Chapter 45

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Good morning, Can bey, good morning Doctor.
DOCTOR: "I just came to check on Sanem, did she open her eyes at all?"
CAN: "not yet, shouldn't she have at least woken up a little.?"
DOCTOR: "everyone is different. Her body just needs to rest and heal. So far everything looks good, her vitals are good. I'm still waiting on some tests, being the weekend it takes a-little longer sometimes." I will be back later in the day. If she wakes up, call the nurse and she will contact me."
CAN: "I will, thank you doctor."
METIN: hi Can. ( Can gets up to hug Metin with tears in his eyes) Can, don't worry, she will come through this. She's a fighter, and if anyone no knows it it's you.
(They both laugh) I'm keeping in touch with the police, it was a hit and run, but it looks like it was intentional."
CAN: "what, why, I don't understand why would someone want to hurt someone intentionally."
METIN: "from what they gathered from the witnesses, so far is that Sanem, wasn't even all the way out in the street, the car was coming down the road slowly, and when it's driver saw Sanem it sped up, swerved to hit Sanem."
CAN: "why would someone do something like that. It doesn't make sense. Did anyone see the driver.?"
METIN: "no information on the driver yet, it was dark out. And there was only two witnesses. They're still working on the case. They're looking at the street cameras also. And hoping to find more witnesses."
I will let you know, if anything comes up."
CAN : thank you Metin. (Can wipes the tears from his eyes) she's my life Metin, I'm nothing without out her.
METIN: "Can I promise we will find who did this . You have my word. Can, you need to take care of yourself, because when she wakes up she's going to need you.Why don't you go home and get some rest, her parents are on their way, they will be with her.
CAN: "I can't leave, I'm not going anywhere. I know you mean well, but I want to be here when she wakes up."
METIN: "okay brother, if you need anything call me."
CAN: "thank you, Metin" (Sanem's parents came with Leyla. "good morning Can, how's our girl any change.?"
CAN: "the doctor said her vitals look good it's just a matter of her waking up and they're waiting for some more test results to come back"
MEVCABI: "son, did you eat anything? We brought you a tea and bagels."
CAN: "thank you aunt Mevcabi, just the tea is fine."
Emre brought Can a change of clothes, the nurses allowed him to use the shower in Sanem's room.
He felt better, after the shower, he also ate some food that Mevcabi brought. But he wouldn't leave Sanem's side.
MEVCABI: "Can if you want, I will stay the night, go home and rest"
CAN:  "I'm okay, auntie Mevcabi.  I need to be near her. I can't leave." But I promise, if she wakes up, I will call, no matter what time it is.
NIHAT: "ok, son, we're going, I have to close up the shop. We will see you in the morning."
Everyone went home, Can, just held her hand and kept talking to her. The nurse comes in and looks at Can and smiles, she's never seen so much love in a couple.
NURSE : "hi Can, her color looks much better , I bet you she feels you close by."
CAN:  "do you think she knows I'm here?"
NURSE:  "I've been a nurse for 25 years, and I've noticed in cases like these , people feel their loved ones near them. So keep touching her, keep talking to her, she senses you near.  Did she turn herself, or you turned her."
CAN: "she did, it looked like she was getting restless and she turned herself not much but enough I guess to make herself comfortable."
NURSE:  "that's good, it could be a sign that she is close to waking up."
CAN: "I hope.  Is it alright if I lay in bed with her?"
NURSE: "I think so, it should be okay.   I have to finish my rounds, if you need anything just ring the bell."
CAN: thank you, I will.
Can layed down next to Sanem, took her slowly into his arms. And held her close, he would tell her how much he loves her, talk to her about their future, he would give her little kisses, on her face her hands, anywhere he could.
Can woke up sometime in the middle of the night, and noticed Sanem had turned and cuddled more into him, with her face  in his neck.  He was happy. "She must definitely feel me close." He started playing with her hair and finally fell asleep again.
Sanem, opened her eyes and felt at peace, she felt strong arms around her , she turns and cuddles more into him, her safe place, "This feels so good."and she falls asleep again.
Can opened his eyes and felt little kisses on his neck and Sanem rubbing her nose in his beard. That really woke him up.
CAN: "Sanem?(he pulls back to see her face) your awake my love."(he places little kisses on her head.)
SANEM: Yes, do I know you?
