitty. It feels like I'm a secret again and I know this was my choice but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt still."

"Trust me, baby girl, once you're ready to tell the world that you're pregnant then I will never and I mean never shut up about you and him. You're my wife, you are the greatest joy in my life and you are not my secret. I can not tell you how much I wish that I wouldn't have kept you a secret for so long. You didn't deserve that, you deserve to be shown off and cherished."

"It's okay, I'm just emotional."

"I'll be back before you know it, just try not to think about it and I'm going to put my acting skills to the test by not looking uncomfortable trying to pretend she's you."

"Just promise me we'll go slow tonight."

"Whatever you want, Cassie."

He kissed me sweetly for a long moment before he peppered my face with kisses while I just giggled and tried to get him off so he will leave. I tried to distract myself but I ended up just staring at my phone and waiting for a photo from them or for people to start seeing them. Jess sent me a few selfies of them from the club and I posted one on my story with hearts. Chris texted me when they were leaving after being swarmed by paparazzi so they'd be home soon. Unforturenly the photos of them showed up before they got home and I sat there looking at photos of her all over Chris. He had an arm around her but his hand was on her middle back and he was barely looking at her. Jess on the other hand was touching his chest, and his arms, and leaning into him like he was hers to touch. When they came in, he was far away from her and practically running away from her back to me. I could see by the look on his face that something had happened and when he started pulling me to our room, I saw the little smirk on her face. If she's doing anything to him, I'll make her regret ever agreeing to get to know me. Blood doesn't mean nearly as much to me as my husband and the father of my son, I'll protect him from anyone and that includes her. Who cares if she's only 5'3, I think I'm starting to understand what she's capable of and I think it includes hurting Chris.

The next day proved to somehow be worse. With the internet now assured that we were not breaking up and that I was not pregnant, Chris and I were expecting for it to go back to life as usual. Jess had other ideas. She sprung on me that she was throwing a house party with some of her friends in the area and this included her inviting my old friend Kylie. I'd introduced the two when we were at a party or something and I guess they really hit it off, which was news to me. Chris and I both agreed that we were not going to fight her on it and that we would just host one party for the night. Jess was only supposed to be here for a few more days anyways so we're just going to humor her. She insisted on helping me get ready and picking out a dress for me to wear and I just went with it because I do not have the will to fight and at least she made me look good. Chris tried to just stay by my side but she kept bringing him drinks and then dragged me away leaving him with a group of her guy friends. I tried to have fun but listening to Kylie, Jess and all their girlfriends scream was too much. Luckily I texted Jade, Lizzie, and Scarlett and they all showed up but they were a little late. I tried to talk to them but the music was so loud that it was shaking the entire house and I could've sworn the chandelier was going to fall from above the dining room table. Kylie was currently pouring champagne into her mouth straight from the bottle and then into several other girls' mouths. Jade and I watched in horror as they partied like they were 19 years old. "Oh come on, Cas, remember that party in London where you partied right along with us?" Kylie yelled

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