Chapter 13

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We both got up and got dressed so we could head out to the store. I pushed the cart with Chris walking beside me and keeping one hand on the small of my back and the other on the cart. He led the way and did most of the shopping while I teased him and stared at him. Sure we've only been apart for a short time but I missed him so much and I just wanted to stare at him all night. "I'm gonna run and grab a couple of things while you pick out your chocolate and snacks, I'll come to find you in a few minutes." He told me before he kissed my head

"Okay, I won't go far."

He softly pecked my lips before he walked away, leaving me to peruse the chips and snacks. After a few minutes alone I notice a man at the end of the aisle who was also shopping but I didn't think much of it until I went an aisle over and suddenly he was there but he had nothing in his arms from the last aisle. It came across as weird but I decided to just go the opposite way and go two aisles over which is when I realized he was following me and he was getting closer. Every part of me said to run, to run to find Chris so he could protect me but I knew running would be a bad idea. I quickly pulled out and texted Chris. 'I think someone is following me, please come back over here. I'm one aisle over from where you left me.' When he didn't respond right away I felt the panic set in and I realized that he wasn't going to see it in time. The man was getting closer and my heart was pounding out of my chest as I pretended to shop for cookies.  'He followed me across three aisles and he's getting closer. Where are you?'

I tried to act like I didn't see him so he wouldn't try and chase me because Chris wasn't responding and I wanted to go find him. Just as I started to walk toward the end of the aisle to go look for Chris, he came barreling around the corner. He didn't stop next to me, he kept walking directly toward the man that was now about halfway to me. The guy took off and Chris was seconds away from chasing him. "Chris, don't chase him just come here."

I watched him freeze where he was and I could tell by his body language that he was debating ignoring me but he turned back to me. As soon as he was close enough, he pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just had a feeling he was following me when I changed aisles twice and he followed me to each one without picking up anything."

"By the fact that he ran as soon as I came into the aisle, I'd say you were right. Come on, let's finish our shopping and get back."

He kissed my head hard before we started walking but this time he had me between his arms with a hand on either side of me on the cart. It made walking a little difficult but I knew he was just trying to keep me safe and I was okay with that. He took me with him to go get what he'd been after which was pancake mix and chocolate chips. The last thing he'd put in the cart was a thing of bacon and just the sight of it made me want to throw up. My face must've been a dead giveaway because he put his hands on his hips as he raised his eyebrows at me. "What?" I asked as I tried to shove it off but the feeling was still there

"You made a face, a face like you're going to be sick. What's wrong now?"

"Uh, nothing is wrong just for some reason, the sight of the bacon is making me feel like I'm going to be sick."

"You love bacon."

"Not today apparently now. Get it if you want it but it doesn't sound appealing to me right now so that's up to you. I will eat my pancakes."

"You need protein."

"And you need to remember that you're not a dietician, plus I'll eat eggs."

"Fine," he said with a huff as he resumed his position with his hands on either side of me

I sat on the counter while he cooked for us and he practically force-fed me a Gatorade despite my assurances that I was fine. He took every opportunity to kiss me while he made us breakfast for dinner. My stomach turned at the smell of the bacon as it cooked but I did my best to ignore it. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked

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