Chapter 16

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Sanem went  alittle earlier Monday morning to see Yigit. As she walked into the agency she noticed Aylin was there very early too, she was in Derans  office on her laptop. 
SANEM:  "Aylin, you're here early, what are you doing in Deran's office."
AYLIN: "not that it's any of your business! But my computer isn't working so I thought I would use Derans to get my work done.  Don't worry Deran knows."  Sanem just looked at her and walked away.

YIGIT:   Good morning Sanem, ( he gets up and gives her a hug) what great weekend!! All your books sold, and so far the feedback is very good!!
SANEM : "wow! That's wonderful !! I can't believe it,
Listen Yigit, I want to thank you for everything, you made it possible for me to launch my book."
This is good, she's happy with me , don't rush things Yigit.
YIGIT:  "you're welcome, you worked very hard to Sanem, you have a full time job, and managed to write a book that's on its way to being a top seller.  Are you ready for book number two?"
SANEM: "I have something in mind just give me some time."
YIGIT : no problem.  Next weekend we should go to Izmir, there is a well known book store there and they want you to do a reading and book signing.
SANEM:  "really, sounds great. I don't know if I m ready to start traveling.  I'll let you know."
Don't push her, convince her slowly.
YIGIT:  Sanem, this great opportunity for you, but I won't push you. Just let me know within the next couple of days.
SANEM: ok, great, see you later! Oh by the way Yigit, why didn't you tell me that Polen was your sister."
YIGIT:  I didn't know you knew her, and I didn't know Can was the boyfriend she's in love with. She always talked about him and there relationship. But until Saturday I didn't know.
In love with, Sanem felt a stab in her heart.  And Yigit saw it.
SANEM: "okay, I'll see you later."I have alot of work to do."
CeCe: "good morning Sanem, I hear your book launch was a great success."
SANEM: "yes, it went very well " all of a sudden they heard clapping and Deran and Guliz came out with a cake and a candle on it,  everyone yelled congratulations Sanem!!!
Can hugged her and said "I'm very proud of you my one and only" She looks up at him shyly and kisses his cheek.
Everyone got back to work,  CeCe and Sanem were working together when CeCe nudges Sanem's arm.
"What is it CeCe?" " "look who it is!" In walks Ceyda, with Sinan.  Heading straight to Can's office.
" CeCe what the hell does she want!" She gets up and runs to Can's office.
CAN: "Sanem what's going on?"  " You have a visitor!"
And in walks confident Ceyda and Sinan.
CAN: "Ceyda, Sinan, what can I do for you?"
CEYDA:  "well Can, I heard everything you said , I decided to stay with you, yours was the best advertising concept we heard. I have to do what's best for my company." From now on you will be dealing with Sinan and I will be available only when needed."
Sanem was glowing and Can noticed. 
CAN:  "first you need to apologize to Sanem, or no
Ceyda is looking irritated.  (And says irritated)" fine, I apologize Sanem I should have never said those things to you."
CAN:  "and?"  CEYDA:  "and I know the account was yours, you did a good job."  Sanem and Can were smiling. Not only did they get this huge account but she got an apology, even though she knows Ceyda didn't mean it!  They shook hands and they left.
Can picked Sanem and hugged her.
SANEM: Can, this great for the company right?
CAN:  "yes, this account will bring us to the top.  More huge companies will see our work and they will want to work with us!"
Sanem was so happy, " don't worry Can, I will work hard to help the agency get to the top again!!
CAN: "I have no doubt, my special friend,"he pinches her cheek and they both laugh.
It was the end of the day, Sanem comes into the office.
SANEM: "can are you almost done? Do you want to get something to eat, and go to a movie?"
Can didn't want to tell her that he was meeting with Polen, because he knew she would get upset.
CAN: "I wish I could, my sweet, but I have plans with some guys with the photography club."
SANEM:  aww nice, some guy time, you need that Can.
Maybe I will have a girls night tonight then, Ahan and Osman are in town for a couple of days.  I missed Ahan,
CAN: "wait wasn't Osman your boyfriend in high school, he brought you to the prom"
