Chapter 86

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"Mum, would you like to meet Theo?"

"Yes, please if that's okay with both of you."

"We already talked about it and we aren't ready for you to be alone with him but I do want you to meet him. Then again I'm not really ready to leave him alone with anyone. So far he's only been alone with Chris' brother Scott and Elsa. I'm struggling with leaving him with anyone or being away from him for very long. Sometimes I don't even want Chris to hold him because I want to be the only one that holds him."

"That's okay, I understand and I can remember that feeling from when I had Luke. We can go at your speed here, I'm just excited to see him."

"I'll go bring him down." Chris offered

"Thank you, love."

"Of course, baby."

He kissed my head before he went upstairs to get Theo. "How was labor? Did you have any complications or did you tear anything?"

"It was long and painful but it went well and nothing tore, thank god. He started breastfeeding immediately and he is eating like a champ. Chris thinks he's tiny and I think he's crazy because I had to give birth to that head."

"How big was he?"

"Nine pounds and six ounces and 22 inches long."

"Holy moly, you are right, he was not small at all. I can not believe you did not tear through that."

"Me either but Elsa taught us something to do to help sort of stretch that area so I wouldn't and it seems to have worked." 

"A stretch?"

"Well, Chris had to do it for know..."

"Ew, that's enough Cassie, I am your brother and we do not need to know that your husband stuck his fingers in you to stretch you out." Christopher whined

"It's not like you don't know that he got pregnant or how that happens." I rolled my eyes at him and chucked a pillow at his head

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I need to hear details."

"Get over it, your wife taught me it which means my best guess is that you did it to her so I get to have that visual forever now."

"I've missed your bickering." Mum laughed

I almost hadn't noticed Chris come back down the stairs with Theo cradled in his arms as he smiled down at him. "Leonie, meet your grandson Theo Finnley Evans." Chris told her as he gently handed him to her

She half laughed and half cried as she took him in her arms. "Oh my sweet grandbaby, you're so gorgeous and you look just like your daddy. Cassie, he's so beautiful, he's perfect. You two did so well, I knew you would have the most beautiful babies. Hi Theo, I'm your grandmum and I'm so sorry I haven't been here for you yet but I will be here now in any way I can."

"He is perfect and we've probably all said it about a million times each already because he's just so perfect. That little guy is everything I've ever wanted."

"You always wanted to be a mum and you finally are. How does it feel?"

"It's exhausting and smelly and sometimes I want to just scream but there has never been anything more rewarding in my life. I feel like this is what I was meant to do and he brings me so much peace even when he's screaming in my ear or damn near biting my nipple off."

"You're amazing at so much but I always knew you'd excel at. I'm so proud of you, Cassie, I'm so proud of the woman you've become. You've built a life for yourself and now you've got yourself a family and a beautiful home plus you've got a gorgeous husband."

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