Chapter 53

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Can and Sanem were back home starting their new life on the farm.
SANEM: "look Miriban and my mom have all this food for us"
CAN: "I think there's enough here for the next month"
SANEM: "Can, I love it here, let's unpack and go down to the pier and sit for a while."They took a basket of food with them and sat on the bench at the pier.
"It's so relaxing here isn't it. Maybe one day we can buy a boat and travel with the kids one day."
CAN: "you know I was thinking about that for a while. My dad had boat, and we did a lot of traveling, even a day out into the sea is relaxing and beautiful. We will get one when the kids are a-little older."
SANEM : "I guess we have tomorrow and then back to work on Monday. Why don't we tell our parents and Emre and Leyla to come for brunch tomorrow "
CAN: "great idea, let's go to the supermarket and get some things we need."
SANEM: ah Can Divit were settling in the married couple's domestic life. I love it!! And she jumps up and kisses him and squeezes him so tight. "My big bear I can squeeze you and hug you all day all night!!" He laughs and picks her up and takes her back to the house and throws her on the bed. " hey I thought we were going food shopping"  she's giggling.
CAN: "we will after I'm done tasting you!"he starts kissing her sucking on his breast. "'You know I can't wait to tase some of that milk." She starts giggling
SANEM: "you're going to have to share, Divit. "
Can, couldn't get enough of her they made love for a couple of hours . They got up ate something and went food shopping.
CAN: "it looks like we came back with the whole supermarket." They start laughing.
SANEM: "I think we're going to need another refrigerator. "
CAN: "that's a good idea. Actually I was thinking of adding on to the house. I want to add another master bedroom, this way when your parents come they will have there own room. a huge play room for the kids and maybe a garage. And we can put a freezer and refrigerator in there. Plus you can pull in the garage with the kids, when it's raining or cold outside or when it's dark outside. I'm going to start working on the plans this week"
SANEM: "that's a great idea, how long do you think it will take to build."
CAN: "I would like to build the bedroom first for your parents, because I know your mom will want to come and help you when the babies are born. And just go from there, maybe we will be done with everything by the time the babies get here." Sanem was admiring Can, he seemed so excited about everything, like a child. She takes his face in her hands and scratches his beard and says " god I love you so much, I feel so blessed having you as my husband. You think of everybody."
CAN: " that's because I have you, who taught me how to be this way. I was never like this before."
SANEM: "I think you were but it was dormant, because you traveled all the time, and didn't have any responsibilities to anyone. Plus don't forget back in high school you always had my back." Can just sat there thinking.
CAN: "I guess, I never thought about it."
SANEM: "well Divit, that's what love and compassion is doing things for others without even realizing it. And that's you." He hugged her and kissed her and picked her up and they sat on the couch.
CAN: "how about a movie, and then off to bed, so we can get up tomorrow morning and get ready for the family brunch."
The next morning Can and Sanem were up and preparing for the family brunch.  They ended up extending the invitation to their friends too, they had so much food, Mevcabi and Miriban  made  a lot of food also. They had the best day, swimming and laughing.  The girls were teasing the men about the belly dancer. That they say they didn't remember.
SANEM: "Can, how can you not remember her, she was in your face shaking herself in front of you. And you were sticking money in her bra."
LEYLA: "yeah Emre, you too! If she was any closer to the both of you there breast would have been in your faces."
Akif's wife was looking at her husband, she noticed he was laughing. "'Excuse  me Akif, why are you laughing, did you put money in her bra too."
AKIF:  (he smiles and says) "no my love, I was smart, this time, I didn't do anything, I didn't even drink too much, because I Didn't want a replay of my bachelor party and of you being mad at me again." And he winks at her and blows her a kiss.
All the couples started laughing. Actually Can, Emre, and Metin remember Akif's bachelor party. They had smiles on their faces. Sanem, Leyla and Deran are looking at them and Deran says. " obviously you three remember Akif's bachelor party." They wiped the smiles off their faces and just looked guilty at the girls, but tried to hide it. LEYLA:  "you're lucky we weren't together then, I can only imagine what happened that night, being that the three of you were single."
Sanem was looking at Can, he was avoiding looking at her.
SANEM: "Can, why aren't you looking at me" ( she has a little smirk on her face) I can only imagine especially with you what happened that night, knowing your reputation."Can  finally looked at her and blew her a kiss. He can tell she was getting irritated.
CAN: "Nothing happened my love. I was to drunk anyway." She just looked at him.
SANEM: "if you guys were to drunk, and you don't remember anything, how do you know nothing happened that night?"
Can, Emre and Metin stopped laughing, and looked at each other confused. The girls just stared at them waiting for an answer. But they got none, the guys decided to change the subject.
LEYLA: "playing it safe aren't we now."
The girls got up and took some stuff in the kitchen to help Sanem.
DERAN: "did you see there faces", ( the girls are laughing)
SANEM: "they couldn't even answer our questions they looked so confused!"
LEYLA:  "all I have to say is, now they're married, they better not do anything at the next bachelor party."
The girls agreed, now they were getting angry, all these wild thoughts were going through their minds.
SANEM: "okay, listen we need to stop thinking of the worst scenario, because I'm getting angry just thinking about it. Let's change the subject." The girls agreed, the  rest of the day everyone swam and ate and had a good time together.
Everyone left and Can was helping Sanem to clean up.
CAN: "Sanem are you okay, are you tired?"
SANEM: "no I'm fine."  CAN: "you seem quiet."
She turns and looks at him in the eyes with determination to find out something, he knew this was coming. " Can if you were drunk, and you don't remember anything, how do you know that you didn't have sex with someone that night and on top of that, if you were that drunk you wouldn't have used protection!" And at your bachelor party, you were very drunk, if we weren't there to see you, would you have cheated on me, but of course again, you wouldn't remember. Because let me tell you this if you would cheat on me and if you did after we left. You would be served with divorce papers, I would never forgive you."
Can was looking at her smiling, grabs her by the waist, and start kissing her. She getting angrier.
CAN: "Sanem, first off all, I would never cheat on you, drunk or not drunk, I love you to much, no woman can do to me what you do, all I have to do is look at you, and look what happens." And she looks down and smiles. "And second when we do these bachelor parties it's all just fun, and drinking and joking around, there is always one designated person, to look out for us, so we don't drink and drive. Plus what do you think I just had sex with any woman. It wasn't like that. I was active yes, but I always knew who I was with. Because I didn't want any relationship or babies, until I met you.
Sanem, no woman can compare to you. You're the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. And to have a family with. And make love to. I love you only you, no one else."
SANEM: Can, I know I'm being a jealous and selfish maybe even a foolish wife. But when I think of you touching other women it kills me inside. You have all this experience. And I have nothing. You're my first everything.
CAN: "Sanem, the way I touch you and kiss you and spend hours making love to you, no other woman got that from me, it was always quick and done, just for release. I promise I have never made love to anyone else but you. And never will."  She smiled had tears in her eyes and kissed him.
SANEM: "Can, I'm sorry I just love you so much, without you I'm nothing."
CAN:  "I feel the same Sanem. What I feel for you I never felt before.  This is all new to me to. But together we're stronger and better right!"they hug each other tightly and he start kissing her passionately, he picks her up and takes her to their bedroom, and makes love to her all night. " Sanem it's almost dawn, ( they both laughed) let's get some sleep, because we won't be able to go to work in the morning, I'll text my dad that we will be a-little late.  They kissed each other and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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