Chapter 50

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It's been a pretty productive weekend, the furniture is in, the house is clean, ready for Can and Sanem to move in.
CAN: "we still need some stuff, like dishes, towels, glasses, utensils.  Pretty much everything."
SANEM: "Can, let's go get some stuff now, I'm excited"
CAN: "are you sure, aren't you tired?"
SANEM: "not really, I feel ok. Please, just the important stuff and when we come back from our honeymoon we can finish up."
CAN: "okay, let's go.  Maybe we should stay tonight to, this way we can wash everything and put it away."
SANEM : "sounds good to me"
"They went shopping and bought almost everything they needed."
CAN: "Sanem, let's get something to eat.  Your not eating and drinking., we will meet up with Leyla and Emre.
SANEM: "ok, let's go, I am getting a little hungry.
Let's just get regular Turkish food. What do you think."
CAN: "anything just long as you eat something."
The couples went out for dinner, again Sanem ate very little. Can is starting to get worried.
SANEM: "Can, I'm fine, it's just the pregnancy it's normal to have nausea and sensitivities to food smells. But I ate my soup, and bread."
CAN: "I'm glad that we have an appointment on Tuesday." Sanem smiles and scratches his beard. "Everything is fine it's normal. Ok."
Sunday was a nice quiet hot day, Emre , Leyla, Can and Sanem were at the Divit house for a barbecue and swim. Poor Sanem's bikini was getting snug on her, but Can was loving it.
Can picked up Sanem and jumped in the pool together, he takes her to the side of the pool and has her cornered. Sanem starts laughing, " what are you doing Can?" "your making me very hot Sanem, your popping out all over the place."
SANEM: " do I look fat?" With a pout on her face. CAN: "not at all, pregnancy becomes you, you're beautiful."
SANEM: "Can, what happens if I get fat, will you still love me"
CAN: "of course!! There will be more to grab, like your ass.(and grabs her ass and then he looks at her breast) I hope the baby is willing to share those ( and he squeezes her breast) because I'm not giving them up"
He start tickling her and she can't stop laughing.)
she puts her arms around his neck and straddles him with her legs, and kisses him. "Let's go to my room"
SANEM: "no, not till next Saturday, after the wedding, I gave in to you already. Now you have to wait. Plus Leyla and Emre are here too because."
CAN: "okay, princess, whatever you say. But I don't see Leyla and Emre anywhere, maybe they had the same idea, (and he winks at her) ok then , Let's get you something to eat." They got out of the pool and sat down to eat. Sanem ate a little grilled meat, and some rice., but Can was getting worried. Sanem just looked at him and said, " Can, I'm good. I ate ok, at least I'm not throwing up everything , only in the morning."
CAN: okay, love. As long as you got something in your stomach." They sat around a little while longer, and then Emre and Can, took the girls home.
CAN: "good morning bebek, did you sleep well?"
SANEM: "I did my big bear, Can, do you mind if I help Ahan and Muzo down at the shop. I'm hoping to open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Saturday we will close, because of the wedding."
CAN: "just as long as you don't over do it, promise."
SANEM : I promise. Don't worry I will let them do the heavy work."
CAN: "okay, if I have time I will come and help you. How about a bagel and tea."
SANEM: "do I have a choice?" CAN: no, even if you eat half I'll be happy."
SANEM: "okay. What ever you say."
Sanem, Ahan, and Muzo were almost done down stairs, but Sanem was really starting to feel tired. She sat down to relax, when elderly man came in and saw Sanem in the chair.
SANEM: "hello sir can I help you, we're not open yet, but we are opening up Wednesday."
"Hello, I was wondering if I can speak to you, you know my son and daughter, Yigit and Polen."
Sanem just sat there in shock, Ahan came and stood next to her.
SANEM: "sir I have nothing to say to you. If you can go please."
"Please. I only have two children, and they're both in jail."
