Chapter 39

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It was an exciting day to say the least, it was a Friday Can and Emre decided to let everyone go home early.
Can and Emre decided to take the girls back to the house for a barbecue, and then they decided to invite, Metin, Deran, Guliz, Osman, CeCe and Ahan. Leyla mentioned that her parents are back, and Can told them to come to, and that his father and Miriban should be home today too. EMRE: "so I guess we're having a party?" CAN: " I guess we are brother, today was an exciting day, let's go celebrate. Our girls."
Everyone was having a great time.
Everyone was talking about the events of the day, how Sanem and Leyla handled Gamze and Ceyda. The girls of course were doing their happy dance and Miriban and Mevcabi joined in.
MEVCABI; "those are my girls, I taught you well!!!"
She grabs the girls and squeezes them close to her and starts kissing them.
LEYLA: "Aziz bey, Monday when you go to work, there might be one less door at the agency."
And Emre explained what happened. Aziz started laughing and says "that's ok daughter. Doors are replaceable, but you know you and Sanem remind me of someone else " and he turns and looks at Miriban.
I guess that's why you all get along so well. She was quite the fireball at one time.
MIRIBAN: "that's because I had to deal with Huma."
CAN: "that would do it."
CeCe started the music and everyone was dancing, Sanem made him put the Turkish traditional songs on so they can teach Can and Emre to dance. Everybody was laughing and having a great time.
SANEM: "Can, you're catching on. I love you."
CAN: "I love you!! My little spitfire." He hugs her and kisses her, and says tomorrow we're going to the hut, just me and you I miss you"
SANEM: "I was hoping you would say that, I miss you too." Can and Sanem start dancing around and his phone vibrates " it's midnight, who could it be?"
" hello, yes this is Can Divit " Sanem was watching Can, and the emotion on his face, something is wrong.
He hangs up and looks at Sanem.
SANEM: "Can, what's wrong, is everything okay?"
CAN: "that was the police, your shop was vandalized, we have to go."
SANEM: "Vandalized, what, why , who would do something like that.?"
CAN: "I don't know bebek, let's go see what's going on the police are there now."
Everyone left the party and went with Can and Sanem to the shop.
When they got there the huge front window was smashed, Sanem went inside and saw all the jars of her creams broken on the ground. She started crying.
Can hugs her . "Sanem, don't worry we will fix everything, we will all help."
SANEM: "but why would somebody do this." I Don't understand." Metin was talking to the police.
METIN: "Sanem the police feel this personal, because nothing was stolen, they just broke in and tore the place apart."
SANEM: "but who, I never bothered anyone, I don't have any enemies, at least violent ones." This is going to cost so much money to repair "
CAN: "don't worry my love insurance will cover everything."
DERAN: "Sanem, everyone here is going to help you clean this place up don't worry."
Can took Sanem back to his house, they were sitting outside.
CAN: "Sanem, the police will find who did this I'm sure.  We will repair everything, we will just produce some more creams and hopefully in two weeks we will open." Look on the bright side we have our wedding in five weeks." She looked at him scratching his beard and says, " You Can Divit are my soul mate, and she kisses him very passionately."
CAN:  "we better just watch the stars  tonight, I promised your parents that I will be on good behavior."
They both laughed. They fell asleep out side on the lounger, it was morning by the time they woke up. Can's phone vibrates .
CAN:  "Sanem, it was the insurance agent, he will be at the shop in a couple of hours."
They got up took their showers had breakfast and went to the shop.
The insurance told Can and Sanem not to worry that everything will be covered. But that he does recommended cameras. And they will send in a cleaning crew.
SANEM: wow that's great Can, I feel so much better.
CAN: "I told you everything will be fine." Let's go to the hut for a while before I have to take you home."
They got to the hut, as soon as they got inside Can grabs Sanem and starts kissing her and presses her up against the wall, 
SANEM: "Can bey, you have a thing for walls, I always find myself up against the wall with you, are we going to have wall sex?"
CAN:  "let's try and see what happens" and she starts to giggle. And they did, against the wall and the bed."
SANEM: "Wow, Can, that was great. I'm learning something new every day from you"he starts tickling her she tries to get away but he's to quick. He stops and looks at her and says. " In five weeks we start our lives together, you will be Sanem Divit."  "I'm so excited Can. We should go for furniture today, for the house."
And that's what they did, they went furniture shopping. He took her back home and they were saying good night and his phone rings again. 
SANEM: "who is it Can?"
CAN: "it's Gamze " answer it Can, let's see what she wants. "Hello Gamze , what's up?"
GAMZE:  "Can, I'm at a club, come meet me, so we can have some fun.!" Sanem is like what the hell is her problem.
CAN: "Gamze, I'm tired I had a late night last night. So no I won't be coming."
GAMZE: "come on Can, live a little."
CAN: "some other time, you go ahead and have fun for the both of us."  They said there good nights and hung up.
SANEM: "do you think she had anything to do with the Vandalism?"
CAN:  "I don't think so, she was never the violent Type, even when she was jealous of her boyfriend cheating on her, she just gave up. Didn't even try to get him back." Metin said he would check on Yigit and Polen to see if they had any visitors" but who knows maybe it was just a gang or something."  Don't worry the police will figure it out." Good night princess.
Good night my prince. 
MEVCABI:  hi Sanem, did you hear anything from the police.
SANEM: "no nothing, it might be too soon. But we went to the shop this morning the insurance agent told us that everything is covered and they will even bring a cleaning service in."
MEVCABI: "that's good to hear daughter. What else did you do today?"
Boy she's fishing, she's a smart that Mevcabi!
SANEM: "oh mom we went furniture shopping, we were so excited, you should've seen us. We were like two kids in a candy store. We had so much fun furniture shopping. I can't wait to see everything set up in the house."
MEVCABI: "that's wonderful Sanem, I'm so pleased with the Divits, they are good people."
SANEM :  "we do feel blessed mom. They definitely are very good people."
Sunday was a relaxing day, the Aydins invited the Divits over today, and Elif and Define.  Elif and Define felt welcomed by the Aydins and the Divits, they made them feel like part of the family.
SANEM: "Elif, in five weeks Leyla and I will be getting married how would you like to be in our wedding"
ELIF: "really!! You want me in your wedding?"
LEYLA: "of course we do, you and your mother are part of our family." Define was so happy that Elif found these wonderful people.  They finally have a family.
SANEM: "Elif in a month you will be starting high school, how do you feel?"
ELIF: "I am nervous, I know I won't be accepted by some people, but I'm tuff I can handle it!"
SANEM: "of course you can! Don't let anyone bring you down. You are a smart beautiful young woman. And sometimes other girls see that and they get jealous, that's what happened to me. And just like me you will conquer the world!!" Sanem gave her, her  book, here read this, I wrote this book, it turned out to be a number one bestselling book.  Thats  my story. If you have any questions just call me. Ok"
ELIF: "thank you so much Sanem, you don't know how much this means to me." They hug each other and then Leyla joined in.  And she says " Elif you just found yourself with two sisters, and if anyone picks on you we will kick their ass!!" Can and Emre started laughing and said.  " true, they will do it, we've seen them in action, we have no doubt that they will do what they say. And they all started laughing.  Define was so happy that Elif has someone to go to with things some girls don't like to talk to their mother about. 
SANEM: "Can tomorrow I'm going to the factory first, and then I will come to work."
CAN: "no problem, I'll come with you and we can go to work together."
SANEM: "thank you my hunky body guard, I'll see tomorrow. Good night, love you!"
CAN:  "good night my love."

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