Chapter 5

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"Come on baby, I have a surprise for you," Chris said as I finished another mimosa

"A surprise? Please say it doesn't involve the bed because I'm still sore from earlier."

"No, it's actually several surprises but I promise none of them will lead us back to the bedroom. How are your wrists feelings?" 

He picked up my hand and ran his finger gently over the marks from the rope he'd used this morning. "They're fine. Just a little tender but it's no big deal."

"Are you sure? You can tell me if you're upset with me."

I sighed as I ran my fingers along his arm stopping when I reached his elbow. "I am not upset with you in the slightest, it was an accident and I should've said something about it sooner. That is the exact reason we have safe words, love. In my opinion, everything went correctly and I'm very satisfied."

"I just want to ensure you're not pretending to be okay just for me. You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"Of course. I promise I'm not lying to you."


"Why don't you believe me?"

"I do." his voice raise pitch as he said it and he broke eye contact

I took my hand back from him, sitting back in my chair as I crossed my arms with a huff. "I think our nearly two weeks of peace has made you forget who you married."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I stared at him and just said nothing. "Hello,, earth to Cas." He waved a hand in front of me but I just flipped my hair over my shoulder in response and raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you ignoring me?" I shook my head slowly as I glared at him. 

The waiter came over just as he opened his mouth to speak. "Can I get you two anything else?"

"Another mimosa would be amazing," I told her with a big smile

"Of course, I'll be right back with that."

She walked away and I looked back at Chris. "Honey, I don't understand what's going on right now. Will you please talk to me?"

"Are you going to actually listen to me now?" I snipped

"I was always listening."

"No, you were not."

"I don't want to fight with you baby."

"We're not fighting."

He made a noise like he didn't believe me as he squinted at me. The waitress brought me my mimosa and I took a sip of it as I continued to stare at him. "This feels like a fight."

"In order for it to be a fight we'd have to be fighting about something, that and I'm not even mad."

"Maybe I'm missing something here but you seem pretty mad or am I supposed to interpret your crossed arms and attitude as excitement?" he asked sarcastically

"Nope, it's indifference."

"Whatever." he rolled his eyes and mimicked how I was sitting. We sat there while I drank my mimosa and we just stared at each other for several long minutes. "You're a pain in my ass," he grumbled

"Likewise Evans."

"You can't use my last name against me like that anymore because it's your last name now too."

"No, it's not, my last name is still technically Hemsworth until I get back all of my paperwork and get all my shit changed over. Until all of that's done I'm still a Hemsworth and could choose to stay one."

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