Chapter 5

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Sanem's first day was going very well, everyone was very helpful, but her neck was starting to bother her from stretching it too much to look for Can.  CeCe noticed her straining her neck.  CECE:  Sanem is everything ok? Are you looking for something or someone?  SANEM: "ummm no, I was just looking around getting acquainted with everything, the decor is very nice." CECE: "oh I see." I have to go to the file room I'll be right back " " ok , I'll be here"
Sanem was working on something, she had her head down, and she feels him, he's right behind her, he leans over, close to her ear. "Sanem, I would love if you would make the tea every morning when you come in, it's the best tea, I've ever had."  Sanem's body is heating up, and her voice is coming out strained. " sure Can bey, I'll bring you a thermos every morning." And she giggled.  "Just as long as you bring it to my office no one else,". and he smiled a very seductive smile.  And he walks away. Ah Sanem ah this man makes me very hot and flustered.
At lunch time Sanem had an appointment with the publisher.
SANEM; hello, I'm Sanem Ayden "
YIGIT:  "hello, I'm Yigit, nice to meet you have a seat."
I'm must say Sanem, I'm very impressed with some of your writings.  I think we will work well together."
SANEM: "really, thank you! I'm so excited, I really want to be a good writer I want people to enjoy my books."
YIGIT: "I have no doubt"   Yigit, kept staring at Sanem, she's a breath of fresh air, always smiling.   Yes I think we will work well together, In more ways than one .
"Ok, Sanem, bring me your first draft and we will work together. How does that sound?"
SANEM:  "that's great! I will bring it tomorrow on my lunch. Thank you!!"
Yigit, was more than impressed.  She's beautiful.

Sanem went up back to the Agency and she was so happy, smiling ear to ear, Emre noticed her and went over to say hello. 
EMRE:  "Sanem welcome to the agency, it's nice to see you again, I didn't recognize you when I first saw you. Any way welcome, it's a pleasure to have you, and if you need anything just ask "
SANEM:  "thank you Emre bey.  It's nice to see you too"
It seems that someone else noticed her, Aylin.  "Hello Sanem, it's nice to see you again, I didn't recognize you, you look grown up"
SANEM: "I guess that's what happens as you age Aylin"
AYLIN:  "I heard you sister works here too, is that how  you got the job?"And she smirked.
SANEM: "No Aylin, but it really doesn't concern you how I got the job.  I'm busy I have work to do!"
Back in Emre's office.  "Aylin, what is your problem, why can't you be nice to her, you never treated her nice even back in high school. I can excuse that because it was high school but now you're an adult, when you treat people like that it really annoys me, and you do it often. It better stop!"
Emre is thinking, she's really starting to irritate me, Why am I even with her, we're more apart than together. Soon. Aylin,!
Can was sitting in his office thinking of Sanem, he looks through the glass and sees that bitch Aylin talking to her. I can't stand her I don't know what my brother sees in her. Can gets up and starts walking towards sanem.
Can: "Sanem don't let her get to you. She's a nasty person. Ignore her. If you have any problems, come to me please."   "Okay Can bey.     "Can you come to my office when you're done? Sanem just looked at him, with the sweetest smile, it's making him melt.
SANEM: "yes, I'll be there in 10 minutes "
SANEM:  yes Can bey, what can I do for you." He thinking there's a-lot you can do for me and he smiles.
CAN: "Sanem, no Can bey, at least when we're by ourselves just call me Can, please "
SANEM:  "okay,"and she smiles
CAN: "so how was your first day? Are you getting around OK? Do you need any help with anything?"
SANEM: "No thank you everybody has been very helpful, even Miss Deran, she only yelled at me once today." And  they both start laughing.
They hear a knock on the door, and Yigit enters Cans office, looking at Can and Sanem he's thinking are these two a couple they look very comfortable together.  No problem for me.
He introduced himself to Can, and turns to Sanem,
"Sanem I'll be waiting for your first draft, make some time so we can work together it might take a while"
"Ok Yigit bey, I'll try to finish my work early tomorrow and then I'll come to you."  " ok sounds good, I'm looking forward to it."  And he walks out.
Can just stared at him, this guy is smooth,  he is definitely interested in Sanem, and not just for her book. Yigit, I'm keeping an eye you.!
CAN: "let me take you and your sister to this great little restaurant by the pier, they have the best fish sandwiches, Emre is coming with us too."
SANEM: "ok, that sounds nice, I am very hungry." "Oh if Aylin comes I won't go"
CAN: "don't worry she left already,"
SANEM: good! I can't stand that bitch!" And she covered her mouth, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that"
CAN: "you don't have to apologize I agree with you!"
And they both laughed.
Can. Sanem Emre and Leyla went out to eat.  The four of them had a great time, they loved the stories that Leyla and Sanem were telling of there childhood. how they use to get in trouble all the time , and how their mother used to chase them with the slipper around the house. And the look she would give them when they were hiding something,  it's like she was the FBI and she could tell what we were thinking. She's pretty scary with that evil eye thing, and the girls were showing them how their mother does it.  The guys couldn't stop laughing.  They had a great time together.
CAN: "okay next time we go out, you can hear mine and Emre's stories "
EMRE:  "and believe me, Can has some good ones."
And they started laughing. 
They drove the girls home and Can noticed Emre quiet.
CAN: what are you thinking, brother?
EMRE:  Can, I had such a nice time with the girls tonight. They were so easy to talk to. I always thought Leyla was very pretty, but I think I'm really starting to like her even more, but how do I get rid of Aylin?
CAN: "I feel the same way , I think I've always liked Sanem, even when I was away,  I was always thinking about her and now all I wanna do is be with her but I have one little problem too and her name is Polen!"
I'm going to break it off with her. It's not like we're in serious relationship anyway and she knew that from the beginning , I told her I would never be serious with her and she agreed so now she has no choice .
EMRE:  "I hear you, we're the same way, at least yours is in London, mine is in the same office."
CAN: "I'm sure you will figure out something."
Sanem and Leyla, were in Sanem's room talking about this evening.
SANEM: "Leyla, I had such a wonderful time tonight. They are so much fun to be with, and I also noticed that Emre was looking at you. I think he's interested."
LEYLA:  "I did too. I've never laughed so hard either, you would never know that these two men came from money they're so down to earth that's the way Aziz is. do you think he's really interested in me? I can see Can is very interested in you. His eyes are always on you Sanem, he's very interested."
The girls can't wait to get to work tomorrow morning.
They both went to bed with big smiles on their faces.

AYLIN: hello Polen, guess who got a job at the agency?
POLEN: who?    AYLIN: "Sanem, Aziz hired her, right before he left for vacation."
POLEN: "what!  That little bitch! I didn't know Aziz went on vacation, Can never said anything. Then again he never says anything to me, he barely even calls.
Aylin keep an eye on her, I have some work to finish up here and I'll be there soon!
AYLIN: "No problem, it's seems I have to keep an eye on her sister, she's always around Emre."
POLEN: "you think she's interested in him. What would they even see in them? They're nothing compared to us there lowlifes, I'll be there soon. Good night."

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