Chapter 15

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"Good morning Princess, I'm on my way to pick you up for photo shoot.  I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"Ok, I'm ready, were we going to take the pictures ?"
"It's a surprise, but I know you will love it "ok, I can't
wait, meet you at the end of the block."
"Can, where are we? it's beautiful here"  "it's my cabin, I come to find peace sometimes, it's very relaxing.  I thought it would be perfect for your pictures. What do you think?  " I love it, I think it is perfect, these pictures are going to be beautiful with the scenery."
He set up a desk with flowers all around, and a swing, with an arch of flowers hanging down.  Perfect.
Can took hundreds of pictures in different positions.
CAN: "Sanem, I'm going to develop the pictures, and we can look at them when we're done with dinner."
SANEM: "okay, where are we going for dinner?"
CAN: "here I'm going to barbecue. Or do you want to go to a restaurant?"
SANEM:  "no here, I love it here, I feel so relaxed.  I can stay here forever with you Can."
CAN: "me too my sweet Sanem."
Can and Sanem. Sat down to have dinner, they talked and laughed. Can poured some wine for Sanem .
SANEM;  "Can not to much, alcohol and I don't mix very, well ."
CAN:  "ok poor one glass and that's it.. and while you're finishing up your dinner I'll finish the photos."
Sanem forgot that she was drinking wine and drank the whole bottle. Can comes out to tell her that he's finished with the photos so now they could sit down and she can pick out which one she wants for her book.
But Sanem wanted to dance.  "Can, dance with me "
"Sanem, are you a little drunk, how did you finish that whole bottle?" "Can, pleeease, I want you to hold me and dance with me " "okay,  ok," she stumbles walking over to him. "Are you ok Sanem?"  " I'm fine, Can, I love when you hold me close to you, please don't ever leave me, do you think you will tire of me?" You Know I will always love you, I always did, since I was 14"
CAN: "Sanem, I will love you till the end of my life." I you Loved since I met you in high school."  Sanem? Are you awake? He picks her up and puts her on the couch so she can sleep it off.
A couple of hours later she wakes up.  "Can, what happened?"  "Well, you drank the whole bottle of wine and you got a little drunk."
SANEM: "what, oh no, that's not good, when I get drunk I do and say stupid things did I do anything I shouldn't have?
CAN: "no you just asked me to dance? That's it."
SANEM: really, I didn't make a fool of myself?
CAN: "no actually you were pretty cute, you wanted me to hold you tight and dance, that's all. let's look at the pictures ( he had a little smirk on his lips)Sanem is looking at him, not believing him. But she had no choice.
CAN: which one do you like?
SANEM: "Can, they're all so beautiful, but I really like the one where I'm sitting and writing. That's my favorite I think we should use that one for the book."
CAN: I agree, I will take it to the printers to my friend Akif, and will do a life like size and put it next to the table with all your books on it. What do you think?."
" Perfect!! Thank you!!"she hugs him and puts her head on his shoulder and says, " I think it's time for me to get back home before my mother sends out the Secret Service looking for me" he starts to laugh.  "Ok"
It was Saturday morning, the launching of Sanem's book.  She was so nervous.  She was having breakfast with her parents, and the door bell rings.  She opens the door, and a man is there with a huge bouquet of flowers. She signs for them and takes them inside.
LEYLA:  oh Sanem , they're beautiful.  Who are they from.   "I don't know".  "Well read the card!" 
To Sanem, from beginning to end I will always be with you. Congratulations on your book launch. ❤️
SANEM:  theres no name just that message Leyla"
LEYLA: do you think it's Can?   SANEM:  no those aren't words that Can would use.  Whoever wrote even put  a heart at the end.  I didn't even tell Can to come today I didn't want to bother him, I thought it might be boring for him." 
LEYLA: "I highly doubt that." I'm sure if you would of told him he would of been happy to come"
SANEM:  "that's it's too late now. Hopefully the next book."
A couple of hours later Sanem and her family were there.  She was so excited, there was a line forming outside the door.  When she walked in she see Can, with a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers, and Emre and Aziz and Miriban are also there. She was so happy to see them.
SANEM:  "Can I didn't think you would want to come I thought you would be bored."( she takes the flowers and kisses him on the cheek)there beautiful Can, I love them."
CAN:  "nothing boors me about you Sanem .""she looked at him with loving eyes.
SANEM: Aziz bey, Emre, and Miriban, thank you so much for coming. A I appreciate the support.
AZIZ:  we wouldn't miss for the world.   We bought your first copies!!  We are very proud of you Sanem.
SANEM: "thank you!!" And in comes Yigit.  He's looking at Can. I need to get her away from, he doesn't deserve her.
The door opens and people started coming in.  She's signing books  and everyone so far seems happy until Polen walks in.
SANEM: "Polen, what are you doing here,?"
POLEN: I came in peace, I wanted to buy your book, I wanted to see what the fuss was about.
SANEM: "no need, I don't need your opinion or your support ."Can walks over.  " what do you want if you came here to cause problems, you could turn around and leave!"
POLEN: "actually, I came to see my brother and she turns around and looks at Yigit."
CAN: Yigit , is your brother, well that explains a lot"
SANEM: "you got to be kidding me.!"
YIGIT: Polen you know Can, yes he's my boyfriend, I told you about him.
CAN: "you ex, boyfriend!"     "YIGIT: aww the world traveler."
CAN: yeh, what are you doing here Polen,   "I came to support Sanem."  
Can and Sanem laughed.
Can: well, we don't need your support Polen, you can go now. 
POLEN: Can, please, can we talk privately.
CAN:  "no, now leave",  POLEN: "please, we had so many years together, tomorrow we can talk I will let you know where."
CAN: "fine, tomorrow, like two friends".
Yigit, is thinking this is good.  Now I plant the seed.
YIGIT:  " Sanem, you had a very good turn out, I m happy for you!! we have to go to some other major cities. People are going to want to meet you, this way, your book will go to number one faster! We'll talk in my office tomorrow."
No use in asking her to celebrate since the whole family is here and the Divits!
YIGIT: let's go get something to eat Polen.
POLEN:  "I don't know what he sees in her!"
YIGIT: "I do she beautiful!! I would love to be with her."
POLEN: "really, well then it's time that we start working together, because I want him back."
YIGIT:  I have something in mind, hopefully it will work, I'm going to fill her with doubt about her and Can. Maybe take her to a couple other cities away from Can, I'll try to keep them away from each other as much as possible.
POLEN: and I'll work on Can.  We had a very passionate relationship, all I have to do is remind him of it.
The Divits took the Aydins out to dinner to celebrate, they had a wonderful time.  Can and Emre drove them.
They invited Can and Emre in for tea.
CAN: "how do you feel Sanem."
SANEM:  I'm ok, it feels like a dream.  I never thought it would be possible. I have to admit Yigit, did work hard with me . I'll be sure to thank him.
CAN: yes, you should. ( sarcastically)
EMRE:  "we should go Can." The boys got up and said their goodbyes to Nihat and Mevcabi.  The girls walked them outside.  
SANEM:  "thank you for everything Can."
CAN: "it was my pleasure.  (He kisses her hand, )See you tomorrow."

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