Chapter 25

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"Love, what were we doing 12 weeks ago?" I asked on our way to set for the day 

"Um, that would've been right before you left for Europe so we would've been in Boston. Did you miss your birth control at some point?"

"No, I was still taking it when I was sick during filming. I guess that makes it my fault since I think it was me who wanted to not use protection."

"I'm just confused if your birth control failed or what."

"It could've or maybe something messed with it. We were traveling a lot and I was on several meds for all the sinus issues I was having. God, we're going to have to tell the Russo brothers because I'm going to be showing soon."

"You do have a little bump already, I can't believe we didn't notice."

"I think I was in denial because I was having a ton of symptoms but I didn't even take a test even when you suggested it. Honestly, I should've known. I even had to get bigger pants and I just thought I gained weight again or was bloated. Oh god, I've gone out drinking several times."

"You didn't know and the doctor said everything was normal. Stressing yourself out further isn't going to help you or the baby. Do you still want to go home for Thanksgiving? Are you feeling well enough?"

"We're still going home, we're just going to have to be careful. Maybe we can tell them at Christmas."

"I'll finish packing our stuff tonight since we'll be leaving early tomorrow."

"Do you think Dodge is going to be okay flying?"

"I think he'll do fine and he'll forget about it as soon as he gets back with all of the family."

I realized once we were on set with all of our friends again that I wanted to tell someone even though it was me who asked him not to tell people. Chris was standing next to me sitting in his set chair as he talked to Scarlet. I sat both of my hands over my stomach as I lightly rubbed my small bump. Chris reached his hand to me, likely to hold my hand but I put his hand with mine over my stomach. "What the?" Scarlett asked as she pointed at our hands

"I'm pregnant." I beamed as I smiled at Chris

"And I thought we weren't telling people."

"I know but I wanted to tell someone and I know Scarlett won't tell anyone. She may also be able to give me some advice since she's done this before."

"She's right, I won't tell anyone but I'm happy for you both. How far along are you?"

"12 weeks, we just found out earlier. That's why we were late today, we were at the doctor's to confirm and do our ultrasound."

"Did Chris cry?" 

"We both did. It's not perfect timing but this is what we've wanted for a long time and we just agreed to start trying not too long ago. I guess we're good at accidental pregnancies. Next time let's try to plan for it first." I told him as he interlocked our fingers

"The baby isn't even here yet and she's already planning for the next, pray for me Scar."

"Like you didn't enjoy getting to make the baby too, especially because I know that wasn't a hole in the condom or a miracle thing. You two probably weren't using protection were you? I think someone needs to work on their pullout game." Scarlett teased with a laugh. 

"No someone needs their wife to let them pull out and she was on birth control. I try to pull out or use protection so this is her fault."

"Okay like you didn't tell me that we weren't using any protection and insisted on finishing in me for the entire honeymoon."

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