Chapter 59

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Sanem was now entering her eighth month, and feeling it. She was tired. And very emotional.
CAN: "bebek, do you want to stay home and rest today?"
SANEM: "No, (and she starts tearing) I want to work, it makes me forget how uncomfortable I am."
CAN: "why are you crying.? Is something wrong are you in pain?"
SANEM: "No, I'm fine, I don't know why I'm crying. I just don't want to stay home, I want to be close to you,"
And she really starts crying.
CAN: "Sanem, my love, don't cry, I always want you near me you know that". He takes her and hugs her tightly. What's really bothering you?"
SANEM: "I feel so fat!, I'm nervous about the babies, what happens if I'm not a good mother. What happens if I stay fat, will you still want me." He smiles and kisses her hands.
CAN: "Sanem, I will always love you and want you no matter what, you know that, if I stopped working out and got fat would you still love me?"she looked at him with tears in her eyes.
SANEM: "of course I would, your my life. I'm nothing without you." And she hugs him tightly.
CAN: "well I guess you just answered your own question. And second you're going to be the best mother, because you're so loving and caring. And I will be here to help you the first couple of months. I will be working from home. I will only go to the office when I have to. And your mother and Miriban will be here too."
SANEM: "I love you Can. I want to come back to work after the babies are born, but I don't want to leave them."
CAN: "well I have a surprise for you, I wasn't going to tell you until after the babies were born, but I will tell you now. I'm planning to put a small nursery for employees on the second floor. This way you can check on the children whenever you want. And we will hire to people to watch them. Maybe we will turn it into a preschool for the employees kids. What do you think."
SANEM: "I love that idea, you're the best husband. And you're going to be the best baba."
CAN: "are you ready to go to work.?"
SANEM: "yes, I am."
They got to work and Can showed her where the nursery would be and the plans of what it would look like. She was so excited. She kept tearing and hugging Can. "Come on Sanem let's get to work, maybe you will feel better. Plus you have a doctor's appointment today."
SANEM: "Can I'm glad we decided to be surprised with the babies, aren't you?"
CAN: "I am. Have you thought of names for them?"
SANEM : "well for the girls I have two names picked out, Yildiz and Azra and for the boys I also have two names Deniz and Atesh."
CAN: "I love them. All four names are beautiful. Ok are you ready to go for your check up?" "I am"
Everything went well with the appointment, they heard the heart beats, and were so excited. the doctor was concerned a-little that Sanem should have gained a little more weight. But otherwise the babies look good, and so does Sanem.
They decided to go car shopping. They decided on the Toyota van. She loved the automatic doors.
SANEM: "the automatic doors are going to be such a big help when my hands are full. And I love the pearl white color with black trimming and black leather seats. Easy to wipe up any spills."
Emre and Leyla came to visit after work to help with putting together the babies cribs. Emre and Can were trying to put the car seats in. It was actually difficult to put them in, it wasn't as easy as it looked.
EMRE: "Can, when you do something you go all the way. Instead of going for one baby you went for two.! These car seats are a pain to put in."the girls were laughing, they couldn't believe that they were having such a hard time with the car seats.
CAN: "it's because I have those golden Divit super sperms,(They all started laughing) I didn't expect anything less. You better watch out, you might have twins too." Emre starts to laugh and says " At least by then I will be experienced in putting in car seats."
They start laughing. So did the girls because they noticed something wrong with the car seats.
SANEM: "um Can, the car seats are facing the wrong way. You have to turn them facing the seat."
CAN: "what! Then how are you going to see the babies faces in the mirror when you're driving."
SANEM: "sorry Can, that's the legal way, or they won't let us leave the hospital, if not facing in that direction." She starts laughing.
EMRE: "yea brother you should have read up on this baby stuff."
CAN: "okay, Emre you take one and I will take the other. And you can stop laughing now."
They finally got the car seats in, and sat down to have dinner.
LEYLA: "Sanem, for someone who is eight months pregnant, you look good. You're all stomach And your butt got bigger. Bet you're having girls, that's what mom thinks too." Sanem tries to look at her butt.
CAN: "don't worry my love, I love your butt!!"
SANEM: "okay Can, now you have double the butt to grab, ( he tries to grab it and she slaps his hand away) "later my bear". ( she whispers in Leyla's ear) I think so too. I have this feeling that they are girls, every time I go shopping for baby stuff I always go
towards the girl clothes. They're so cute."
LEYLA: "me too, I go shopping for your babies and that's what I lean towards, girl stuff."
EMRE: "I think it a boy and a girl. What do you think Can."
CAN: "I think whatever Sanem thinks, two girls"
"But just as long as they're healthy I'm happy whatever ever they are."
