Chapter 6

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AZIZ:   Good morning my lions, how are.  Tell me what's going on.
CAN :  "we're good baba, just alittle concerned about the Agency, Emre was telling me that, there is a leak in the agency, did you know about this dad?"
AZIZ:  I did, i've been trying to figure out who's been leaking our rough drafts to other advertising companies, and they end up winning our accounts. That's why Can I asked you to come in because together with Emery, I think you can figure this out.
EMRE:  "dad, funds are getting low, I might have to layoff some people, probably part timers , until we resolve this problem."
AZIZ: I agree son, I hate to do it, but unfortunately it Has to be done give them two weeks notice. 
They said their goodbyes and left for work.
CAN:  "Emre, how about if we fire Aylin first. She doesn't do much anyway, all she does is boss people around and tries to cause problems."
EMRE: "I agree, uff, I'll never hear the end of it, but this way, I can hopefully get her out of my life for good and work on Leyla."( and he smiles)
CAN:  "I agree!! But look at you with that smile on your face,  I think you've been smitten, Leyla is a good girl, but definitely not the type you always dated"
EMRE:  "true brother, she is special, she's a natural beauty not fake.  She is who she is.  What about you, Sanem seems to be on your mind lately."nothing like those hot, flashy women that you dated. Don't get me wrong Sanem is beautiful, but not flashy at all.
CAN:  "Sanem is definitely special, even in high school, I loved being around her.  She's unique, I never met anyone like her. And no she's nothing like the other girls, they were just easy, they were always willing, you know, those women that we dated just wanted money and status, and just like you, I was young and I'm a guy, what did I know , ( and they laughed) but Sanem, I always want to be around her, she's smart creative. She loves the things I love and I gotta tell you she's a real Spitfire! man when she gets mad she gets mad and she looks adorable. Sometimes I like to tease her just to see her get angry."
EMRE: "Wow! Brother you sound like you're in love!"
CAN: "just like you".    EMRE: "Na , I'm just starting to get to know her." And they both look at each other and laugh. 
EMRE: But, we have two problems Aylin and Polen. It's not gonna be easy breaking up with him not that we were really couples with them but you know how they are. I haven't even been with her for months, she doesn't do anything for me.  But she still thinks we're a couple.
CAN:  Same here, I didn't even invite her to the gallery that night, and she showed up on her own. I bet you Aylin told her about it, and she showed up unexpected. She was the last person I wanted to see. I don't even call her anymore,  she knew I saw other women besides her and I'm sure she did the same. I never committed anything to her and she knew it. I told her, but I think she has different ideas and I have to put an end to it.
EMRE:  " Geeez, brother you were kind of a playboy, I guess your playboy days are over?" And they start laughing."
CAN:  "Just like you brother.  Time to settle down.  You know what's funny I never wanted a family before,  now I want the whole package, a wife and kids,  isn't that something the world traveler the free spirit, the wild child as dad would say, coming home to settle down"
EMRE: "I hear you, I feel the same way." "So, let's tell the part timers on Monday, that we're letting them go. I don't want to ruin the rest of the week for them.
CAN:  "I agree,  but please let me do the firing when it comes to Aylin it will make my day!"
EMRE: "she's all yours Can, but I'm sure she will have alot to say to me.  I have to mentally prepare myself."
Sanem and Leyla got to work a little early. Sanem made her tea and filled a thermos and took it into Can's office and put on his desk with a note "" good morning CAN BEY! I have prepared your tea , it should last you through the whole day! Enjoy! Sanem.""
Can came in looking for Sanem, but she was nowhere, probably didn't come in yet.  He goes to the office and sees the thermos and the note on his desk, and starts laughing.  " ah Sanem ah, if you think you can avoid my all day, it's not going to happen. 
CAN: "CeCe, where is Sanem.  CECE:   "She's in the file room Can bey, can I help you with something ?"
CAN:  "No, you can't help me with what I need." CeCe just looked at Can confused, what can he possibly want that I can't do for him. He shook his head and went back to work.
Can walks into the file room and see Sanem standing on a stool trying to grab some thing from the top shelf, all of a sudden the leg cracks and the stool topples over and Sanem goes flying into Can's arms. Her face very close to his. Sanem was shocked, she couldn't believe what just happened and where she landed.
SANEM: "Can Bey, you can put me down now." ( she's getting all flustered, ) he's just looking at her in the eyes and then her lips. He just wants to taste those beautiful plump lips.)  He comes to his senses.
CAN:  "I don't know, I think I'll just walk around All day carrying you, your very light it wouldn't bother me at all, actually I would enjoy it."(and he comes in closer to sniffs her neck.) "plus I could smell you all day."
And he gives her a breath taking smiles.
Sanem is staring at him wide eyed, trying to come to her senses, meanwhile she's beat red. She takes a deep breath and clears her throat and says  " Can Bey, looking at you and how big you are, I wouldn't doubt it, you probably could carry me around all day. But I think you should put me down please." He puts her down and Can noticed how embarrassed she was, she has her head down smoothing her clothes down.  He lifts her chin up with his  hand and looks into her eyes and says, "Sanem, don't be embarrassed I will always be there to catch you" He slowly backs her into the wall comes very close to her,  his mouth is very close to hers, " next time you bring me tea, I want two teas in a glass, one for me and one for you, and I want you next to me we will drink it together." He rubs his nose with hers smells her neck and walks out.
Sanem Was trembling, she is so hot all over,what was that, (girl he wants you, and you are in love. He is hot and sexy!! He is isn't he,  I never felt anything like that before. WOW!!) Sanem was trying to recover, from what just happened, she sat in her chair with a huge smile on her face. And Can wished he could take a cold shower right about now!!

When we meet again Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant