Chapter 29

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The next day, it was business as usual they were preparing for the Redmont proposal for Friday.
Sanem of course came up with a great concept about the bride using her own Redmond makeup line to get ready for the wedding. And being organic she made up a poster of the bride putting makeup on the flower girl.
Everyone loved it.
CAN: "Sanem, it's wonderful, perfect!! If they don't like it, then they know nothing about advertisement!"
SANEM : "thank you Can." In the meantime she receives a call from Metin.
METIN:  "Sanem, I'm coming to the Agency, to talk about your case with Yigit."
SANEM:  "okay we will meet in Leyla's office, I don't want Can to hear Metin, please, his memory hasn't come back,  and really he can't help me anyway. If he can't remember what happened how can he come to the hearing."
METIN: okay Sanem, don't worry, we will just say it's about the factory. ( Metin worried, he needs Can, for him to testify)
SANEM: "thank you!! See you soon."
Metin came to the Agency flirted with Deran for alittle and then went to see Can.
CAN: "Metin, ( they hugged) how are you?"
METIN: "I'm fine brother, more importantly, how are you?"
CAN: "I'm ok, it's just my memory it's killing me that I can't remember."
METIN: "maybe you're trying too hard just try to let it come naturally, maybe you're putting more pressure on yourself trying to figure everything out."
CAN: "maybe, so what brings you here?"
METIN: "well, actually, I'm meeting with Sanem, about the factory and her store."
CAN:  "okay, she's a smart one that one, and a spitfire."
METIN: "it's sounds to me that you like her."
CAN: "what's not to like have you seen her? She  has a gorgeous body, she's beautiful, but doesn't know it, but she's not like the other girls I've had ( they both laughed) she's different. She's sweet, she's innocent and she has a pure good heart..".  Metin thought Can, definitely still loves her he just hasn't realized it.
METIN: "definitely!!  not like other girls,  you were quite the Playboy I lost count on how many girls you had. ( They both laughed) but you're right,   Sanem is definitely one of a kind, a pure heart, And innocent. There aren't too many girls left like that anymore, any guy that gets her will be very lucky.!"  (He can see Can in Deep thought he knew his friend has feelings for her all he has to do is realize it)anyway let me go find her I have some papers for her to sign. 
Sanem and Leyla were sitting waiting for Metin.
METIN: good morning ladies, how are you today?
SANEM: "we're fine and you? Did you stop by Derans office by the way?"
METIN: "Yes I did little miss matchmaker. And they started laughing.""Sanem, Yigit is here in Instanbul. He's out on bail,  I have a restraining order against him. He can't come near you if he does he will be arrested." I'm sorry there isn't much I can do , if Can could remember it would have helped alot. "
SANEM: "what about the people who heard me scream"
METIN:  "they heard you screaming but didn't actually see what was happening. Listen Sanem, trust me I will do everything I can to get him at least out of Instanbul. I promise."
Sanem had tears in her eyes. Metin felt bad that there isn't much more that he can do.
SANEM: "I need to go out side alittle, I just need some fresh air." Can saw her from his office. Is she crying.?"
He saw her go out.
CAN: Leyla, is Sanem ok?" I saw her crying"
LEYLA: "she's ok, she just has alot going on , with factory I just think she's overwhelmed."
Can went back to his office, he looked out his window and saw Sanem sitting on the ground with her head down.  He went out to see if she's okay.
CAN: Sanem, is everything ok.
SANEM:  "I'm okay, just a lot of stuff Can, work, the factory, the store . I just feel overwhelmed."
CAN: "is there anything I can do to help ?"
SANEM:  I'm ok don't worry, you know sometimes us  girls just need to cry it out and then we feel much better. Everything will be fine don't worry." I think I'm going to go home if it's okay, feel a headache coming on."
CAN:  "okay, we're really done for today, everything is ready for tomorrow.  Do you want me to take you home?"
SANEM:  "that's ok, I'll take the train. You should go home and relax too. You're still not 100% you're gonna need your strength for tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye."
