Chapter 42

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Cas' POV...

When Chris got back from putting Dodger up, he seemed off but he insisted that he just put Dodger up and came back. I was going to push him further but I got a message from Jess saying she'd arrived at the house. He took the opportunity to slip back into the wardrobe trailer so I couldn't push for any more answers about what had him so rattled. For the rest of the day, he was quiet but he held my hand as much as he could or kept me as close to him as possible. The ride home didn't make me feel any better since the tension was thick even though he was talking to me like normal. He was talking about getting more baby furniture and when he was going to build it but I could still tell he was freaking out about something. "Chris, are you sure that everything is okay?"

"Yes, baby I'm fine."

"You've been acting off since you went to let Dodge out earlier and you were gone way longer than you needed to be. What's wrong?"

He sighed and looked over at me before taking his hand from mine and moving it to rub my baby bump. "I uh...I talked to your mom and she just..."

"She what Chris? What did she say to you because I swear if she was rude to you then I will call her and rip her a new one?"

"No she wasn't rude about me, she was rude about you."

"Okay, and what's new?"

"No, it's not but it's unbelievable."

"What did she have to say about me this time?"

"She was commenting on your weight and appearance but I already told her off. You're pregnant and you look beautiful, she's blind."

"Thank you."

"Please don't let that get to you, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to upset you right now. But you know how stunning you are right?"

"Yes, I have this amazing husband who tells me every day how stunning I am and I have all these magazines calling me for modeling gigs I can't do because I'm not ready to tell everyone I'm pregnant."

"I just need you to do at least one maternity photoshoot so I can have photos of you looking this beautiful forever."

I laughed because I knew just how serious he was. "I'm going to force you to do at least one with me but you already know you'll get many more opportunities to see me carrying your children. Don't act like you're never going to get to see me pregnant again, we've already discussed our probable army of Evans children."

"I know but I still want to cherish every time I get to see it."

"Are you going to come with me and Jess to dinner?"

"No, I think I'll let you have some alone time with your sister tonight."

"I wish you would come with us, I want you there with me and I want you to get to know Jess too. God knows you're usually a better judge of character than me especially when it comes to people I want to trust. Sometimes I think you're the only person who truly has my best interest at heart."

"I want you to have some time alone with her. If she is genuine and wants to be in your life then I will get to know her in time, I'm in no rush."

"Do you not like her?"

"I didn't say that but she's your sister, not mine and I know which twin I'm always going to prefer. We don't know her very well and I'm still trying to figure out what her intentions are with wanting to get to know you."

"She's my sister, does she need any intentions other than wanting to know her sister?"

"No, but it feels like she has different intentions." 

Forever His (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz