Chapter 64

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Can and Sanem, went straight to Miriban's to see the babies. Aziz and Miriban were happy to see, the couple happy and rested. The babies saw their parents and got excited, they were smiling and kicking their legs
CAN: Sanem, look at them they're so happy to see us. I love when I see them so happy and excited."
SANEM: "me too Can, there adorable"
They picked them up and started kissing them and hugging them.
MIRIBAN: "Sanem, they were so good!! They got up for their normal feedings, and slept again. Whenever you need us, we're here."
SANEM: "thank you so much for having them, this little get away was good for both of us. And I was so exhausted."
MIRIBAN: "I know dear, listen, if you ever need anything from me, all you have to do is ask I'm always here for you." Sanem teared up and hugged Miriban.
The next couple of days, it was busy at the agency. Arzu, still tried to make her advances to Can, but he brushed her off. He made Deran, train her.
The nursery will be done this week and next week Sanem will be starting work again.
Can was trying to make it home as early as he could.
He was home by seven every night. They would sit together have dinner and talk and laugh, like they did beforez. no more Saturdays at work, only if it was necessary.
Osman announced that Guliz and him got engaged.
SANEM: "Can, we have all these weddings coming up.
It's so exciting. And all the couples met at the Agency.
Isn't that something."
CAN: yes it is my sweet wife, but they did have a little help. (He pinches her cheek.)
SANEM: "I just pointed them in the right direction."
CAN: "yes you did, and everything worked out. I love you my little matchmaker!"
SANEM: "I love you too my handsome husband."
It was Monday morning and Can and Sanem were getting the twins ready to take them to the nursery and Sanem could get back to work.
CAN: "how do you feel bebek going back to Work after all this time?"
SANEM: "I'm so happy Can, but I'm even more happy that I can be with the kids whenever I want and they'll be near me"
CAN: "I feel the same way, I love having you near me all the time and having the babies there too is an added bonus."
they decided to take the twins up to the agency first, so the employees can see them. They were All, so excited to see the twins. And it seems the twins were happy to, they were smiling and cooing to everyone, like they were trying to carry on a conversation.
Arzu, showed up and gave Sanem the dirtiest look. And then a sarcastic smile. But Sanem was ready for her, just try, was the look Sanem gave her.
They took the babies to the nursery and went back to Can's office to work. Sanem went to make some tea.
ARZU: "hello Sanem, I see your back at work, and you took my spot next to Can."
SANEM: "Yes! I'm back at work in my spot next to my hot handsome husband, where I belong and where he wants me to be, the spot was never yours, you have your own desk. So go sit your trashy ass down and do some work."
ARZU: "excuse me, how dare you talk to me like that!"
SANEM : "oh I dear!! How dare you try to seduce a married man!! Oh but wait only a trashy desperate woman  would try to steal another woman's husband!!You know what's funny, if I would have asked him what you looked like he wouldn't have even known. That's how interested he was in you!"
Now they had an audience.
ARZU; "if you wouldn't have been the jealous wife, and come that day, he probably would've had me in is his bed already." Sanem started laughing hard, but was keeping calm surprisingly.
SANEM: "first I wasn't jealous, I came to visit my husband at work, so he can see the twins because he missed them! Second if you would have been in his bed, it would have been pretty crowded because I would be there two, and sometimes the twins" and what makes you think that he would want you anyway, there's nothing special about you."
ARZU: "well, look at me and look at you. You gained weight, you're plain, nothing special."
SANEM: "actually I didn't gain weight, it's all from the pregnancy, but you already know that. Plus Can likes me this way, more to grab as he always says."
Arzu was getting angry. 
Deran, Leyla, Can and Emre were listening to the conversation. And the rest of the Agency.
DERAN: "do you think we should go help Sanem?"
CAN:  "I think she's handling it very well. Look at Guliz she's keeping count. Arzu 0 and Sanem 5, Sanem is ahead" they start laughing. "God I love that spitfire of mine!!"