Can, just smiled and said goodbye. There's something else bothering her. But what is it.
That night after dinner Leyla was in Sanem's room talking.
LEYLA: "Sanem, don't worry, Yigit, can't come near you, he knows that."
SANEM: "I'm not worried about him, I just want my Can back, this memory thing is killing me. I miss his hugs his kisses everything." If he never remembers what am I going to do."
LEYLA: "why don't you make him fall in love with you again! I saw the way he looked at Atlan, when he was making a pass at you, I think he was jealous."
SANEM: "do you think? I'll try, tomorrow Atlan will be there again let's see how he reacts"
Sanem got up the next morning, put on her prettiest dress, a little sexy, but not to revealing to see how Can will react.
She went to work, and she looked beautiful, all the guys were turning their heads. She goes straight to Cans office. He looks up with a smile, to say hello and he just stares at her, he couldn't believe how good she looked.
CAN: "Sanem, you look". SANEM: what Can, what do I look.  CAN: that dress I mean, it looks very nice on you.(And he cleared his throat)
Is that all he can say it looks nice, what the hell! Where is the man I used to know who couldn't keep his hands off of me.! Deran knocked on the door, looks at Sanem and smiles, she knows exactly what she's doing, she winks at her and tells Can. "Can, the Redmond people are here, today it's just Atlan and his cousin Achia."
CAN: ok, Deran, we will be right there.  Okay Sanem go put your sweater on and meet us in the conference room"
SANEM: "excuse me! what did you say? Why would I put my sweater on? I think I look very nice."
CAN: "you do look nice, but I think you need to wear a sweater because that Atlan is a playboy and he wants you"
SANEM: "well, I guess if anybody should know about being a playboy, it should be you and I'm not putting my sweater on.
CAN: Sanem! I'm telling you put your sweater on! While he's backing her up against the wall.
SANEM: Can Bey, you can't tell me what to wear and not what to wear,  I'm dressed very business like,  and you can't say another thing to me.
CAN: "i'm telling you as a friend that dress is too revealing for this meeting for him. He's going to get the wrong idea.."
She looks at him straight in the eye angry and her hands on her hips. And she say "NO" and walks out of the office.  He is so angry with her, ok, Sanem, knowing you, you will be very uncomfortable when that idiot comes on to you.
They both go in to the conference room, and as soon as Atlan sees her, he gets close to her, looks her up and down, takes her hand and kisses it and lingers again.
She is feeling very uncomfortable, she turns to look at Can, and he has that I told you so face, she gave Can a dirt look and stuck out her tongue.
ATLAN:  "this is my cousin Achia, she will be working with us on this project."
Achia wouldn't take her eyes off Can, and boy did Sanem notice! Achia went to sit by Can but Sanem bet her to it. And then  Atlan went to sit on the other side of Sanem but Can had CeCe sit by her, so Atlan had to sit on the other side of Can.  CeCe was amused he knew this was a jealousy thing between the two of them.
Sanem presented the slogan and everybody was very pleased. They said they have some more companies to look at but right now they're at the top of their list.
ATLAN: "why don't we go to lunch and discuss everything the four of us."
They all agreed but Sanem was ready to pounce on Achia and Can on Atlan.
At lunch Can and Achia had a lot in common, they both like climbing and extreme sports. They couldn't stop talking about where they've been and what they've done.. Atlan kept talking to Sanem, rubbing her hand, but she was so angry that she didn't even notice. But Can did. He wasn't happy. All of a sudden Can and Achia start talking Italian to each other. Boy Sanem was fuming.  And then Achia congratulates Can about something and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Boy she was pissed. She gets up and says, "I think lunch is over time for us to get back to work. We have a lot of work to do for your account." They ended lunch and Sanem drove back with Can.
Can knew she was pissed she's definitely jealous and he loves it.  She might be pissed but so am I, how could she let that idiot rub her hand like that and look at her like he wanted to have sex with her! Is she that naïve?
