Chapter 1

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Sanem Ayden is 14 years old , she's a smart, beautiful girl, who dreams of becoming a famous romantic writer one day. living in the Mahalle with her parents . Mevcabi and Nihat. And her older sister Leyla which is 16. Leyla will be graduating high school this year with honors and will be attending college for accounting.
Sanem just found out about her scholarship, ran home to tell him her parents. She so was excited!!
SANEM : "baba , Anne!! I received a full scholarship in the most prestigious high school in Istanbul, in September. That's where I'll be going to finish up high school. Do you believe it? I had the highest grades out of everyone in my grade I'm so excited do you know what kind of opportunities it will open up for college."
Her parents were so proud of her, but alittle worried, because these students come from a different world and she might have a hard time adjusting, but then again, if they know their daughter, she could take care of herself.

Can is 18, and comes from a wealthy family, his father owns Great Idea, an advertising company. His biological mother left him and his younger brother Emre, who is 16. When they were very young. Emre is alittle more reserved. We're Can, is kind of a wild card, he's a free bird. Next spring he will be graduating high school and will be going to college in Italy, for marketing and minor in photography. He also loves to learn different languages. His father's dream is to have his sons take over the agency, Emre is willing to do it but, Can, wants to travel and see the world.

It was the first day of school and Sanem is very nervous, dressed in a pair of jeans, sneakers and a white crop top, she's ready, " it's now or never Sanem Ayden, you can do this don't let anyone tell you can't!"(awww my voice of reason starting already.")

Sanem went to her first class and introduced herself to the teacher, and then the teacher introduced her to the class explaining that she is a new student, and that if she needs anything they should help her.
Two girls in class were snickering and looking at her up and down, Polen and Aylin. Sanem, just decided to ignore them. But it didn't seem that these girls were going to make it easy for her.
Can noticed, the new girl, she seemed very sweet and shy. But noticed his girlfriend Polen and her friend Aylin giving her dirty looks.

Sanem was sitting under a tree at lunch time reading and eating her lunch, when the first bell rang for them to start going back into class. She got up fast wasn't looking were she was going. And ran right into a wall and they both practically fall over.
SANEM: "oh I'm so sorry, I'm so clumsy, did I hurt you?"
Meanwhile Can held her up by her waist so she wouldn't fall, and smiled and said " I'm fine, are you ok?"
SANEM: "yes, I'm sorry, I'm very clumsy" and she looks up at him and gives him the brightest smile. She stares at him for a couple of seconds, thinking wow! This guy gorgeous!! Meanwhile Can looks at her and thinks to himself, wow! She's very pretty, her smile is very sweet too and she smells good. They both snap out of it, and Can puts out his hand and says " hi my name is Can nice to meet you " and my name is Sanem, nice to meet you too "and they shakes hands.
Polen sees Can. Talking to Sanem, and runs over and grabs Can's arm. POLEN: hi I'm Polen Can's girlfriend.! Sanem knew that she was marking her territory. "Hi I'm Sanem., nice to meet you." POLEN:
"Yes, you too" and she pulls Can. Let's go Can we have class. Can, didn't notice, how Polen was looking at Sanem. He was too busy looking at the sweet girl who almost knocked him down. "Sanem, I'll see you around, it was nice bumping into to you." And they both laughed.
The next couple of months were tough, Sanem had alot homework, and she was working at night at a little caffe to make ends meet with her parents. She sees Can pretty much, he's always so nice to her. But Polen the string bean is always right behind him.
One night, Can, Polen, Emre and Aylin entered the café that Sanem was working for, they sat down at the table and noticed who their waitress was going to be, Polen and Aylin were snickering, Can and Emre were getting irritated. Sanem turns around and sees who is sitting at the table and starts to panic, she's OK with Can and Emre, but Polen and Aylin are going to let it go for sure.
(girl you're better than them you're honest hard-working they're just spoiled little rich girls and don't know how to treat people don't let them put you under. Be tough go get them girl.)your right!!
POLEN: "Oh, hi Sanem, you're working here, I'm a little bit shocked. Is this how you're paying for yourself to get through school."
SANEM: "No, actually I am on a scholarship. I was at the top of my class, and they recommended me to come to the school all expenses paid.!"
POLEN: "oh really, a Mahalle girl that smart, who would have thought.!"
CAN: "be quiet Polen, what's wrong with you!"
EMRE: "and you Aylin, don't say a word!!"
The girls were surprised. They knew they had to be nice in front of them or , they would break up with them.
POLEN: "Actually, that's very nice, Sanem, congratulations on your scholarship."
Sanem knew exactly what she was doing, but she just played along because she didn't want to cause problems.
They ordered their food and left A little while later.
That night when Sanem was leaving work Can, was outside.
CAN: "hi Sanem. "Hi Can, what are you doing here? Where's your girlfriend?"
CAN: I just wanted to apologize how Polen treated it you, it wasn't nice.
SANEM: "Oh, it's ok Can, don't worry no big deal. It's who she is."
CAN: "actually, she surprised me, she's usually very nice. I don't know why she said that to you."
Sanem is thinking I do but you're clueless!"(he's so sweet, why does he have to be dating that snake!)
Anyway, I have to go, I'll see tomorrow. They said there good nights and they both went home.
Can, went home and couldn't stop thinking about Sanem, she so sweet, why do I keep thinking about her, Divit, your of to college soon she's to nice to get involved with now, and don't forget Polen. She won't take it well if you break up with her. Yeah I guess you're right.
Sanem, is laying in bed, thinking about Can, how sweet he is and caring why does he have to be with that snake . Sanem forget him this is his last year he's graduating, and he will be off to college to God knows where. Unfortunately my inner voice is right again.

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