Chapter 31

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Sanem woke up in Cans arms, she couldn't get enough of him, he wakes up and looks into the most beautiful big brown eyes.  " good morning, how's my girl feeling"
"She's feeling better, I love cuddling in your arms,"
She picks up his hand and looks at the ring and then looks at her hand and says.  " did you put the rings on our fingers?"  "Yes I did, and they're staying there." She Starts to cry. " do you remember?"  "I do!" She started hugging and kissing him all over his face, and then she winced from the pain.  "Are you okay Bebe?"
"I'm more than ok. When did you get your memory back?"  "Yesterday when you called me and I heard you say his name , things just started coming back to me. And when I heard you scream, I freaked, I ran as fast as I could. Thank god, you thought about calling me."
"Can, I always think of you 24/7, you were already in my head, I wouldn't have thought of anyone else."
He hugs her and kisses her, and they lay there for a while. "Can aren't you going to work today?" " no way, I'm staying with you" were caught up, and tomorrow is Saturday, I'm not leaving your side" "Awww my own personal bodyguard, Can Divit." Sanem Aydin, I will always guard your beautiful body with my life."
They hear someone clear their throat.
CAN:  "Metin, you're early!"
METIN; "good to see you too brother. Sanem, how are you feeling?"
SANEM:  "I'm ok, some pain but other wise I'm okay"
CAN:  "I hope you have good news , Metin,"
METIN: "actually I do,  Yigit won't be going anywhere for along time. He pleaded guilty, no insanity, plus we have proof , the best thing you ever did was install the cameras at the agency.  And man you kicked his ass, you should see what he looks like. (And he laughs )
CAN: "I should have killed him, he Deserves much more prison is too easy for him."
METIN: "well he's here in the hospital (can felt Sanem stiffen)  but don't worry, he's handcuffed to his bed, and there's a guard outside his door."anyway I wanted to give Sanem the news so she can rest"
CAN and SANEM: thank you Metin for everything "
METIN: don't mention it.
SANEM: "Can, I'm so hungry and I want to take a shower."
CAN: "ok I'll go get you something to eat, if you want I can help you with the shower, what do you think, I really miss you." She starts to laugh really hard."
SANEM: " no that's fine, I want our first night back together to be special. Not a hospital."
CAN: "Bebek, we're ever we are and where ever we do it , it will always be special, because I love you."
Sanem smiles and kisses him and says, "Can, I love you so much. I can't wait to be married to you."
"Me too princess " Can went to get, breakfast for Sanem,  layed her head back and closed her eyes to rest until Can comes back with breakfast. She hears the door open. "Can, that was fast " "it's not can"
SANEM: "Polen, what are you doing here! Get out of my room "
POLEN: "I came to see my brother, you ruined his life.
Because of you he will go to jail."
SANEM: "well Polen, he deserves it he tried to rape twice!"
POLEN: "you lead him on, just like you did Can!"
SANEM: "are you serious, do you hear yourself,  your brother is a sick man.  And Can and you were never a couple. And you know it!"
POLEN: you're the sick one, you've been a thorn in my side since high school!!" I should have gotten rid of you then.
SANEM:  "I think you and your brother have major issues, why don't you both get some family counseling."
POLEN: shut up, ( and she pulls out a knife)
SANEM: "what are you doing, don't you dare come near me." Polen jumps on Sanem and tries to stab her, all of a sudden she was pulled off of Sanem and is being held back by Can, and Metin is with him.
CAN: "Polen what is your problem, are you crazy, trying to stab Sanem."
POLEN:  "if it wasn't for her we would still be together and my brother would be free"
CAN:  Polen, we were never together, I was done with you way before Sanem came into the picture and your brother he's a sick bastard!!"Polen just put her head down and didn't say anything else.
Metin called the police and she was arrested.
SANEM:  "Metin, where did she come from? How did she know I was here."
METIN: "she came to see her brother, and somehow she found out you were here." don't worry she'll be going away for a while too. The siblings seem to have a lot of issues..  at least it's all over now."
CAN:  "are you okay?" SANEM:  I'm fine, I don't know if Polen will be okay in prison though, are they allowed to wear Gucci in prison." Can and Metin started laughing,
METIN: "not, unless there's an upper scale prison in Turkey." They laughed. , "okay guys I'm off , have a good weekend."
CAN: are you sure you're okay?"
SANEM: "I'm okay, I'm just glad this is over, you know, I knew Polen was crazy but not like that.  She's a jealous mean person, she still blames me for losing you."
CAN: "she's jealous because you had me from day one, but she never had me. I don't think she's ever had a serious relationship."anyway let's not talk about them anymore."  Should I call the nurse so you can take a shower.
SANEM: please Can I feel disgusting.  Just then the Aydins walk in with Leyla.
LEYLA:  good morning, how are feeling?"
SANEM: "I'm good, the nurse is going to come in so I can take a shower. I hope you brought me my toiletries and some fresh clothes. I can really use them.."
LEYLA: yes I did.
MEVCABI: "Can, you look tired, go home take a shower and get some rest, and come back later."
We will stay until you get back."
SANEM:  "Can, it's okay, go , I'm not going anywhere.
But when you get back I want 2 fish sandwiches and a nice big piece of chocolate cake." He laughs and kisses her forehead and says. "Anything for you my love, if you think of anything else, call me."  " I will"
CAN: "can I bring anything for anyone else."
NIHAT and Mevcabi;  "thank you son but we're good."
Sanem's family was happy to see her awake, and feeling better. CeCe, Deran, Guliz , Osman and Ahan came to visit, but the nurse didn't let them stay long.
The doctor came in to see Sanem, told everything looks good, she will probably go home tomorrow. After his visit.  She was so happy, she just wanted to sleep in her bed. Sanem fell asleep waiting for Can.
Can came in the room and saw that she was sleeping. Then he hears her crying and saying stop, you're hurting me, please stop!! And she starts screaming for Can,  caaan, Caaaan,  he goes over to her wakes her up.
"Sanem, wake, I'm here bebek". She opens her eyes and looks at him and hugs him as tight as she can.
Tears were rolling down her face. "Sanem are you okay". "I'm fine it was just a bad dream." "Are staying tonight?"  "Of course I'm staying" she smiled, "thank you."  He kisses her and says "are you hungry?""oh yes very " "Can these are the best fish sandwiches, did you bring my chocolate cake?"  "Of course , I brought you two pieces, for tomorrow too."  "
Awww I love you you're the best."
CAN: «Sanem we have to figure out were we are going to live when we get married"
SANEM: Can, you know where I really like to live, on Miribans farm, she has empty houses there, maybe we can buy one, what do you think?
CAN:  believe it or not I love it there., maybe we will take a ride on Sunday,  go see my dad he practically lives there, we will talk to Miribans, and hopefully she will be willing to sell the house with the three bedrooms, I'll love that one with all the windows."
SANEM: "Can, that's the same one I was thinking off."
CAN: ok great, now my love let's sleep you look tired,
I told your parents I would bring you home tomorrow.
"Good night bebek". "Good night my love "

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