They got back to the office both didn't say a word!!! Sanem went straight to Leyla's office.
LEYLA: "Sanem what happened?"Sanem told Leyla everything that happened at lunch she was furious.
SANEM: "you should've seen her she was practically sitting on his lap. I felt like pulling out her hair. Do you know that she looks like a girl version of Can!!"
LEYLA:  "Sanem, aren't you exaggerating a little bit."
I really don't think he's interested in her. He's just being very nice because we need the account."
Sanem just sat there thinking. She didn't know what to think.  Meanwhile in Emre's office Can is pissed.
CAN:  "do you believe that guy! the way he was looking at her and rubbing her hand, and she just sat there"
EMRE: "Can, why are you so upset? I mean you're not a couple do you like her or something?."
Can just looks at Emre.  Do I, she definitely does something to me that's for sure, we did have a relationship before the accident. Emre, is thinking, he loves her that's for sure, come on Can, admit it.
CAN: "of course I like her, I care a great deal about her. I mean we had a relationship before the accident I feel a connection towards her." We will talk later, ."
Can went to Leyla's office and asked Sanem to come to his office. And to bring tea please.
Sanem went to Cans office and saw him standing by the window. "Can bey, I brought you your tea."
CAN: "where is your tea? I thought we would drink it together while we're working."
SANEM: I didn't feel like any. Should we get to work?.
CAN: are you angry at me or something?
SANEM: no, why should I be your free agent you could do whatever you want and whomever you want.
Can is thinking she is jealous and he is happy! He comes up close to her and says "are you jealous of Achia?"
SANEM: no are you jealous of Atlan,?
CAN: of course not, I just don't like the way he was looking at you. It's like he wanted to have sex with you or something."
SANEM: "well Can Bey I'm not that kind of girl, I don't sleep around!" Like some other women!"
CAN: meaning?  
SANEM: "meaning if you would've gave Achia the go ahead she would've jumped you right there and then.!!
She was fuming!!
CAN: "you think, she's not my type! What about Atlan, make sure you're not in a room by yourself with him because for sure he'll attack you."
SANEM: Can Divit! You make so angry!!!
He backs her up against their favorite wall, and he gets real close to her, gives her some of his tea (and there both this déjà vu) puts his mouth near hers, "Sanem Ayden, you are not to be left alone with that man and not to wear a dress like that around him again. ( she's melting, girl he wants you and he is jealous!) he goes to give her a soft kiss and there's a knock and the door and it opens. And it's  Atlan and Achia. Sanem and Can look at them irritated.
CAN: did we have another appointment? What can I do for you?( was really angry)
ATLAN: well, we both decided the account is yours, so we came to tell you because we were so excited.
But ATLAN and Achia were not happy to see Can and Sanem in that position.
They both walk in the office and try to separate Can and Sanem.
ACHIA: "Can, we're going climbing in a couple of weeks with my group. You're welcome to come. I will make arrangements for you to meet the group and we can discuss the climb."
CAN: "I haven't been on a good climb for a while we will see." Maybe Sanem can come with me." Achia is not happy.
ACHIA:  we we'll see. She's a beginner she can climb up to the beginners, mark and we will climb together the rest of the way."
Can and Sanem knew exactly what they were doing.
Wait did he just say he might go climbing and me to go with him is he crazy. I think that fall on his head made more damage than what he had.!
ATLAN: "Sanem, I would love to have dinner with you one night."
SANEM: we will see, I have a lot going on.
Atlan and Achia said  left and Can and Sanem just looked at each other.
SANEM:  "are you really going climbing with her? I think she wants to climb you."
CAN: "are you really going to dinner with him? Maybe he wants you for dinner."
CAN: "Sanem I don't want to argue with you, I really care about you. I don't want anything to happen to you."
Sanem looked at him and smiled and said I know, I care about you too, that's why you shouldn't go climbing with that piranha!! And she ran out of the office.

When we meet again Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon