Chapter 58

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Once we finished dancing to that song, he was pulling me back toward our bed and starting to pull my clothes off. I slowed him down by pulling him in to kiss me and holding him hostage there until I was out of breath. He was clearly very ready to get to it because he pushed me gently onto the bed and went after my panties. You'd think as pregnant as I am that things like sex in general but especially oral sex would be forgotten but not with Chris. Without words he stood up and got pillows to put behind me so I could have something to help support my weight since laying flat wasn't much fun right now either. As soon as he knew I was situated and comfortable he was between my legs, kissing up my thighs painfully slow. All I can say is thank god for carrying high so that when I leaned back enough, he still has good access. It's a good thing he told everyone to either get gone or start a loud movie because I've not been much in the mood for biting my lip. Chris knows exactly how to make me finish and how to make me moan even after all this time, that hasn't changed one bit. His hair has grown out a bit which gave me something to grab onto and pull. I'm so close to telling him to grow it back out and never ever cut it again because I know he'd do it for me. Not to mention his facial hair has come back in and man did I miss the little bit of beard burn that I got when he goes down on me for too long. He'd left the music playing on his phone, probably hoping it'll cover up any noise we were making. His tongue was circling my clit, bringing me closer and closer to my high but taking his sweet time. I felt him chuckle against me as my first orgasm started and that only intensified the pleasure. He didn't even let me come down from it before he was sucking on my clit, using his tongue and teeth to tease me further. I had one hand grabbing a fist full of his hair while the other had a fist full of sheets. Just as I started to reach my second high, he stuck two fingers inside of me and curled them slowly. "Fuck Chris, you're playing dirty tonight." I told him once I'd finished my second high

"I'm just making sure you're ready before I come up for air."

"I'm ready, I've been ready."

"So impatient."

"Yes, I am and you should be used to it by now, it's been years of my impatience."

"Watch the attitude or I'm gonna get out the ball gag so you have no choice but to shut up." He told me with a smirk as he undid his belt standing right in front of me.

"You say that like it would be a punishment for me when it would absolutely not be. You're the one who hates when I can't make noise or talk to you and you're the one who doesn't want to do anything remotely rough with me right now."

"Oh trust me, I want to but it feels wrong because you are pregnant. Once you're all good to go again and we've you've had time to readjust I will take you away and have my way with you for a whole weekend. Plus I'll bring all the toys and gadgets you could ever want."

"Deal, now lay down and shut up." I told him with a smirk

"Yes ma'am." He returned my smirk before kissing me sweetly and going to lie on the bed

As soon as he was situated he was reach for me and helping me get on top of him. "Go slow and don't overdo it, baby." He reminded me

"Just please tell me if I'm too heavy or hurt you."

"I'm Captain America, babe I can handle this."

I immediately busted up laughing at him and took both of his hands while we both laughed together. "I love you, Chrissy, now and forever."

"I love you, Cassie, now and forever."

We took a moment in the silence to just soak in the happiness we felt and the contentment before we got to it. He helped guide my hips slowly along him while he brought his hips up to meet my own. One of our hands was intertwined and I could feel him fiddling with my rings, like he was reminding himself that they were there. We went slow together but that didn't stop him from sending me over the edge several more times before he's finished and helped me lay down next to him. I curled up on my side next to where he lay flat on our bed and just took the time to touch as much of him as I could. My fingers traced over his torso and over the muscles in his arms the way I have a million times before. He sighed deeply as he reached over to rub my arm that was touching him. "What's the sigh for?"

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