Chapter 44

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Sinan was waiting at the restaurant when Sanem, got there.
SINAN: welcome Sanem, I'm glad you made it.
SANEM:  "hi Sinan, I'm looking forward to seeing the gang, is anyone here yet?"
SINAN: "no not yet, Ela and Baris are running late, they're all coming together, they should be here soon, well depending on traffic too. You know how Istanbul traffic is, a nightmare,"
SANEM: "yes, it is, that's why I prefer the train, instead of driving, much easier "
The waiter came over and they both ordered a glass of wine.
Time was going by pretty fast, for Sanem and Sinan, they we were talking about old times with friends and how much trouble they used to get into .
SINAN: "it's so nice getting together talking about old times Sanem, when I saw you again the first time at the agency , it brought back a-lot of memories. Do you know back in grade school, I had such a crush on you."
SANEM: "oh, really I never knew that, well look at Baris and Ela, who would have thought them to be married. I guess some things are meant to be. And some aren't."
SINAN: "I guess your right "( feeling disappointed)
SANEM: "they are taking long, I'm getting hungry."
SINAN: "they will be here soon, Baris texted me, let's order some appetizers until they get here"
Can met Gamze, at the restaurant, they were a little early, so they ordered a drink.
CAN:  "they should be here soon, I'm pretty excited to see them."
GAMZE:  "yes, they're looking forward to seeing you , too." You lost contact with everyone Can. It's like you dropped off the face of the earth."
CAN: "well my job kept me busy. Different countries, remote places." Sometimes I would be away for a year "
GAMZE: "well it's good that you're back, now we can get together more often." Can didn't say anything.
"Can , let's order some appetizers, till they get here, and another drink."
CAN: they are taking long, probably traffic.
GAMZE: "yes, probably they should be here soon. 
Can, whatever happened to Polen, you were together for a while"
CAN: "we were off and on. Nothing serious, not like you and Kerem. You guys were very serious from what I remember."
GAMZE:"well, obviously not that serious if he could cheat on Me"
CAN: "are you sure he cheated on you? He doesn't strike me that type."
GAMZE: "yes I'm sure, let's talk about something else. That's along time ago." Can could tell she was getting irritated.
SANEM:  "Sinan, they're really taking long, I can't sit here all night." Mevcabi wants me home early". And she laughs.
SINAN: "your mom is still the sergeant, (he laughs) I remember her she was tough"
SANEM: "she still is.!" It's her way or the highway!"
Can is getting irritated, his friends didn't show up.  She better not have tricked him.
CAN:  "Gamze, I'll wait a half hour more,  if they don't come I'm leaving."you better have told me the truth that they were coming."
GAMZE:  "they will be here.  Is it that bad that you're here with me Can, am I that bad to look at."
CAN: "Gamze, if you think tonight will bring us together, you're wrong, I still love Sanem, I always will!
Do you understand."
GAMZE: "okay Can relax, just so you know, if you do change your mind I will wait for you"
CAN: "that won't happen.!"half hour more that's it."
SANEM: "I'm getting irritated, did you lie to me are they even coming?"
SINAN: "Sanem, of course I didn't lie to you" and she sees Sinan look at the other end of the restaurant.
SANEM: "oh are they here ?" She turns and she sees Can at the table with Gamze, and Gamze is trying to get very close to Can. "What is Can doing here with Gamze? Did you know that they were here?"
SINAN: "no I'm just as surprised as you are."
Sanem gets up to go to there table.
SINAN: Sanem where are you going?
SANEM: "I want to see what Can is doing here with Gamze by themselves!" She gets up starts walking towards there table. Gamze sees her coming from the side of her eye. She grabs Can and Kisses him on the lips as passionately as she can. Can is caught off guard, and then he pushes her away, " what the hell are you doing. Don't ever do that again.
SANEM: "Can, are you on a date with Gamze?"
CAN: No, Sanem, she tricked me , she said that we're meeting friends and they never showed up.
GAMZE: Can, tell her the truth, that you want me not her.!
CAN: "that will never happen, I don't want you! Sanem what are you doing here with Sinan,?"
SANEM: "we're supposed to be meeting friends, and they never showed up. It looks like I've been lied to.
I'm leaving."
"No you're not , we have to talk!"Can grabs Sanem' s hand and takes her to the other side of the restaurant.
Gamze and Sinan are happy, there hoping that there plan will cause distrust and they will separate for good.
SANEM: "Can, do you believe them? I can't believe they set us up."
CAN: "I believe it they're both very shady. They want us to distrust each other..  they think that we will get mad at each other and never get back together, what a stupid plan."
SANEM: "they're watching us, well they have a big surprise coming" we're getting back together now."
CAN: "you think it's a good Idea?"
SANEM: yes, we have to put an end to it. We're getting married in three weeks, how long can this game go on.
CAN: "ok, let go over there now."
GAMZE: "I'm sorry Sanem, that you had to see Can and I together."
CAN: "together how Gamze, I don't understand, were not together and never have been. Don't you think you lied enough." Actually it's good that the two of you did this, now we realized that we want to be together. Thank you!"
