Chapter 23

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Can picked up Sanem and went to the pier for breakfast. Can is looking at Sanem and he can see she's in deep thought.
CAN: "Sanem are you ok, what are you thinking about?"
SANEM:  "Can, when we get to the office would you come downstairs to the publishing house? I have some stuff that I want to get out of there I don't wanna go down by myself."
CAN: "of course, let's get going and go straight down stairs and get your stuff, not a problem."
When they got to the office they went straight to the publishing house, Sanem went into Yigits office to look for the contract to show Metin.  As she was going through his desk, she noticed he had pictures of her, sittings at her desk working, sitting at the pier, even one were she's looking out her window at her parents home.
Can!! Come quick"he runs in and sees all the pictures.
CAN: "what the hell, he was  stalking you since he met you. Don't touch anything else Sanem, let's call Metin."
They called Metin and explained everything from the beginning.
METIN:  "Can, leave everything the way it is I will send the police over to make a report. It's a crime scene. Hopefully we can get a search warrant for his apartment, so we can see what he has there. This is good,  This should be good evidence.." they hung up with Metin and they were happy that this evidence should keep him in jail for a while.
SANEM: Can, you know what I thought of, when this is all over and the office is cleared up down here can I make a perfumery, I can make my creams and sell them down here they're all organic and I think it would do very well."
CAN: "I think that's a great idea, but the only one I don't want you to sell is the one that you wear all the time that's mine I love that smell on you, you always wore that scent even in high school."
SANEM: "wow Can, you noticed my scent back in High school? I'm impressed."
CAN: "I told you I always thought of you every single day and now I realize thinking back that I fell in love with you and I didn't even know it"
SANEM:  "awwww my Can, I promise I don't want to sell that one either, do you know that one was my grandmother favorite scent too.  I bet that's why grandfather fell in love with her."
CAN: "I wouldn't doubt it for a minute."he hugged her and kissed her, and they took her stuff to his car and went to work."
"Good morning CeCe, how are you today?" "I'm fine Sanem, everything good with you and Can Bey."
"Yes it is my friend. We're doing great" "CeCe look my friend Osman and his sister Ahan." CeCe turned to look and saw Ahan and it was love at first sight.
CECE: "Sanem introduce me to your friend Ahan, please."
SANEM: "are serious ,"(he nods his head yes) ok you will love her she's a great person and very smart!"
Sanem made her introduction and the two of them went off to have tea while Osman was with Deran.
Tomorrow is the photo shoot for Compass and Osman is one of the models.  And would you look at Deran blushing when Osman is around.  Sanem is smiling walking in to Can's office, he looks up and says, " what has you smiling so much my love?"
SANEM: "Can, I think this Agency has some kind of love power or something."
CAN: "why do you say that!"
SANEM:  "we'll number one, look at you and me, Leyla and Emre, now look at Deran and Osman, and now I introduced CeCe and Ahan, they're drinking tea together. ( she starts bouncing around and dancing)
Can, is smiling he loves how bubbly she is."
CAN: "and how do you know that it's love, maybe it's just infatuation, just friendship."she laughs and says "no way Can Divit, I'm telling you there falling in love, so maybe they will start out as special friends, like some others I know, that seems to be the pattern around here, first friendship and then love."
Can starts to laugh, and says I think you're right there is definitely something in the air here at the agency."
SANEM: "you know Can, I like being right sometimes, it feels good, you can't always be the one who's right all the time!"he gets up and gives her a kiss and smacks her on her but, "how about if we get to work what do you think?" "Sounds good to me Can Bey."
CAN: Sanem, I just had a great Idea, how about if we buy one of the old abandoned buildings in your neighborhood and make it a perfumery, we can hire women from the neighborhood that need jobs to make your perfumes and then we will make a store downstairs from the agency and you could sell them there.  women who need jobs close to their home can work there, What do you think?"
SANEM: "Can I love you? It's a great idea let's do it let's find a real estate agent to help us find a building."
