Chapter 55

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The hardest part of Chris working on this new project is that sometimes it means I don't see him that much in a week. He spends every free minute he has with me but sometimes it's just an hour or two before bed. Tonight he had therapy so there went an extra hour or two of that time together. I'd been sitting in our bed reading as I waited for him to be done and I'd lost track of time. When I finally checked the time it'd been almost two hours since his session started so I decided to go find him. I knocked softly on the office door but he didn't respond so I tried again. "Love, is everything alright?"

"Uh yeah, you can come in."

I hesitated for a moment trying to decide if going in while he was upset would help him or just stress him out more. It only took me a moment to decide if he didn't want me in there he could just ask for space. He was sitting on the couch, slouched down with his head back when I came in. Since we still had so many people in our house, I shut the door behind me to give him some privacy. It scared me a little that he didn't bother looking up as I walked over to sit next to him on the couch. "Hey, your session ended almost an hour ago so I just wanted to check in on you," I said softly as I rested my hand on his arm

"I know, I'm sorry. Today was just rough and I needed some time but I didn't mean for it to be this long."

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize for needing time. I'm just concerned about you so I thought I'd come to check on you."

"Thank you, baby I appreciate it."

"Is this about missing the appointment today?"


"You don't have to talk to me about it but just know I'm not upset with you about it. You've got other stuff going on and sometimes shit happens. We'll have plenty more appointments to go to, plus it was a little one. Just check-up for me really."

"I know but I should've been there and sometimes I think I'd be easier if you were mad at me about it. You at least forgive me easier than I forgive myself."

"It's going to happen. Especially if either or both of us are going to be working while we have kids. We're going to miss doctor appointments and activities occasionally. That's the downside of working with kids and it sucks but it's not the end of the world. Your boy is perfectly healthy and growing well, he's still huge compared to what he should be apparently. Thank you for that."

His body relaxed and he leaned over to kiss me softly with a light laugh. "I'm sorry he got me genetics in that department but I'm glad he's okay and doing well. What'd they say about you?"

"That I'm fine but I should still work on my stress levels since my blood pressure was a little elevated. They also think they'll have to put me on bed rest in a month or so, mostly because of his size compared to mine."

"That's okay, we'll be able to get you home and I'll be at your beck and call. You're 28 weeks already, I can't believe it."

"Yup, and we've only got about 5 weeks until the premiere. Soon everyone will know without a shadow of a doubt that I'm carrying your child."

"You still don't want to tell the gender?"

"No, I want to leave a little bit of mystery until he's born."

"Are we at least going to release the photos from the maternity shoot after we do it?"

"Duh, I will be showing them to every person I know. But that's not for another couple of weeks when it's a little bit warmer outside."

"What if we did another one in Boston once we get back after the press tour."

"I would love that, maybe our families can participate and we can get some family photos too. I'd love to have one in our house with everyone."

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