Chapter 61

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Can and Sanem, got to the hospital, he picked her up and carried her into the ER. The Nurses were looking at Can and smiling. They took Sanem into the room to get her situated and asked Can to wait outside until they were ready for him to go in.
Meanwhile, everyone one showed up at the hospital, and I mean everyone, friends and family. Can just smiled, feeling blessed that so many people loved them and their babies. In the meantime Metin was filling in everyone on what happened at the farm, Sanem's parents, Leyla and Emre were worried about her.
Aziz and Miriban, were consoling the Aydins.
The doctor came out, and told everyone that Sanem is doing fine and the babies are doing well, so they shouldn't worry. She's 7 centimeters dilated it's going to be a while yet before she delivers but they're all welcome to wait upstairs in the waiting room, outside of the room that she's going to deliver in. They all thanked the doctor and went to the maternity ward waiting room.
CAN: "we have a parade of friends and family waiting in the waiting room for the arrival of our babies."
They both started giggling. " how are you feeling princess.?"
SANEM: "I'm good, the contractions are painful, but good otherwise."
CAN: "Sanem, I have to ask you how did you manage to hit her over the head with a rolling pin?"
SANEM: "honestly, I don't know all of a sudden I got this burst of energy and I kept thinking to myself. She's not going to hurt my babies and she's not going to take me away from you, there's no way in hell I'm going to let her win. I hit her on the head with the rolling pin two times and knocked her out."
CAN: "that's my Girl!!""your one tough cookie."
Sanem just smiled and scratched his beard.
A couple of hours have passed and she was almost ready to deliver. And she was really starting to feel the contractions, She refused the epidural, she figured after what she's been through. She felt that she could handle the pain.
SANEM: "Can, I love the scrubs on you. You look like a doctor."
CAN: "I can take them home and play doctor and patient with you when you're better."Sanem starts to giggle and Can is loving the sound and how red she's getting.
SANEM: "I can't wait!"
DOCTOR: "okay Sanem are you ready to start pushing?"
Sanem was ready she was exhausted.
DOCTOR: "okay Sanem push!"Can was holding her up and Sanem was pushing. It took several pushes and the doctor announced " Can and Sanem you have a beautiful baby girl! The nurses clapped they were happy for this beautiful couple.
"Okay let's see what baby number two is are you ready Sanem?" Sanem was exhausted, she was tearing, " Can, I'm so tired, I don't know if I can do it." " baby look at me, I'm here, little Yildiz wants her sister you can do this, he gives her a kiss and helps her up again and she starts pushing again, it took a little longer but the baby was out.
DOCTOR; " and it's a girl congratulations!!"
Can and Sanem were crying!! They couldn't believe that they had two little girls.
NURSE: "what name do you want for the second baby?"and they both said Azra!! The doctor was finishing up Sanem and Can was watching the nurse clean up the babies. The nurse gave one baby to Can and the other to Sanem, they were both crying.
The nurse took a picture of the happy family together.
SANEM: "Can, they're taking the babies back to the nursery to check them out. Go to the waiting room and tell everyone that the babies are here."
CAN: "okay, I'll be back soon!"
Can went into the delivery room very emotional, and told everyone that they have two beautiful baby girls, Yildiz and Azra!! Everyone was hugging him congratulating him. The parents and siblings were crying. After a while everyone left except for the parents and Leyla and Emre. The grandparents and Emre and Leyla went in to see Sanem and the babies. They were all so happy and excited.
EMRE: "hey Can, those golden sperms produced beautiful baby girls." They laughed and Can grabbed Emre's head and started messing up his hair.
Can spent the night with Sanem and the babies. 
SANEM: "Can, aren't you tired, if you want to go home and sleep, I'll be okay."
CAN: "are you kidding? I'm not going anywhere. My place is here with you and the girls. my girls.!"
He's gets in bed with her and holds her tight and kisses her and " by the way, your mother packed her suitcase she's moving in for the next month."
Sanem starts laughing, " I'm sorry Can, but we knew this would happen."
CAN: "I'm fine with it. You know I love your mother."
The babies were doing fine, and eating well from Sanem. Metin came in to talk to Sanem and Can.
METIN:  "hi you two, how are you feeling Sanem."      SANEM: "I'm tired but good, the doctor said we can go home tomorrow."
METIN: "that's good to hear. By the way they are adorable, they have alot of hair."They both started laughing.
CAN: "I guess between Sanem and I, they're going to have a full head of hair."
METIN: listen I stopped to give you some good news.
The judge decided no court, he's going to decide soon on her punishment. He felt this was premeditated and it was. They have the evidence. So when I find out I will let you know."
CAN: "thank you Metin.  This is great news. That's the last thing Sanem needs is to see her in court."
METIN: "I agree, well I'm off, see you guys soon! Once you feel better, we will come by with Deran."
SANEM: "sounds great Metin! Thank you for everything!"
Can and Sanem spent the rest of the day with the babies.
SANEM: "Can, I think the girls look like you a little."
CAN: "are you kidding, they're all you, they're beautiful like there mommy "
SANEM: "you know Can, we make beautiful babies together."
CAN: "we do, and I loved making them with you. I would love to make some more with you.  Not yet though maybe in a couple of years."
SANEM: "I will definitely make some more with you, but we can practice a lot in between."
CAN: "bebek, don't worry, we will definitely be practicing a lot!!" They smiled at each other, and held each other while the babies slept.
The Babies and Sanem have been home for a couple of weeks. Mommy and babies are doing fine. They are getting a lot of help from Mevcabi and Miriban, the grandmothers were loving helping with the babies.
Can was working from home, and he was a big help with the babies. Even the babies sensed Can when he was near, they would hear his voice and they would try to turn their little heads to see where he was. It almost looked like they had little smiles on their faces.
The babies were almost two months old and doing great. Sanem was exhausted, the night feedings were hard.  But Can helped as much as he could, he couldn't help much with the feedings because she was breast feeding. But he loved bathing them. Can walked in the babies room when Sanem was feeding Yildiz.
CAN: "hey bebek, are you almost done ? Did you feed Azra?"
SANEM: "yes, I did, Yildiz is almost done."
CAN: "great, I ll be waiting for you. And he winks at her."
SANEM: "Can, I still have to get the ok from the doctor."
CAN: "I know, but there is other things we can do, and I'm thirsty for some milk." She starts giggling and getting a shy smile on her face. " my love, you still get shy with me, I love it, you're so sweet."
SANEM: "I can't help it, you just make me melt."
They put Yildiz back to bed, and they go into their bedroom. Sanem went to put her night gown on. She didn't want Can to see her naked. Can sees Sanem coming out of the bathroom.
CAN: "Sanem, why did you change in the bathroom.?"she puts her head down.
SANEM: "Can, I look different, I don't know if you will like what you see."she has unshed tears in her eyes.
CAN: "Sanem, you just had our babies. And you're still beautiful, even more so now My love. I love everything about your body. Don't be embarrassed."please let me show you." Can started to kiss her, then go down her neck, " Sanem you smell so good" " I smell like baby milk " and she starts to giggle. " Bebek, it's time for me to try some of that milk." And he did. " tastes good my love, a-little sweet. I love it and I love you." "Wait till the doctor gives you the okay, we're dropping the kids off at their grandparents." Sanem was in heaven,.
SANEM: "Can I just love you so much, I just want to please you all the time, you're so good to me"
And she starts crying.
CAN: "bebek, I love you, you know that. I would do anything for you. You're my other half . Nothing can ever change that." He takes her and squeezes her tight and she cuddles into him. With her face in his neck.
And they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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