Chapter 79

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It only took a week before Chris and I were exhausted, running low on non vomit-covered clothes, and living in a very dirty house. His mum has offered but Chris has sworn we are okay and told her to stay away along with everyone else. Seb and Jade were staying with my brother and Elsa for the time being since Jade needs her sleep to grow her baby and Chris has been more than a little testy with everyone other than me, including the dog. That's not to say we haven't snipped at each other more than a few times. Currently, I'm sitting down nursing Theo with Dodger on the couch while Chris rushes around the house picking up things and talking on the phone. I've got no idea who he's talking to and I don't care, my head is throbbing and my nipples are already raw. He's driving me insane but I'm also not in the mood to fight about this so maybe it's time to call in the big dogs. The big dogs would be my brother, his brother, and Sebastian. I'd call in more of them but I can't wait any longer and it would take a long time to get anyone else out here. Trust me if I could get Scarlet or Robert here to help then I would but I'm going to strangle him. "Love, who are you on the phone with?" I asked

"My dad."

"Can you either finish the call upstairs or hang up, my head is killing me."

"Sorry, babe, I will go do the laundry while I talk." he told me before kissing my head and running off

When Theo was done eating I got him settled into the cloth baby wrap that goes all around my body. He cooed at me while I worked on the dishes but he was otherwise quiet even when I started making some lunch for Chris and me. While I cooked, I hummed or sang softly to him so he would fall asleep. I love carrying him like this, he's so warm and snuggly against my chest plus his soft little head is close so I can give him a million kisses and smell the sweet newborn smell. He's got such a full head of dark hair just like Chris's and Theo looks so much like his daddy's baby photos. I'm absolutely head over heels in love with my sweet boy and not even the sound of his dad screaming at someone could ruin this sweet moment with my son. Except for when the screaming didn't stop for several minutes. "Oh lord my little chunky monkey, let's go check on your daddy. I wish he was as quiet and sweet as you right now so I wouldn't be considering choking him or smacking him upside his pretty head." I told him quietly

Theo and I made our way to the laundry room and found Chris yelling on the phone still in the middle of all the laundry. He didn't notice us at first so I tried to block Theo's ears a little to prevent him from crying but it failed. Theo started wailing about the time Chris turned to see us standing there. "Can you hang up, please? I made lunch and now I've got a crying baby to deal with."

"Yes, I'm sorry, Dad I have to go because Theo is crying and Cassie needs me."

"Why are you screaming at him anyway?" I asked while I lightly bounced Theo

"It's not important."

"It's important enough that you're in here screaming while I'm fixing lunch and holding our son who's barely over a week old. Do me a favor and take your screaming matches outside." I snapped at him before leaving the room

"Wait, where are you going? What can I do to help you?"

"Be quiet, that's what you can do since I still have a headache oh, and eat the lunch I bothered to fix for us."

"Baby wait."

"No, I'm going to go deal with Theo crying and then put him down for a nap. I need a shower and then I will do laundry and clean up. You go scream at everyone you need to."

I didn't wait for him to respond, I just went upstairs to lay Theo down. Luckily he calmed down easily and I was able to put him down. Chris came into the room while I was standing there watching him sleep so peacefully and came over to kiss Theo. "I'm sorry for yelling, thank you for making food and taking care of our booger."

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