Chapter 62

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I was sitting on the couch of Elsa and Christopher's house while Chris was off with my brother doing something secret and I was watching an older movie of his. He hated when I did this but I loved watching all of it. Dodger sat next to me with his head on my lap as I rubbed my belly. Just a little longer until we can meet him and I'm so excited. I was watching a scene with Chris talking when I felt the baby kick me. "Ouch, don't kick little guy." He didn't kick again until Chris' character started talking again. "Oh, you hear daddy. You're kicking because you want to hear your daddy." I cooed and I pulled out my phone to record the next couple of times while he did it and I couldn't help but laugh softly. "I miss your daddy too but he'll be home soon and he can talk to you then."

Chris loved talking to my belly and telling stories to the baby even though he couldn't understand us. I usually sang to him when Chris was gone and I was always playing music. I posted the video of the baby kicking me on my Instagram with the caption 'Someone already knows the sound of his daddy's voice. Please come home, all of us miss you. P.S. your kid hurts with these kicks'

I turned the volume down so that way he'd stop kicking me while I watched it. Chris came home a short while later and came straight to sit next to me. "Hi, my baby." He kissed me sweetly then kissed my stomach "And hello to my little Ninja. Stop kicking your mama so much, you've still got some time left in there."

"He just missed you, I understand."

"I'm sorry baby, I know you hate when I leave."

"I know I'm being too needy but I can't help it. You make me happy and feel safe and you make me less stressed. I just feel better when you're next to me."

"I understand, I'd rather be here with you and our boys. You're not too needy, you're a little needier than normal but I don't mind. I like being needed and I love being here to calm you down and make you feel safe."

"Thank you, you're the best husband ever."

"Only because you're the best wife.".

"Don't get all mushy on me."

"You started it, love."

"Shh, just cuddle me."

He laughed but he pulled me close and wrapped me in his arms. "You know you just revealed the gender to all of Instagram right?"

"Shit, I didn't think about it. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

"How was your secret mission with my brother?"

"It was fine, you'll find out what we were doing soon enough."

"I hate your surprises sometimes, I just hope it doesn't include a ton of walking because I can't do much of that."

"No not a lot but some. Your brother would like us to go to a zoo though. That is between you two, I will happily push your ass around in a wheelchair."

"I'll talk to him, it's fine. I can just sit down often and we'll let the kids play around. At least the temperature isn't bad here."

"It wasn't bad in LA."

"No, but look at the forecast in Boston. It's 40-something degrees there and it's at least over 70 degrees here."

"Fair. Why are you watching this movie right now?"

"Because I missed you and it's a good movie."

"No, it's an eternal reminder that I sucked at directing."

"No, no way. You did fine, it takes time to get good at things especially when you do them rarely. I think you should try again sometime."

"Maybe one day."

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