Chapter 36

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Today was the wedding, Sanem and Leyla were much better today.  They love Aziz and Miriban, they were excited for them. The girls went shopping, they both decided on short fun dresses.
Can texts Sanem, hi my princess how are you today?
Sanem:  I'm feeling much better, can't wait to see you later. Love you !
Can:  I will pick you up at five for the wedding hall.
Sanem: see you then.
The girls were excited, it wasn't a big wedding, but they new they would have a nice time because the whole agency would be there, and Metin and Osman and Ahan, and Akif and his wife.
Sanem of course looked beautiful in her black mini dress. Half of Her hair tide up  in a ponytail on top of her head and the rest down on her shoulders, both girls looked stunning!!
Leyla was wearing a beautiful short pale blue lace dress ,off the shoulder. With loose curls lying on her shoulders.
Can, was there right at five, he looked so handsome in his black suit, no tie ( of course) with his shirt open and a black vest on. 
Sanem opened the door with a huge smile on her face and Can was beaming looking at her, Sanem could see it in eyes that he wanted her bad! They stared at each other for a couple of minutes and Sanem invited him in, as soon as the door shuts he grabs her presses her up against him goes into her neck to smell her and place small kisses on her neck. " bebek, right now I just want to skip the wedding and stay here and make love to you all night, you look beautiful. Stunning!"
Sanem was enjoying his reaction, "Can I feel the same way, god, you look so handsome I just want you to hold me and love me all night too. But Aziz and Miriban are waiting."   It was hard letting go of each other.
On the way there they just kept looking at each other smiling, and holding hands.  They couldn't get enough of each other.  
Aziz and Miriban were married in a beautiful ceremony. Everyone congratulated them and they were off to celebrate. 
They're all drinking and eating toasting the happy couple. Then the music started, and everyone was dancing, well mostly the women, you can see the men had a lot to drink.  They were hanging at the bar. And then Gamze showed up.  Sanem turned to look and she saw her next to Can.
SANEM:  "Leyla, look who's here, what is she doing here"
LEYLA:  "I don't know , do you think Aziz invited her because they're friends?"
SANEM: "maybe, I don't know, I don't like this, Leyla Miriban is right she's definitely is poison."
Can of course was being very attentive , of course who wouldn't be , she barely had any clothes on her dress, was shorter than mine, and her boobs  are popping out the top. Sanem was getting angry, she goes over to the bar next to Can, puts her arms around his waist, and looks right at Gamze.
SANEM:  Gamze, I didn't know you were invited"
GAMZE:  "yes, can told me to come buy, and two of our friends are here too." Can introduced her to the other two friends.  He was holding on to Sanem's waist, and Gamze was getting very angry.
Sanem was very uncomfortable with Can's friends they all seemed to cater to Gamze,
Can, had  a few too many drinks of course with his friends.  The girls from the agency grabbed Sanem to go dance. Sanem is dancing with the girls but her eye is on Can and Gamze.  All of a sudden a slow dance starts and Sanem starts to walk over to Can, Gamze sees her grabs Can and puts her arms around him and they start dancing slow, Sanem couldn't believe it, she watches for a couple of seconds and walks away grabs her purse and start to leave, and Miriban and Leyla chase after her.
MIRIBAN: "Sanem, don't leave, Can is drunk. I don't think he realized, look he pulled away he stopped dancing with her."
LEYLA:  "yes, Sanem, they're both drunk, Emre and Can. Don't leave don't let her win."
SANEM: "I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore, he loves the attention. Miriban tell Aziz I won't be at work tomorrow."and she walks out crying, gets a taxi and goes home.
Meanwhile, Can grabs Gamze pushes her away and says, "what are you doing?"the only one I dance with is Sanem.!" We're just friends Gamze that's it, but Can is pretty drunk.  And doesn't realize that Gamze is after him.
GAMZE: "I'm sorry Can I didn't mean it that way, it's just to old college friends dancing together." Can, believed her of course.
Can turned to look for Sanem, and saw her at the door with Miriban and Leyla, he starts walking over to her when he sees her she looks at him angry and walks out.
CAN: "what happened, why did Sanem leave?"
LEYLA: "really Can, figure it out for yourself!!"
Miriban just gave him a nasty look.  He couldn't understand what happened. He tried calling Sanem several times but she kept declining his calls.
CAN: "Miriban, please what happened, why did she leave."
MIRIBAN:  "why do you think Can, really! Gamze has been hanging on you all weekend.!"
CAN:  "we're just friends, we don't have feelings for each other never did ."
Miriban just walked away. Can was very upset tried calling her but she kept declining his calls.
Then he texted her: "bebek, why did you leave, please answer your calls I love you." The party ended and Gamze, was leaving gives Can a hug and a kiss close to his lips, and says we will see each other soon Can, we will make plans to go camping like old times.  Can nods his head and walks away.
Can, was devastated, she wouldn't answer her calls or texts, and at some point she must of turned off her phone.
LEYLA: "Sanem are you okay?"
SANEM: " No, I'm not Leyla, does he love me or not.
I don't understand. How was he after I left?"
LEYLA: " not good, that's for sure. He couldn't understand why you are so mad at him, but I have to say him and Emre both had a lot to drink, he couldn't understand why you left too. I'll tell you men are clueless.!! Sanem you took off your rings, why.?"