SANEM: "me too. Leyla you should have a baby soon too, this way they will grow up together with our babies."
LEYLA: " You never know. Maybe in the near future."
SANEM: "really, that would be so nice. They will grow up together like siblings"they smiled and hugged each other.
LEYLA: "look how close we became Sanem. Isn't it something, you always got on my nerves growing up. You were always getting in trouble and I had to cover  for you."
SANEM: "I know, someone had to keep you on your toes, you hardly did anything wrong, so it was up to me to keep your life more interesting."
Leyla starts laughing, "so true, but sometimes I got caught up in your mess. But at least we can look back and laugh."
SANEM: "True, do you think mom and dad look back and laugh." The girls really start to laugh."remember those slippers she used to chase us around with when she was mad"
LEYLA: " I think you had some thrown at you."the girls couldn't stop laughing." Ah Sanem we had some good times, even when at times we thought Mevcabi's eyes were going to pop out of her head from anger."
SANEM: "Yes, they were, now we get to make new memories."
The guys were finishing up  putting together the babies cribs.
EMRE: "well Can Divit, are you ready to become a father of twins? who would've ever thought that the world traveler and the Playboy would become a father of twins?." You were quite the ladies man."
CAN: "Emre I'm more than ready. I can't wait to hold those two little babies in my arms. I was wild that's for sure. But the best part of my life and the best woman I ever had an have is Sanem. Even when I was with other women, not a day went by that I didn't think of Sanem. She entered my heart back in high school. Maybe that's why I never committed to anyone, because it was always Sanem, I think I knew, that one day I would come back and find her, and I did, she literally fell into my arms at the gallery that night, thank god she's clumsy. (They both start laughing because they know how clumsy she can be. Can pauses and looks at Emre) she's my best friend Emre, the love of my life."
EMRE: "Wow Can, you're quite the romantic, I never thought of you like that. But I know what you mean, I feel the same about Leyla, she's everything to me. No woman could ever match up to her. She's one of a kind. Like you she's the love of my life too."
They finished up the babies cribs and went to hang out with the girls.
Sanem's phone started ringing it was Ahan.
"Ahan, why are you calling, it's a little late. Is everything okay?"
AHAN: "Sanem, CeCe and I got engaged!!! He asked me to marry him, do you believe it?"
Sanem had her on speaker. And they started cheering for them and congratulated them all together.
SANEM: "Ahan , I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to start planning the wedding!!"
Sanem was so excited she couldn't sleep. She was up cleaning and washing the baby clothes and putting everything away. Can had fallen asleep on the couch, he woke up and saw the babies room light on, he sees Sanem humming and putting things away. He sat there watching her, she was singing a baby lullaby and caressing the babies clothes while she put them away.
Sanem felt Can behind her she turned around, looked at him and gave him the sweetest smile. She went over to him, he hugged her and kissed the top of her head.
CAN: "princess aren't you tired, you can finish tomorrow"
SANEM: "I couldn't sleep, I'm so excited for Ahan and CeCe. Ahan is my sister, you know, we've been through a-lot together."
CAN: "I know, my love, here let me help you finish up, so you can get some sleep."
Sanem finally got to bed, but Can wasn't in sleeping mode. He brought her close and started kissing her neck and caressing her.
SANEM: "I thought you wanted me to get some sleep.  But this is going to keep me up all night."
CAN: "okay, my love, I'll let you rest.  We have work in the morning anyway."
SANEM : "don't you dare stop,  if you wear me out, then I'll get a good nights sleep" and she starts giggling and Can starts to tickling her , he loves to hear her laugh.   They were still awake after he made love to her, Can was caressing Sanem's stomach and the babies started moving. Can started talking to her stomach.
CAN:  "if you are girls  in there are you going to tease me like your mommy does." The babies started kicking his hand. " I guess I got my answer!" They both start laughing.
SANEM: "Can, little girls always like to tease their baba, I always did with my father.  And I always got my way,  with mostly everything with him. I was definitely daddy's little girl. And I can see that happening with you, you're going to be a softy with them if they're girls."
CAN: "I think you're right, I give in to you all the time, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You and the babies can tease me all you want." He keeps rubbing her belly. " but I like teasing you too, and when you get angry, you are so sweet,"
SANEM: "sweet, and I thought you were scared of me."
They both start laughing, and Can brings her close and hugs her tightly. "Can did you ever notice how our teasing each other turns into a sexual thing, even from the beginning of our relationship, or when we weren't even a couple yet."
CAN: "I do my love, and that will never stop, I will always tease you.  ( he kisses her cheek) sleep my love you need your rest.  good night my sweet angel."she scratches his beard and kisses his cheek.
SANEM: "good night my hunky husband."

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