Chapter 68

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 Chris did his best to help my brother and Elsa pack before we left for LA, but he always ended up distracted taking care of me. They would all be returning to Boston in a few days, likely before us. The plane ride back was just as painful as before but at least we were learning how to manage the pain. It had been amazing to be back in Australia for even just a week, but I was getting more anxious to go back home to Boston. I missed seeing his mum and Scott the most, but I also missed his niece and nephews. Mostly, I just know that once we are home it will be peaceful, and we'll be there for a while. We'll finally have some stability and peace after all the chaos we've experienced this year. It also meant that Theo would likely be here soon, in less than two months. I spent the whole day when we got back sleeping or sitting outside our bedroom to soak up the sun and warmth before we moved. That's the one thing I will miss the most, the weather and the beautiful view from our house. Today he was headed off to his interview and I was going to take it easy. Sebastian and Jade were busy, so it was just me today, but Chris would only be gone for a few hours. We'd be heading back to Boston tomorrow and I'd be refusing to step on a plane for the next like six months after this.  

Dodger and I were sitting outside when I heard a noise from inside the house. Maybe Chris came home early from his interview, or it didn't last as long as we thought it would. I left Dodge in the yard while I went inside since Chris doesn't always like it when Dodger jumps on him right inside the door. "Chris, is that you?" I called as I came out of our room toward the kitchen

There was no response but he sometimes wears his earbuds so he probably just couldn't hear me and didn't think to text me before he came home. I walked into the kitchen and saw no one so I went to the living room and still saw no one. Maybe he went back to the garage, so I opened the door and realized our car was still gone. My heart sank when I heard a noise from upstairs again. I took off as fast as I could toward our bedroom closet and went to the bottom drawer of my dresser to find what I'd hidden there after what happened with Jess. Chris didn't know I'd bought this, but it made me feel safer to have it. We already know she's willing to hurt not only me but Theo too so if this is what I have to do then fine. I pulled out the pistol I'd bought secretly and tucked it into the side of my pants before pulling my shirt over it. The safety was on but just knowing I may need it was enough to make my heart pound. My phone was outside, and I didn't want to risk letting Dodger in and him getting hurt so I couldn't call anyone for help. Luckily, Chris installed a home phone in the kitchen and upstairs in his office for when I lose my phone and because he may as well be a dinosaur when it comes to technology. All I had to do was get to the home phone and call the police or even the security team. I crept out of the bedroom and back toward the kitchen as quietly as I could. My heart was pounding, and I felt like I was going to throw up because I was so anxious. 

"Jess, if it's you then please just turn around and leave. I know you're mad at me but hurting me and your nephew won't help you have my life, it'll just guarantee you don't ever have your own. We can get you help and then we can work on being sisters. You can be part of my life and Theo's. I already know my brothers would accept you into our family and love you just like they love me. We have the sweetest niece ever too and she'd adore you. Just walk away and don't do this." I lied out loud as I got closer to the kitchen

There was no response just another noise from the kitchen or the living room somewhere. All of the house was dark, only lit up by the few windows in the living room and one in the kitchen. The sound of my own heart had made it so I could barely hear and my sharp breaths made me an easy target. I saw no one in the kitchen so I went for the phone but as soon as I reached for it, I felt someone grab ahold of me. Suddenly there was a knife right against my neck and someone pulling me back away from the phone. "It's too late, Cas, your life will be mine. I know your precious brothers or husband would accept me. As long as you are alive there will never be peace for me. I thought I had your parents on my side but now that you've cut them off, they've cut me off. Once you're dead Chris will have no choice but to be with me and if your son manages to live through it then he'll need a mum."

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