SANEM "He wanted to be my boyfriend, but he knew my heart belonged to someone else, and he supported me." "Plus he thought you were a nice guy, because you looked out for me."  She scratches his beard, and he's backing her up against the wall. "Can, what are you doing?"
CAN:  "I just want to kiss my girl, and smell her beautiful neck."
SANEM:  "last time you backed me into this wall we had several uninvited visitors."
CAN: "Yes, we did, I also remember that sexy dress you had on, I want you to wear it  for me again, only when it's just the two of us." And he pressed her up against the wall and places little kisses on her neck and smells her scent.  " Sanem you smell so good, I want you so bad, you have no idea. Just look at what you do to me"and she looks down and sees his bulge. She gets all shy puts her hands over her face and puts her head into is neck.  "I love when you get all shy.  All of a sudden the door opens.  "well, well, mixing business with pleasure. Never works!"
CAN:  "Huma, what are you doing here! Get out my office.!"
HUMA:  Can, I have shares here, I can come whenever I want!"
CAN:  "maybe , hopefully not for long!  You're not welcome in my office.  And when people knock, they wait for permission to come in!"
Sanem started to sneak out of the office , and Huma, says.  " is this the way , you got the job, sleeping with the boss!!"
Sanem just turned to look at Huma, if looks could kill!! Even Huma flinched,
SANEM:  no, that's is not how I got the Job!! I didn't even know Can was Aziz beys son! Aziz hired me. Because of my education! And he trusted me, and had faith in me, and didn't care where I came from! But let me ask you Huma!! ( and she gets in her face) where did you come from, what education do you have, from what I understand your neighborhood was worse than, mine, at least in mine we look out for each other and we take care of each other, but it wasn't like that in your neighborhood and your family didn't have any money.
HUMA:  "how dare you!!"
SANEM:  "oh I dare, I know exactly who you are, I made sure I had my facts straight, because I knew one day you would try to belittle me and my sister , but guess what. Who is belittling who now Huma!"
You know what Huma, I am proud of where I came from because where I came from made me  the person I am today and I will always be proud, and when asked were I came from I will never hide it unlike you!!
HUMA: "you don't know what you're talking about!"
SANEM: I do know what I'm talking about, and I can prove it!! But you know what's really sad Huma, that you prefer people to think that you're rich, and you come from a prestigious family, instead of having the respect and love of your two wonderful sons. What kind of mother prefers money and power over their own flesh and blood!!  All I can say is Thank god Aziz raised his sons and not you, but even if you did they would still be the men they are today, because that's who they are, good loving human beings!! But you are a fake person trying to be something you will never be.!!" Good bye and good luck to you. Because if you don't change you're going to grow old a very lonely old woman, with no friends or family!" And she walks out.
Aziz, Emre, Can. And Leyla, just stood and stared at Huma and smiled.
AZIZ:  I've couldn't have said it better myself!!
Huma was humiliated, she took her stuff and left.
Can went after Sanem, "are you ok?"  She was shaking .
SANEM:  "Can, I'm sorry, I've never spoke to someone who is older than me like that before , but I couldn't help it, she made me so angry,  that things just kept coming to me and I would spit them out, I'm sorry I disrespected your mother!"
CAN:  "Sanem, you did exactly what needed to be done, Huma deserves everything she got" we are all so very proud of you! Because everything you said was the truth about her, you just brought it to the surface.
SANEM: "now she probably wants revenge!! Who knows what she will try to do."
CAN: "I don't think so! I think you got to her. She didn't say a word, just got up and left."
SANEM: I hope you're right Can."
He takes her and hugs, her, and says. " let's go out for  lunch, we'll go down to the pier and get the fish sandwiches we both like."  "Ok,  I would really like to relax by the water for awhile." They went, and sat there quietly,  while Huma watched them from afar, with tears in her eyes, thinking and rethinking her life. What now only time will tell, and she's got up and left.

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