Chapter 14

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WThe next morning...

Chris held me in his arms as we waited for the producers to show up and he rubbed his hand along my arm in an attempt to calm my nerves. When the producers and writers showed up we all headed into the conference room and sat down. "Thank you for joining us today, Mrs. Evans." Mr. Brown said kindly

"Thank you for having us this morning, Mr. Brown."

"Please just call me Walter, and this must be your husband."

"Yes, this is Chris. Not that he needs any introduction."

"I'm glad you're here to join us and I'd like to apologize to both of you for everything that happened. We appreciate the second chance to talk this morning. He's been fired from the movie and he will not be allowed anywhere near the set again, as well as he will not receive any credit for the project. The issue is that we now need a new director, we've got a few that we are interested in but it's going to push the timeline back several weeks. I understand that there have been violations of our contract with you so we're not expecting you to stay on especially with the new timeline."

"You really think it'll take weeks to find a new director?"

"If not longer, unless we happen across someone who's willing to try their hand at it that's already around."

I heard Chris snicker next to me so I shot him a look. "You want Cas to do it," Chris stated

"It's an option. You have directed a few of your own music videos and you've had a partial directing credit on a movie before."

"That was a long time ago, like one of the first several movies I worked on." I protested

"You don't have to by any means, we know you're very busy but you're here most of the time we're filming anyways and we can rearrange."

"Directing myself seems impossible."

"It's actually way easier than you think, Cassie. Sometimes when you get an idea that is hard to describe it's easier when it's you that's doing it. I did it for an entire movie, it took extra time but it wasn't so bad." Chris assured me as gave my leg a gentle squeeze

"I'm not sure I'm qualified."

"We think you are. Plus if it'd make you more comfortable we could bring in an assistant director to help but it'll take a few weeks. This is completely up to you but I did talk with Kevin before this meeting and he's on board. He's approved the new contract so it's up to you."

"Can I have a minute, please?"


I pulled Chris' hand to lead him out of the room and into the hall. "Are you okay?" Chris asked once we were alone

"Yes, I just don't know if I can do that. I'm not a director. That and my schedule is already so busy."

"Honey, I'm not gonna tell you what to do if that's what you're hoping for. I think it's an amazing opportunity and if anyone could pull it off, it's you. That being said, don't do anything you're not comfortable with or that's going to stress you out too much."

"But you think I should do it?"

"Yes, you should read the contract first but I think you should do it."

"You really think I'm capable of it? That I can do both and that's it'll come out good?"

"Cassie, yes. You can do anything you put your mind to. Sweetheart, you're amazing and you could do this if you wanted to but you don't have to."

"What if I say yes and then I can't do it or I can't handle the stress?"

"It's a possibility but I am always one phone call away to talk whenever you need me and I'll drop anything I'm doing for you."

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