You know Can we work well together,  two great brains that think alike."
CAN: "Yes, I can think of some things that I can be doing to you right now, my other brain is awake and waiting for you. ( he smiles and gives her a passionate kiss) she gets shy, and whispers in his ear and says, "tell your brain to hold off, till later, when we're alone.
Because this girl loves a man with brain." They both start laughing he kissed her nose, and says " let's get back to work before everyone here gets a free show"
Metin came to the office, he was down stairs with the police, he sees Can and Sanem working together  he's so happy for his friend, he finally found his other half.
METIN; "Sanem, you have tamed the mountain lion I've never seen him so happy before."
CAN:  "it's time for you Metin to find your true love."
METIN:  "I will my friend, looking at you two makes me want it more." He smiles at the two of them and starts discussing Yigit.
METIN: okay, it's seems he's been stalking you for awhile Sanem, I also got a search warrant for his house, he has a huge portrait of you over is bed. This is going to put him away for a while.  But the only thing is he might plead insanity, and that  will put him in a psychiatric ward, for a couple of years, if that happens, I will try to have him leave Instanbul and not be allowed to come back. But don't worry.  It will be ok.  Sanem, he has a lot against him, okay, don't worry.
SANEM:  "okay Metin I trust you"
CAN:  "let's change the subject for now, do you think you can get a patten for Sanem's creams, she wants to open a factory and sell in a new store down stairs."
METIN: "just give a name for the company and I'll start working on it right away."
SANEM: "thank you for Everything for all your help."
METIN: "anything you need just call me. And you too brother, I'm here for both of you!"
They said their goodbyes and he left.
SANEM:  Can we have to find someone for Metin, he's such a good guy"
CAN: "yes he is, but he needs to find her himself, we don't need to get involved"
SANEM:  "just a little push Can."she kisses him on the cheek and runs out." He tried to grab her but she was too fast.
After work Sanem and Can went to the neighborhood, and looked around to find the perfect building for her creams, they found one that would be perfect, now all they have to do is see how much, and how much it will cost to renovate. They went back to Sanem's parents and told them her idea, they loved the idea, Mevcabi said she would do what ever she could do to help.
Can stayed for dinner with the Aydins, he was already feeling like one of the family. 
When Can got home that night he told his father and brother, about the creams.  They offered to help anyway they can.
CAN: "baba, I want to ask Sanem's parents to marry her."
AZIZ: "that's wonderful son, you know they're very traditional, we will have to go there and ask for her hand."
CAN: "that's fine with me, I would like to do it before I leave. Maybe this weekend if we could."
AZIZ: "great I'll call Mevcabi, and make arrangements."
EMRE:  "I been thinking the same thing brother why don't we do it together one night. 2 brothers for 2 sisters!"
CAN: great!!  Ok baba you can ask for both of us! Emre what about Aylin?"
EMRE: "I don't care, let her deal with it , soon she will be out of the way anyway. All we have to do is catch her leaking information to others company, she bound to screw up sometime." What about Polen do you think she's out of the way?"
CAN: "I don't know, she called me the other day and was yelling that Sanem was lying about her brother."
" but at least she's back in London."
AZIZ: "ok boys, I'm off to bed, I will call Nihat and Mevcabi tomorrow and set it up for Saturday."
Can and Emre sat out back on the patio having a drink.
CAN: well brother are you ready to get engaged? We will go tomorrow, at lunchtime to get the rings, what do you think?"
EMRE: "I am definitely ready brother.  We got lucky that's for sure, beautiful girls and a great family."
CAN: "you have to admit there is never a boring moment with the Aydins"    EMRE: that's for sure, they definitely are different from what we're used to but I love every minute of it!"   CAN: me to brother I wouldn't change a thing."  They finished off their drinks and went to bed.
CAN: good night princess, sweet dreams.
SANEM: good night my prince, love you!!
CAN: love you too!!

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