SANEM: "yes they are because your son tried to rape me twice! And he beat me up. And your daughter tried to kill me while I was in the hospital. Sir your children are sick, I'm sorry there is nothing I can do. You need to leave."
MR ESROS: I'm sorry you're mistaken, I will hire the best lawyers and I will fight you on this, I will prove that you played with Yigit, and you drove Polen crazy and stole her Boyfriend."
SANEM: "do what you want sir. But I think you don't know your own children, it's sad, you can travel the world, but you didn't have time for your own children. Let me ask you this, is it the family name you're worried about, because the famous Esros name would be tarnished? It didn't sound like you had much of a connection with your kids according to Yigit, you were always traveling, and half the time they didn't even know where you were. So if you're trying to scare me, try again because it's not working, you can leave now!!"
Sanem was not feeling well, she started to get hot, and sweaty. Ahan called Can to come down.
"Please leave sir because I will call the police.!
MR ESROS: "You will be hearing from me "
SANEM: "do what you got to do, but you will lose.!"
He walked out, Sanem was feeling dizzy, she asked Ahan to bring her some water. She went to get up and collapses and falls on the floor.
AHAN: Sanem, Sanem!" Can runs in, he tries to wake her up. She wouldn't wake up, he picks her up and takes her to the ER.
Can was waiting in the waiting room. The doctor comes out.
DOCTOR : "Can Divit?" CAN: "yes doctor."
DOCTOR: Sanem, is going to be fine, her blood pressure was elevated, did something happen before she passed out?"
CAN:"yes, someone made her very angry and upset"
DOCTOR: "that would do it, her blood work looks good, just some low iron. Her blood pressure is back to normal, She told me she has a doctors appointment tomorrow. So I will let her doctor do the ultrasound tomorrow, and he will give her something for the nausea. And she told me to tell you that nausea is normal in a pregnancy!( the doctor started laughing) "Can, she's fine. Really, you can take her home, just have her get some rest. Her doctor will prescribe iron for her tomorrow and she will start feeling much better. I will send the doctor a report from today, you can go in and see her."
CAN: "Sanem, how do you feel" ( holding her hands and kissing them)
SANEM: "I feel much better, I just got very upset and angry."
CAN: "Ahan told me everything, don't worry, Metin said he will take care of it."
SANEM: "I just want to go home, would you stay a little, I want you near me."
CAN: "of course, I'll spend the night if you want."
SANEM: "I would love that. Let's get out of here."
On the way back Sanem calls Ahan and Muzo, to tell them she's good, and what the doctor said and that she's on her way home.
CAN: "are you going to tell your mother and father what happened?"
SANEM: "even if I tried to hide it, she will figure it out anyway, so I really have no choice I have to tell them"
They got back to the Aydins, and of course Mevcabi figured it out right away.
MEVCABI:  "Sanem are you sure you are ok, eat something"
SANEM:  "food, my mother's answer to everything. (And she laughs) yes mom you heard what Can said. I'm ok. Please don't fuss over me."
MEVCABI:  "ok my child now eat!" So she did.
Can was going to sleep in Sanem's room with her, Sanem was surprised that her parents allowed it. But I guess they figured I'm already pregnant and I will be married on Saturday so we're practically married anyway.
CAN: "bebek, what are you thinking?"
SANEM: "I'm thinking about my parents, how open minded they have become."( And they both start giggling)
CAN: "I know, who would have ever thought that I be sleeping in your bed with you and were not even married."
SANEM:  "who would have ever thought that I would have had sex before marriage, I always told myself that whoever I would marry would have to wait until after the wedding." "But Can Divit, you wore me down, I couldn't resist you".(And she starts giggling )
CAN: "I'm glad I did, I always wanted you Sanem, even when I think back in high school, I would always think of you wanting to kiss you, in my bed. You had my heart from back then, but it took my brain awhile to catch up."
SANEM: "and of course, there was Polen she put a damper on everything, even when you would talk to me she would get jealous.  But I guess things happen when they're supposed to happen."