LEYLA: "I agree, I love when Sanem gets into a heated argument. She has some good comebacks.!" "She always has to have the last word"
AZRU:  "look at your ass it's to big!"
SANEM: ( Sanem yells to Can)"Hey Can, do you like my ass.?"
CAN:  "bebek I love your ass!! And every part of your beautiful body."
SANEM: "I guess he answered your question, anymore that you need answered " Arzu was steaming. "
I thought so!" Now get back to work!! Shut your mouth because next time you will be out of a job.!
ARZU: you can't fire me, only Can, Emre, or Aziz. Can.
SANEM: "see that's where you're wrong! I will fire you and I can!" She yells back at Can. " hey Can, can I fire Arzu"
CAN: "Yes, you can! You and Leyla are Bosses now too since you married us, so you can do whatever you want!!"
SANEM: " you're fired!! get your trashy ass out of here. And don't you dare put us down for a reference, because it wouldn't be good for you, I will tell them everything you did and tried to do." You Weren't that good anyway!
ARZU: "are you serious, I'm fired!"
SANEM : "what did you think, that you could come in here, and try to steal my husband, which as you know didn't work,  and think it would have been okay with it. all you did was make a fool out of yourself, and in front of everyone here at the agency.
Aziz heard everything!
AZIZ: "I agree with Sanem, you're fired, I should have fired you sooner, when I told you to dress more business like, but you didn't do what I told you. So to answer your question again you're fired!! Good bye!!"
Everyone starts clapping they hated Arzu, she always thought she was above everyone. And they saw how she tried to break up Can and Sanem . She looked at everyone, took her stuff and walked out!!
Sanem walks back to Can, grabs him and lays one big passionate kiss on him.. he grabs her and starts kissing her back.  He whispers in her ear. "leave the babies at Miriban's, it's me and you tonight baby!!" She Started giggling.
And everyone started clapping again at the happy couple.
The rest of the week was going great, work was caught up, they hired someone else in Arzu's place. And the twins were doing great!!
Metin came by the office to fill us in on the verdict on Gamze.
METIN: "well I got great news. Gamze will be going away for a long time, thirty years, with psychiatric help without the possibility of parole. The judge seems to be very angry with her. She still thinks she's innocent.
But she got what she deserved."
SANEM: "wow. Metin that's great!! Everyone is were they should be, I feel so much better." Can hugged her tight.
METIN: "ok guys, see on Saturday!! Do you believe I'm actually getting married!"
CAN: "actually I do, you deserve all the happiness, and Deran is a good person."
They hugged each other and Metin left.
Can and Sanem were on their way to the wedding, the twins were staying with Sanem's parents tonight.
Deran and Metin's wedding was beautiful, every one had a wonderful time.
SANEM: "Can, it was a beautiful wedding wasn't it."
CAN: "yes it was my love, since we're by ourselves tonight let's have our own little party."no babies to keep us up, just me and your beautiful body next to mine all night."
SANEM: "you're right Can, I'm really tired, let's get some sleep"
CAN: "I think you know that's not what I was thinking"
He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder and lays her on the bed. Sanem starts laughing,
SANEM: "I think someone had to much to drink "
CAN: " not that much, because I know exactly what I'm doing." They spent the rest of the night, making love and cuddling together.
SANEM: "I love cuddling with you my big bear. But now we have to go get the babies"
CAN: "okay, I miss them, the house seems empty without them. To quiet."
SANEM: "it does, although I did enjoy you all night."
CAN: "me too bebek, I love when your naked all night in bed with me"
SANEM: "me too, maybe next weekend again, my parents love having them spend the night."
CAN: "next weekend it is!"
The next several months were busy with weddings and work, the babies first birthdays were coming up. Leyla should be having her babies soon too. And in a couple of months Can and Sanem will have their first anniversary. Life is good. Can and Sanem are feeling blessed.

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