Chapter 54

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It's been a couple of weeks that's the couples got back from their honeymoon. The Agency is running smoothly. They got several new accounts. And they have a new one coming in today. A perfume company, from Italy. Can had also met with the architects and engineers for the addition to the house everything was settled for the design, they applied for the permits, and everything was approved, they got their permits. Contractors were starting next week, they were good friends of Can's. And Can will be helping them on the weekends.
SANEM: "Can, I'm so excited, the house is going to look beautiful. The family room is going to be huge."
CAN: "the family room will be filled up with toys in no time" there was a knock at the door and Deran came in with Mr Fabri. She introduced Can and Sanem. And they sat in Cans office to get to know each other. And to hear about the company and what kind of advertising they were thinking about. Can noticed that the Italian kept eyeing Sanem. So did Sanem, she felt a little uncomfortable, but for the most part he seemed nice.
FABRI: "Can, Sanem it was nice meeting you today. I have a couple of more meetings with other companies, but right now you are definitely at the top of my list"and he looks at Sanem. "Sanem, that scent you have on is beautiful, what are you wearing?"
SANEM: "I have my own perfumery , and opening my own store soon. But this scent is just for me and Can"my husband's favorite,"
FABRI:  "oh you and Can are married, very nice."
He seemed a little disappointed"
CAN: "and we're expecting twins in the near future!"
FABRI: "that's wonderful, congratulations!"he did actually seem happy for them. " well I'm off, if you ever decide that you want to sell that scent, let me know, we can make millions on it. When you open your shop I will come by and see what you have."
SANEM: "actually it's creams, all organic, and I'm producing a children's line now also. But my scent is not for sale to anyone, it has to many memories attached to it."
FABRI: "I understand, well I wish you luck, with your store and your products.!!"
SANEM: "thank you very much!"
Fabri left, after he found out that they were married he was more careful how he looked at Sanem,
SANEM: "so what do you think of him?"
CAN: "At the beginning I didn't like the way he looked at you, but after you told him that we were married and that we're having twins, he genuinely looked happy for us."
SANEM: "You don't want any men looking at me."
CAN: true, I'm the only one that can look at you. And I protect what's mine with my life." Sanem starts to giggle. And he pulls her in for a kiss.
CAN: "Achia and Atlan are coming in today, are you ready."
SANEM: "I am, I want to see their faces when they find out that we're married and expecting twins."
Deran, informed them, that Atlan and Achia are here.
They went into the conference room, they shook hands and started on business right away.  Of course Achia, kept glancing at Can, and Atlan was glancing at Sanem.
The meeting was over and Achia was holding on to Can's hand a little longer.
ACHIA: "Can, we're climbing in a couple of weeks if you're interested."
CAN:  "actually, no I'm not, I'm busy on the weekends adding an addition on to our house. Sanem and I got married a couple of weeks ago."Atlan and Achia were shocked.  Especially Achia.
ACHIA: oh really, that's nice. (Sarcastically)
SANEM: yes, and we're expecting twins!(boom!)
Atlan was surprised, and kind of disappointed. But Achia was even more disappointed.
ACHIA: "oh is that why you got married?( very sarcastic)Sanem was ready to jump on her but Can grabbed her and held her back.
CAN: "actually no Achia. We got married because we love each other. And we want to spend the rest of our lives together. And the babies made me even love her more."
ACHIA: "oh, I thought maybe she got pregnant on purpose, so you could marry, her."Sanem was ready to punch her in the nose.
CAN: "no, I would have married her either way.  With the babies or without! Well this concludes our meeting goodbye to the both of you, and next time, your meetings will be with Deran." And Can and Sanem walk out.
SANEM: "she makes me so mad, Can, you should have let me punch her!"
CAN: "what would that have that done."
SANEM: "it would have released a lot of stress and anger, that was building up."
CAN: "I have a better idea, let's go home and I will help you relieve the stress and anger in a better way."she starts giggling.
SANEM: "oh, really, how will you do that?"and he has her up against the wall.
CAN: "if you want I can show you right here right now" and just for the record when you get angry I get even hotter for you!"
He starts kissing her, down her neck   Grabs her by her butt and brings her close to him.
SANEM: "it's working Can, I'm starting to feel much better. but let's go home and finish this, because someone is going to walk in on us"
CAN: "I'll lock the door!"
SANEM: "Can! no way, let's go!"she grabs him by the hand and they go home.
Can and Sanem were lying in bed, . And decided to get up and make some dinner.
CAN: Sanem I'm going to get you a van. It's going to be much easier with the babies. The doors are great they will be automatic. If you want we can go after work one day look around and see which one you like.
SANEM: "ok, sounds good, we should slowly start getting the room ready for the twins. Even if we find out what we're having I still want neutral colors."
CAN: "I agree. We can start picking out colors, and look at furniture too, I'm not in a hurry, we still have some time." Sanem agreed.
In the next couple of days Sanem opened up her shop, with Ahan and Muzo running it, thanks to Can's advertising business was doing well so far.
A month has gone by, and Can has been working nonstop, between the Agency and the addition on the weekends he's exhausted .
SANEM: "Can, you need to slow down, you're nonstop, I know you want to finish faster, but I don't want you to get sick. Plus I miss you. We don't spend much time together, by the time your head hits the pillow you're asleep."
CAN: (he is grabs her and kisses her). "I'm sorry my love, this weekend I will take a break, and we can be alone all weekend. I'll give the guys off too."
She grabs him and hugs him and says " l love you"
"love you too princess"
Saturday morning, Sanem's phone was ringing and Can's. It was Deran and Metin to tell them they got engaged, and that he's taking everyone out to celebrate tonight.
Can and Sanem were getting ready, but Sanem was having a hard time, her clothes were getting very tight.
So she put a stretchy dress on, Can loved it because you could see her baby bump. And of course her ass, he loved that ass of hers. He was taking pictures of her every month, so they can see the difference on how her body was changing.
They went out to dinner, everyone was having a great time, Metin and Deran looked so much in love. And even Deran has even calmed down she doesn't yell as much at work.
SANEM: "okay CeCe, it's your turn!"
CeCe: "Sanem, be quiet" he started getting fidgety.and then she whispers to Osman.
SANEM: "You too Osman, what are you waiting for"
He just looks at her and whispers, "soon Mrs matchmaker!" And they start laughing.
Can and Sanem got home and decided to sit and watch a movie.
SANEM: "Can, it's so nice to see our friends in love and happy isn't it?"
CAN: "Yes, it is. But you like to put couples together don't you."
SANEM: "I only introduce them that's it, after that they're on their own."
CAN: "okay if you say so "and he blows her a kiss.
Sunday was a relaxing day. They sat around the pool all day, with Leyla and Emre. 
LEYLA: "how are you feeling Sanem? You look good."
SANEM: "Actually I'm feeling good, the nausea is gone, other than feeling fat, I feel good."
LEYLA: Sanem, how can you say fat, your all stomach, well and your ass is a little plumper.  But you look great!"  And Can yells, " I love your ass!! More for me to grab!! They all start laughing.
EMRE: "yeh, Sanem, you knew he was an ass man, so be happy.!"
SANEM: "okay, okay, enjoy it while it's still plump."
Can started chasing her around the pool trying to grab her ass. He catches up with her and picks her up and jumps in the pool with her. Can has her in the corner, kissing her.
EMRE; "hey you too get a room."
CAN: "what about you two, on the other end of the pool. What's going on over there." The girl's were turning red.
LEYLA: "okay you two, you can stop trying to embarrass us. It's working."They all start laughing and Can and Emre kept kissing there girls.