CAN: "I think so too, I love you Sanem, I always did and always will!"he hugs her tightly and kisses her.
SANEM: "you know Can, I always loved you too, but I always thought that you wouldn't want me, because you had Polen, and she was so beautiful, an ugly heart, but beautiful. "Can laughed.
CAN:  "Sanem, I think I fell for you the first day I saw you, your beautiful smile on those beautiful lips, your beautiful big brown eyes. Your innocence your shyness. How you would laugh at your self when you were clumsy. But when I saw you at the prom, you looked so beautiful, I just wanted to grab you and hug you and not let go. And of course your beautiful plump ass, then I knew I was hooked.!" And they both start laughing. "And there is no comparison between you and Polen, you were always more beautiful in every way ." She smiles softly and scratches his beard and rubs her face in it.
SANEM:  "so it was my ass that made you fall in love with me!"
CAN: "I was a teenager, and a man, but your ass was definitely one of the reasons." He starts laughing and starts tickling her, and she can't stop laughing. He stops and looks at her and she looks up at him. "I will love you till the end of my life Sanem."
SANEM: "me too, my life, me too.  I love you,  good night." She cuddled into him as much as she could and her face in his neck.
CAN: "I love you, sweet dreams."

CAN:  "how do you feel, this morning Sanem?"
SANEM: "I'm okay, nauseous but ok. A little nervous.
But okay otherwise."
CAN:  "everything will be okay, let's get you a bagel, get something in your stomach and then we will go to the doctor."
"The nurse called in Sanem and Can, had Sanem change into a hospital gown and had her lay on the bed. She took her vitals everything was good."
NURSE: "the doctor will be in soon."
They waited a couple of minutes, and in walked an older woman, very friendly and compassionate. Sanem liked her right away.
"Hello, I'm your doctor. Dr. Nazil Bata, but just Dr Nazil to you both."
She did a complete physical on Sanem everything looks good.
Dr. NAZIL:  "Sanem, everything looks good. I'm looking over your blood work from yesterday your iron is low but that's the only thing I see wrong I will put you on some iron. You will be taking your prenatal vitamins and I will give you something for the nausea you will be feeling better in a couple of days, there's nothing that concerns me. How about if we take a look at your baby. Are you ready?" They both excitedly said "yes" and the doctor just smiled, she was already taken by this sweet couple.
"Ok, here we go, oh wow "
CAN: "is everything okay!"
DR NAZIL: "yes, everything is great, let me show you your babies." Can and Sanem just looked at each other confused " and they both said at the same time "babies"
DR NAZIL: "yes, it looks like twins, congratulations!!
Can and Sanem sat there in shock. "Twins "
The doctor laughed, " yes twins and everything looks perfect. I can't tell you what the sex is yet. It's too soon. But You're about six weeks pregnant. I will leave you two alone so it can sink in.  But I want you to know, everything will be ok, there's nothing to worry about. it's a blessing from god."
Can and Sanem went to the pier to sit and take everything in.
SANEM: "Can, what are you thinking are you ok. Are you upset?"
CAN: "not at all, I'm so happy Sanem, two babies!! Are you upset."
SANEM: "no not at all, I'm very happy, just scared. But okay."
CAN: "don't be scared, I will be there to help you all the way, our parents will definitely help. They will probably be more in our lives more when the babies come than they are now." And they both started laughing.
SANEM: "Yes, Mevcabi will probably want to move in with us."
CAN: "honestly Sanem, I don't care, we are blessed, we have a wonderful family. Our kids will grow up with a loving family that's all that matters."
He picks her up and turns her around and gives her a passionate loving kiss and says.
"Sanem Aydin, from the day I met you my life has been the happiest and the most interesting it's ever been!!"
looking at him with a huge smile and tears in her eyes,
She says. "I feel the same way Can". They took their teas clinked them together and said "and the best is yet to come!!"

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