CAN: "Sanem, if you don't know me why are you kissing my neck?"
SANEM: "because, you feel so good, and smell so good I couldn't resist." And she cuddles more into him.
CAN:  "are playing with me?"
SANEM:  "no my hunky bodyguard," and she starts giggling, and he starts tickling her lightly not to hurt her.
CAN: "I love you Sanem, you scared me."
SANEM: "I'm sorry, was I out long?"
CAN: "probably around 48 hours."
SANEM: "wow, that's pretty long.  You know I tried to open my eyes several times. But they were just too heavy.  But I felt you close to me.  I wanted to talk to you but I couldn't."
CAN: "your body needed to rest, to heal.  But I'm so happy that you're awake, princess." I have to call the nurse, to tell her you woke up."
SANEM: "no stay here I don't want to let go."
CAN: "believe me, I don't want to leave you go, but the doctor has to know that you woke up. Plus I promised your parents that I would call as soon as you woke up. But trust me, I'm not leaving you, you can't get rid of me even if you want to."
SANEM: "that will never happen, I will always want you with me."
Can called the nurse, she came took her vitals and everything looked good. 
NURSE: "Sanem, everything looks good, the doctor will be in to see you soon.  I'm happy to see that you are awake, your honey wouldn't leave your side."
(Sanem caressed Can's cheek and smiled.)
Do you feel any pain.?
SANEM: "some, but so far it bearable."
NURSE: "that's good, I don't want to give you pain meds if you don't need them.  I will just give you some aspirin for now.  But if at any point you feel a lot of pain let me know."
SANEM: "I will, thank you."
CAN: "I called your parents and my family, its seems everyone will be here soon."
SANEM: "do they have to come, I'd much rather be just with you here holding me."
CAN:  "there's nothing I want more, princess, but everybody was worried about you and they want to see you."
SANEM: "I know, but promise me you won't leave tonight, I want you near me, I feel safe when you're holding me especially at night time."
CAN: "I promise, I'm not leaving."
The doctor comes in and is happy to see that she is doing ok.
DOCTOR:  "Sanem, everything looks good, I want you to stay in the hospital one more night, maybe 2 just to make sure you are okay. We're still waiting on test results, it's taking longer because it's the weekend and we're short staffed"
SANEM:"okay, I would love to take a shower, do you think I can?"
DOCTOR: "let's get a light breakfast in you, and the nurse will get you up slowly to walk, if you don't feel dizzy, or ready to pass out, you can take a shower."
SANEM: "thank you doctor."
The nurse brought her breakfast, Sanem ate most of it.  She felt better after getting something to drink and eat. They got her up and she walked, and did well so she was able to take a shower.
SANEM: "Can, I feel so much better, after the shower."
CAN:  "that's good.  I'm surprised you don't feel more pain, you fell hard when the car hit you."
SANEM: I guess my body is immune to pain ( and she starts giggling) Can, your fiancé is very clumsy I've been in the ER more time than you can count on your fingers." (They both start to laugh) the only thing that hurts more is my head but the aspirin helped."
CAN: "I love you bebek, you scared me." He kisses her softly on the lips. And they look up to see the Aydins standing there looking at them smiling with tears in their eyes. They go over and kiss and hug her and then. The Divits walk in with big smiles on their faces and hugs and kisses also.
SANEM:  "I'm starting to like all this attention" and they all laughed. 
They all sat around talking and laughing, Emre and Leyla went to get food for everybody. It was a long day and they noticed Sanem was getting tired.
MEVCABI: "Sanem, we're going to go so you can rest. Can, are you staying the night?"
CAN: "yes aunt Mevcabi if it's ok with you, I don't want to leave Sanem."
MEVCABI: "it's fine son, don't worry, call us in the morning, and let us know what the doctor says." Good night."
SANEM: "Can, lay down next to me, and hold me tight. Please. I feel safe when you hold me."
CAN: "there's nothing I want more bebek.  Sanem, do you remember anything about the accident?"
SANEM: "I don't know, I'm trying to process everything, but right now I don't want to even think about it. Just hold me. Maybe watch a movie, a romantic comedy."
CAN: "your wish is my command."
Sanem was falling asleep in Can's arms, and whispers, good night my love.  And he kisses her cheek and says, good night princess,  sweet dreams.

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