The next morning at the agency. Metin came to talk about the Yigit.
METIN: good morning Sanem and Can.
SANEM: "good morning Metin, what brings you today?"
METIN: "actually I came to give you some good news. About Yigit. He pleaded guilty to everything, we're not going to court, the judge will look over the evidence and then he will decide on his punishment. There's a lot of evidence Sanem, I have a feeling he will be in prison for a while with psychiatric help."
Sanem got up and hugged Metin, she was crying.
SANEM: thank you Metin, I'm so happy I don't have to see him again!"
CAN: "you and me both, I think it would have been too much stress for you and the babies."
METIN: "I agree Can, she's been through a lot, now for Polen. Same situation but she pleaded insanity. So I'm trying to keep it out of court. And if she wins insanity I'm going to try to have her leave Instanbul and go to London for treatment, since her parents live there.
SANEM: "I hope so, I don't ever want to see any of them again. If she gets insanity, how long will she be in a psychiatric hospital for."
METIN: "probably for around five years. At the end of five years she will be reevaluated, to see if she's ok to be released."
CAN: "can we make it permanent for her never to come back to Istanbul! That would be a miracle right Metin."
METIN: "I wish I could say yes, but that won't happen."
SANEM: "it's good news either way, Can, I'm sure Yigit will be in prison for a long time, and Polen will be locked up for hopefully longer than five years. But let's hope that the treatment she gets will help her understand what she did was wrong. That's what's important."
Both men agreed.
METIN: "For Gamze, we have to wait yet, she did plead not guilty. Hopefully with all the evidence we have against her it will be no court for you Sanem."
SANEM: I hope, I just want to focus on Can and my babies, I really want to put the past behind, and start fresh."
CAN: "don't worry bebek, so far everything is in your favor. This will pass to." I promise."
METIN: "well I'm off to see my fiancé, who would have thought that I would be getting married."They all started laughing. He gets up straightens his tie and goes to Deran.
Can and Sanem worked straight through lunch. And they were getting tired.
CAN: "let's go home Bebek, you're probably tired and hungry. So am I, tomorrow is another day "

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