Chapter 88

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It's been about two weeks since my mum came to stay with us here in Boston and it's been nice. She's been staying in a hotel but she's over to one of our houses every day. We had a big family dinner which was awkward for a while but eventually, my mum and Lisa were able to settle the tension. Lisa took her out of the room and they talked for a good while before they came back in smiling. I know my mum is still jealous that Lisa got to be there when I gave birth but she understands why I asked her. Mum has been meeting with her sister as well just to try and figure out what's going on and what her intentions are. The private investigators found my dad and they're watching him, Jess is god knows where in a mental ward locked up for what she tried to do to Chris. I know we'll have to go to trial for all of it and to keep her there but for now, this is enough. They haven't found any proof of them talking with each other but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. According to them, my mum has been everywhere she's said she was going to be and she's not spoken to Jess or looked for her. We're rebuilding trust and she gets to spend a good amount of time with Theo just never alone. She's been very respectful of what we want and what we think is best for our son which surprised me because I remember how overbearing she was after India was born. Today we were having dinner with just us in the house and then we were planning on having game night assuming no one tried to kill each other over it. "Baby, come taste this and make sure it takes okay please." Chris called for me

"One sec." I called back and turned to Jade who was in the room with me. "Can you hold Theo for me so I can go check on him so hopefully he doesn't ruin dinner?"

"Of course, give me my little nephew."

She took him and immediately was cooing at him and talking sweetly to him while I just laughed. The closer she got to her due date, the more affectionate she got with him and I knew it was the hormones. I went in to taste what Chris had a spoon of waiting for me and made a suggestion before trying to leave the room. "Don't leave." he whined and grabbed my waist

"I was holding Theo."

"He's fine with his aunt, I just need a minute with you please."

I walked back to him and just let myself sink into his arms and rest my head against his chest while I just took a few deep breaths. He wrapped me up in his arms and held me tightly while he kissed my head. It usually turns out that when he asks for a moment, I usually need them too but I don't know it yet. I'm never sure if he's asking for my sake or if it is for him. Neither of us let go for several minutes and we only did because the food required attention. This time I didn't leave his side, I just stayed next to him while he fussed with the food. When he was done, he pulled me back in but this time he leaned down to kiss me. It very quickly got heated and I was being pressed back against the counter and lifted onto it. We only stopped when we were both panting and about to lose control. "Two more weeks." I panted

"Only if you're ready."

"Mental I'm ready to do this now but I know that physically I'm not sure and that makes me anxious. You've got no idea how much I want to yell at Jade to take our son upstairs so we can do this on our counter right now."

"Do not give me ideas 'cause I'll do other things on this counter."

"I love you, Chrissy."

"I love you more baby girl."

"You're so annoying."

We bantered for a few minutes before we just started making out again but this time I accidentally knocked something off the counter and we broke apart laughing. "You're always making messes."

"Shut up, that was as much your fault as it was mine."

"Make me."

"I thought we were going to have a sweet moment but you're making it something else rather than just accept my affection."

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