Chapter 27

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Sanem and Aziz just got to the hospital, the doctor was explaining Can's situation.
DOCTOR: "Aziz, I'm Can's doctor. He is stable now, we took him off the ventilator this morning he's breathing on his own."
AZIZ: "has he woken up yet."
DOCTOR: "no, but that's normal because we put him in a  coma, to give his brain a rest and so the swelling could go down."
SANEM: "how long will it take."and how will he be when he wakes up"
DOCTOR: "it's hard to tell it can be days or weeks before he wakes up. And when he wakes up we will know more if there's any damage.
SANEM: "can we see him?"
DOCTOR: "yes, we moved him to a regular room."
Sanem and Aziz walked in Cans room, they both had tears in their eyes. Aziz went out to talk to the doctor again. Sanem held Cans hand, caressed his beard and kissed him. She kept talking to him about everything and anything.
SANEM: "wake up my love. We have a wedding to plan." She told him about Metin and Deran. About CeCe, about all there friends. About things they planned and things they did together. "Can please wake up, I want to look in to your beautiful eyes." But nothing.
Aziz came back in and told her that the doctor said that the swelling is going down, and if it goes down more by the end of the week we can move him to Instanbul.
SANEM: "will it be okay to move him like that?"
AZIZ: yes, the doctors believe it's ok, because it's just a matter of time until he wakes up. And we have good doctors there and I prefer to take him home.
SANEM: "okay, I remember the doctors said we should keep talking to him, they believe that comatose patients sometimes can hear their love ones."
AZIZ: "okay, I believe that too. Let's keep telling him stories."
Sanem noticed that Can's ring was missing. Did he lose it in the accident. She was crying , when the nurse walked in.
NURSE: "my dear is everything ok?"
SANEM: "my Fiancés ring is missing. We're engaged to be married."
The nurse smiled went into his belongings and pulled out the ring. And gave it to Sanem, tears just rolled down her face she was so happy he didn't lose it. She took the ring and put it on her chain around her neck.
Aziz had gone back to the hotel to sleep, the doctors allowed Sanem to stay there with him, she would take her shower change and sit next to him, she wouldn't leave his side, the nurses were worried about her, so they would bring her food and tea everyday.
It was a week later and the swelling had gone down, now it's just the waiting game. The next morning Aziz had arranged a private medical plane to fly them back.
They got back to Instanbul, the nurses and doctors were setting Can up in his room.
Later that day the whole family came to see him.
Sanem's parents wanted her to come home and rest but she wouldn't leave.
Every night since they got back Sanem would lay in bed with Can, she would take his arm and wrap it around her waist. She would caress his beard his arms his chest and talk to him about there plans for the future. One night she felt his arm move and saw his eyes flutter. She called the nurse. She said that's a good sign he's started to wake up.
One night Sanem was sleeping on Can, he woke up and looked down at her, wondering why is she laying on me like that, she's so beautiful though and she smells good. And he fell back to sleep.
The next morning, Sanem went home to take a shower and Aziz and Emre were there to see him.
He wakes up and smiles looking at them.
Aziz and Emre jump up, "Can, my son how are you feeling ". "Like I was run over by a truck, what happened to me."
EMRE : "you were in the Balkins on assignment and you were in a bad car accident. Your car went of an embankment. But thank god, you're going to be ok."
CAN: "how long have I been out."
AZIZ: "you've been in a coma for three weeks."
The doctor walks in and asks him some questions, so far everything looks good, he told him physical and occupational therapist will get him moving tomorrow.
The nurse saw Sanem coming and told her Can woke up. She ran into the room. Went straight to Can, and kisses him, my love you woke up, I've missed those beautiful eyes of yours. Can, just looked at her, he remembered her from the other night when he woke up and saw her sleeping on him, and I must say it felt good.
Sanem noticed that he looked confused.
SANEM: "Can what's wrong are you ok" Emre and Aziz noticed it too.
DOCTOR: Can, whats wrong, do you know these people in the room? "Yes my father and brother" he looks at Sanem and says, "I'm sorry you look very familiar but I can't remember who you are.
Sanem was devastated and ran out of the room.
Can looked at Emre and his father, "who is that baba, she looks very familiar but I don't know who she is"
AZIZ: "Can, it's Sanem your Sanem, she's the love of your life." He just stared at his father.
CAN: "the love of my life, baba, you know me I'm not that kind of guy, I never was in love. And your saying this girl and I are in love"
EMRE: "Can, you and Sanem are inseparable, no one was able to come between you, people tried but the two of you were glued to each other."
Can was trying to process everything, he couldn't understand this relationship with Sanem.
AZIZ: "Can, you have temporary memory loss. Everything will come back to you don't worry"
CAN: "baba get her to come back in , give me some time with her." Sanem came back in the room, he can see that her eyes were swollen and she still had unshed tears in them. She's very beautiful. I know, I know her from somewhere.
SANEM: "hi, how are you feeling". CAN: "I'm ok I have a headache but other wise I'm good." He's looking at her she's so sweet, she looks shy. "Sanem, I'm sorry if I hurt you, please give me time, my memory will come back. I'll do everything I can , will you help me to remember?"
SANEM: "Can, I will do everything I can to make you remember me, I promise."they both smiled at each other and he kissed her hand.
CAN: "I remember waking up one night and you were asleep in my arms." She Looks at him. "I thought I was dreaming but now I know it was real. I'm glad you were here with me" she smiled and scratched his beard.
SANEM: "I should go, get some rest, I can come back tomorrow if you want me too." He looked at her and smiled and said, "Yes, I want you to come back spend the day with me" she got up to leave, he takes her hand and kisses it again. And she gives him a kiss on his forehead. "Good night Can". "Good Night Sanem"

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