SANEM:  "because I don't know if I can do this Leyla, woman always wanting him and him not seeing it.  I don't know, it scares me."
LEYLA: "Sanem, Can loves you, maybe it's because he's never had a serious relationship, Maybe he thinks you know how much he loves you and that he will never do anything to hurt you. Maybe he thinks that you trust him. And he thinks you know that Gamze and him are just friends, well at least that's what he thinks. Gamze has other ideas. "And they both smile "
SANEM: "I don't know Leyla, I have  to think, I'm taking some days off for the agency, I have work at the factory and if I come near the Agency it will be just down stairs at the store."
LEYLA: "okay, but I think you're making a mistake, where is that Sanem that fights for what she wants who never gives up."
SANEM: "honestly I don't know. I guess that Sanem is drained tired exhausted."
Tomorrow is Sunday, I don't want to see him or talk to him. 
CAN: "Emre I don't understand what happened, we were fine, and she just got up and left."
EMRE: I don't know brother, but from what I understand she is very upset with Gamze.
CAN:  "we're just friends, that's it! She can't be jealous of a friend"
EMRE: "I will talk to Leyla tomorrow and see if she will tell me anything."
Can, went to bed, but couldn't sleep he was thinking of Sanem all night.
The next day Sanem was just moping around the house,
Leyla was very worried about her. And of course Can kept trying to call her and she wouldn't answer.
Emre calls Leyla: "Leyla what happened last night? Why did Sanem leave."
LEYLA: " really Emre, you too! Well of course you were too drunk to notice even the night before at the launch how Ceyda was hanging on you"
EMRE: "Leyla, what are talking about, that's just their personality, very friendly and bubbly"
LEYLA: forget it Emre, but Gamze is definitely after Can, and he needs to wake up. Because if he doesn't he will loose Sanem. 
EMRE: "aren't you exaggerating a-little, Can would never hurt Sanem like that.!"
LEYLA: ok Emre, maybe you right, I have things to do.
See you at work tomorrow."
CAN: "what did she say?"
EMRE : "I think they're both convinced that Gamze is after you."
CAN: that's ridiculous, even if she was, I would never be interested in her, never was , never will. You know that Emre, right, I can't be without out Sanem.
EMRE: "I know, listen let her cool off and talk to her tomorrow at work."
CAN: "I guess, I have no choice."
Can, tried calling and texting through out the day nothing. No answer no text, is it possible Sanem is right, but Gamze and I were always close friends that's it. I'll talk to her tomorrow at work.  She can't stay mad for ever.
LEYLA: "Sanem, are you sure you won't come to work today, maybe you should hear what he has to say."
SANEM: "no , I need time to think, maybe it's me , I don't know, you know he's my first everything Leyla and for me there will never be another. You go to work, I'm going to the factory to see how everyone is doing and I'll talk to you later." Sanem went up to change saw the rings and put them on the chain around her neck.
Can walked into work looking for Sanem, "CeCe did Sanem come in yet?" CeCe barely looked him in the face. " no Can bey I haven't seen her."
"Deran, have you seen Sanem?" She barely talked to him " Can I haven't seen her."
Can was getting worried, he went straight to Emre's office, " she hasn't come in yet Emre,". "Can , Leyla isn't here yet either, maybe they're running late, she will be here." Can went to his office, he was having a hard time concentrating.  Then he sees Leyla walk into her office, he gets up and goes into talk to her. "Leyla, is Sanem here?" " no Can, she's not coming" " Leyla she can't believe that I have something going on with Gamze. We never did." " okay Can" Can walked away with tears in his eyes. Leyla felt bad for him and called Sanem.  " he's very upset, Sanem, I'm mean he was practically crying." " really, now I'm actually starting to feel bad, but you know what, I'm not giving in he needs to wake up."  "I know, but you know Can, he doesn't lie, he's telling the truth." Leyla you're to soft, I will think about it."
Leyla all day noticed Can, was very quiet. And then in the middle of the afternoon there comes Gamze waltzing into his office.
"Gamze, what are you doing here", she goes and hugs him, and plops herself in a chair next to him.
"I came to tell you that we're all going camping this weekend. It's going to be great Can, I got all our friends to go."  " sorry I can't go, I have a busy weekend "
GAMZE:  "we'll change your plans when will we be able to get together all of us again."
CAN:  "we will see" she noticed Can wasn't right, she knew it was because of the home girl."
GAMZE: "where is Sanem today?"
CAN: "she's not feeling well so she took the day off."
GAMZE: "aww that's a shame.  Can I have to ask you, I mean Sanem is a nice girl. But she's not the type you always dated." He looks at her straight in the eyes and says.
CAN: "Sanem is the best thing that ever has happened to me. There is no one like her." Gamze knew she had her work cut for, but she's not giving up.
GAMZE:  "ok I'm going, think about this weekend, ok."
He just nodded and she left.
On the way out Gamze was walking down to the lower level and noticed a store being remodeling. And a sign, coming soon, perfume and creams coming soon "Canem by Sanem Aydin". Well it looks like little home  girl is opening up her own store. Probably with the money of the Divits, what a gold digger.  I will get Can to see exactly what kind of person she is.  Good luck Sanem!

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