Chapter 43

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Can picked up Sanem, and headed to the factory to pick up some creams for the shop.
SANEM: "good morning everyone, I just want to thank everyone for the overtime you put in this week, and for working so hard, I will close the factory Monday and Tuesday with pay, enjoy the long weekend with your families maybe go to the beach anything you want, before the kids go back to school. See everybody on Wednesday, thank you again,,"
CAN: "bebek. That was very nice of you."
SANEM: "You know Can, they're hard working people, all employees should be treated fairly with respect, you need to give respect in order to receive it."
CAN: "I agree! How about some breakfast.?"
SANEM: okay, let's go sit by the rocks, it a beautiful morning, breath in some fresh air."
They're sitting at the rocks and Can's phone vibrates.
CAN: "hello Kerem, how are you?"
KEREM; "I'm good Can, but I'm very surprised that you called me last night and left me a message. I thought you were mad at me"
CAN: "I know it's been a long time, but I think I'm might have been mistaken, about you and Gamze."
KEREM: "about, me cheating on her?"
CAN: "I'm starting to think she might of pushed you to cheat on her." And he went on to tell him what's going on with Gamze.
KEREM: "Can, I never really cheated on her, she assumed I did, after I told her I want break it off with her. I couldn't take her anymore, she was driving me crazy, obsessing. Listen Can, she is very mean and vindictive. Status means everything to her, she knew my family had money and were well known, but the best thing I ever did was to get away from her. Watch out for her, she tried to drug me one time when we were out at a club, so we can have sex so she would get pregnant, so then I would have to marry her."
CAN: "Wow, she is crazy, she definitely thinks she is better than everyone else. Listen Kerem, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you back then, but we were all friends, and when she came crying to me I believed her."
KEREM: "Can, I know you, you are a good honest man, I never was mad that you didn't listen to me, I knew she must of gotten to you, she's a good actress, and manipulator. Listen congratulations on your engagement, but don't let her know until you officially get rid of her , because she will cause you a lot of problems."
CAN: "thank you, I'm hoping to get rid off her soon! And listen my wedding is in less than a month, if you're in Istanbul, you're welcome to come."
KEREM: "I would love that! You never know I might surprise you! Good luck Can."
They said their goodbyes and hung up. Can had him on speaker and Sanem heard everything.
SANEM: "wow, Can, what people will do for money."
CAN: "you're telling me! I have to start pushing her aside and being more firm with her"
SANEM: "I agree, okay ready to get to work? Hopefully she won't come today being that you're getting together tonight."
CAN: "hopefully!" Oh I forgot, Atlan and Achia are coming in today, to check on the progress of there account.
SANEM: "Yey!! yet another woman that's after you, I have to deal with her too"
CAN: "it seems that Atlan, is pretty interested in you too."
SANEM: "really? I didn't notice, I only want you interested in me."
CAN: "believe me Sanem, I am very interested in you in every way, and only want you" (he grabs her by the waist and pulls her against him, and starts tickle kissing her, and she can't help but laugh.)
They head up to the office. And Gamze is already there.
DERAN: "Can, Gamze is in your office , she's been here for awhile "
CAN:what the hell does she want! She's really is getting on my nerves!"
SANEM : "just go see what she wants. And just be cold towards her."
Can goes into his office and sees her sitting on his couch again with a revealing dress on again.
CAN: "Gamze, is there a reason you're here today again, and so early. I have a-lot of work."
GAMZE: "Can, I just wanted to make sure that you're coming tonight, that's all. And I missed you"
CAN: "I told you I was coming tonight and why would you miss me you saw me yesterday you're here every day." so why don't you leave go to work so I could do my work, because if I don't finish my work, I won't be able to come tonight." She gets up and tries to caress his arm. And he pulls away,
GAMZE: "come on Can, you won't even let me touch your arm."
CAN: "there's no need for you to touch me we're not a couple we're friends and that's the way it's going to stay. and if you can't understand that then we need to part completely." She's getting irritated.
GAMZE: "fine Can, ( with a sly smile on her face)
I'll see you tonight."
She hugs him and walks out of the office. She sees Sanem at her desk, Sanem tries to ignore her, but unfortunately Gamze goes right up to her.
GAMZE: "good morning villager"
SANEM: "good morning boobi Gamze, I'm starting to think you're liking me and our little confrontations. "
GAMZE: "not really, I'm just on my way out, and I wanted to see what the home bird has on today."
SANEM: "no need to see, you have no taste in clothing anyway. You can go now." Sanem looks over at the door and sees Achia and Atlan come in. "Hey Gamze, you have some competition there, ( and she points at Achia) she's after Can too, doesn't she look like a girl version of Can, actually they have more in common than you do with Can and much prettier. and very rich too."
GAMZE: "I'm not worried, there's no comparison."
SANEM: "that's what you think." But really, I don't think Can is interested in neither one of you" so get on your broomstick and fly on out of here nobody wants you here " and she walks away. Gamze is furious.
Deran leads, Achia and Atlan into the conference room. Sanem goes to Can's office.
SANEM: "are you ready for the other two now?"
CAN: "yes, let's get this over with."
Achia saw Can holding Sanem's hand, and gave her a dirty look. And Atlan just didn't care, he still took her hand and kissed it.
The meeting for the most part went well. They came to an agreement on the account.
CAN; "ok, when the final version of the commercial is done, Deran will contact you."
ATLAN: "sounds good."He gets up and goes over to Sanem. " sweet Sanem. Would you be willing to have dinner with me.(Can is holding back he wants to punch him in the face right now)
SANEM: "actually no, I will not be willing, and I don't think my Can would like it if we went out to dinner together!"you know where together and you both need to stop trying to get to Can and I, it's not going to happen, no matter how much you both try!
CAN: "Sanem is right! If you want us to do business together, it needs to be a business relationship. And if you're not willing to conduct just business then find yourself another advertising agency."
Achia and Atlan look at each other and agreed, Not happy but agreed . They shake hands and they left.
SANEM: "well, that went better than expected."
CAN: I guess being firm really works hopefully that's the last of their flirting."
SANEM: "I hope so too. You're just irresistible, my love"
CAN: "just like you. Princess."
Sinan texted Sanem to make sure she was meeting them. She responded yes, she's looking forward to catching up with everyone.
SINAN: "do you want me to pick you up?"
SANEM:  "no, I will take a taxi, I'm still at work."
SINAN: "okay, see you later!"
CAN: "are you ready to go princess, I'll take you home so you can get ready." If you want I can drop you off we're ever your going."
SANEM: "no that's fine, besides I don't want Sinan to see us together. He might run to Gamze right away."
CAN: "ok my love. I will be texting you through out the night, so keep your phone out."
SANEM:  "I was thinking the same thing.!" Don't let boobi Gamze to close to you."
CAN:  ( he laughs) "don't worry Bebek and be careful with Sinan, I don't think he's any better than her, I still don't trust him."
SANEM:  "I'll text you when I'm done and we can meet at the pier after."
CAN: "sounds good to me, see you later my love."
Sanem went home to Change and so did Can. Both feeling uncomfortable about tonight, But they put their thoughts aside, got ready and headed to the restaurants. 
SANEM:  "remember don't forget to text me, my love."
CAN:  "I will, enjoy your friend's night."
SANEM: "you too. See you later!"

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