SANEM:  "Gamze, the villager won but then again I told you I would! And Sinan don't ever come near me again.What happened to you, you use to be so nice"
SINAN: "Sanem, I'm sorry she forced me, I'm really sorry, she threatened me with my job."
SANEM: "excuses, go away I never want to see you again!"and compass can find another Agency.
GAMZE: "Can, you're going to be sorry, I promise you, you will regret not wanting to be with me."
CAN: "you can't force someone to love you. I think you need help."let's go get dinner Sanem we're done here."
He grabs her hand and takes her to the other end of the restaurant, Sinan, left, Gamze got up to leave, looked at Sanem and Can and just smiled. And walked out.
SANEM: what do you think, do think this is over?"
CAN: "I doubt it, but at least she knows that we're together and she can't break us up."
SANEM:  "Can, I'm just happy that we don't have to hide anymore."
CAN: "let's eat, and get out of here.if you want we can go to the hut and celebrate." She starts laughing,
SANEM: "Can Divit, do you ever think of anything else."
CAN: "not when it comes to you bebek." I Always want you." He caresses her cheek, and takes her hand and kisses it.
SANEM: "You're such a charmer, but you still have to wait till our wedding night."
They enjoyed the rest of the evening together, making plans for their honeymoon.
CAN: "do you mind if Emre and Leyla go first and then we can go the week after. So one of us can be at the agency."
SANEM:  "Can, it doesn't bother me, whatever you want I'm happy."
CAN: "ok, let's get going, if you want we can go to the beach for the day tomorrow."
SANEM: "yes, please I love the beach it's so relaxing."
They got up to leave, "did you drive Can?" " yes, I'm fine don't worry I didn't drink to much."
SANEM: "it's a beautiful night Can isn't it."
CAN: "it, is."
SANEM: "I forgot my scarf Can. I'm going to run in and get it real quick."
CAN: "wait I'll go." SANEM: Can. Please I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Can turned to walk to the car and he hears shrieking of tires and screaming, he turns and sees Sanem on the ground.
Sanem! Sanem! He runs to her she's unconscious, Sanem my love wake up.  He's screaming, please Someone call an ambulance, please!! Can is on top of her crying, he sees blood, a lot of blood. 
The ambulance came, sir let us do our job, please,
EMT: she's breathing, and stable let's get her to the hospital.
CAN: "please let me ride with her." They allowed  him to ride with her.  Can kept  thinking how did this happen, I should have went, why did I let her go. He's crying, he's holding her hand, says, Sanem , my love please wake up.  We have a wedding coming up.  We will go where ever you want. Open those beautiful big brown eyes for me. I love you, my life.  The EMT is watching Can, and she has tears in her eyes.  She prays silently for this couple and for Sanem to recover quickly.
They got to the hospital, they took Sanem straight to the ER and had Can wait in the waiting room.
Sanem's parents show up with Leyla. 
NIHAT: son what happened, Can was trying to explain, but couldn't stop Crying, Mevcabi, took him and sat him down, and she hugged him. " Can, son, Sanem is going to be ok, she's a fighter."
CAN:  "I told her I would go back in for her scarf, but she wouldn't listen and then before you knew it I turned around and she was on the ground."
Aziz, Meriban and Emre showed up.
The police came to talk to Can.
DETECTIVE: "Can Bey, we're investigating the accident. The car that hit your girlfriend didn't stop, but kept going."
CAN: "What, I don't understand.  Did anyone see anything,"
The police are talking to witnesses, as soon as we have more information we will contact you.
Can, was going crazy, " what's taking so long, when is someone going to come out and talk to us."
EMRE: Can, the doctors have to do their job.  They will be out soon I'm sure."
The doctor comes out. "Can Bey?" "I'm here"
Let's just say she's serious but stable. Considering the hit, nothing is broken, but her body is bruised. When she hit the ground she hit her head.  That's wear she was bleeding from. We're taking her for an MRI to make sure there is no eternal injuries,  we're just waiting on some blood work to come back.  But I think she will be ok.  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
" she will probably be out for awhile.  Don't expect her to wake up any time soon."
"Thank you Doctor, when can we see her?" " I will give you each five minutes each. And when she goes to her room, then you can spend more time with her."    "Thank you doctor." They all took turns to go see her.
Can, was still tearing, when Mevcabi came back out.
MEVCABI: "son, please don't cry, this is not your fault. Don't blame yourself. It was an accident. Things like this happen.  The important thing is that she will be okay" they hugged , each other, and the doctor came and gave them her room number so they can go wait for her there, they will bring her up soon.
They brought Sanem, up to her room.  Aziz and Miriban went home.  Leyla and Emre were going to leave and come back in the morning. Her parents were getting ready to leave and also come back in the morning. Can, decided to stay the night. He wouldn't leave her side.
NIHAT: "Can are you sure you don't want to go home and get some rest."
CAN: "No, I want to stay close just in case she wakes up. If she does wake up I will call you right away."
Can held her hand, and kept kissing it. The nurse came in to check her vitals and hands Can her necklace with there rings on it. " can I put the rings on her now , I want her to see them when she wakes up." The nurse smiled and told him it was fine.
He put her rings on and then his kisses her hand. 
Good night my love, sweet dreams.

When we meet again Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora