Chapter 38

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Can picked up Sanem the next morning and headed to the factory.
CAN:  wow, Sanem, they really made a lot of different creams, and perfumes, how many different scents are there?                    
SANEM: "So far I have eight, and I made hand creams and body washes in those scents. You know what else I want to develop baby lotions and washes. I think parents will like them because it will all be organic"
CAN:  "I think you're right, a lot of people prefer organic.  You're amazing my sweet fiancé" and he gives her a kiss."
SANEM: "awww thank you my love., let's put the boxes in the truck, and take them straight to the shop and this way I can start organizing everything when I'm done with work at the agency."
They loaded everything up and headed to Agency.
SANEM: do you think, Gamze will show up today?"
CAN: I'm thinking she will, she's been there every day so far this week.
SANEM: "let's see if she says anything to you about me.  How about horny Ceyda?"Can just started laughing really hard. " how did you come up with that?"
SANEM: "well it's true, look at the way she was with you, and when Gamze got in her way, she was hanging on Emre at the launch party."  Can just looked at her.
CAN: "what do you mean she was hanging on Emre?"
SANEM: boy, Can, you and Emre are really clueless, I can't believe that you didn't notice how Gamze and Ceyda were acting.  She's lucky Leyla didn't tear out her hair, I have to tell you, my sister can kick some ass if she needs to. But we always refrain from violence.
CAN: We, you too?"
SANEM: "Can where we grew up, you learn how to fight for yourself when you have too. Even though the neighborhood has our backs,  sometimes you have to take care of things by yourself. Our neighborhood is pretty tough, plus city schools are a lot harder than most people think"
CAN :  then why  didn't you take care of Gamze at the launch.?"
SANEM: probably because I was just so upset with you, after the chat with Gamze, I wasn't sure how you felt about me, I thought maybe you were tired of the Mahalle girl, and I didn't want to cause a scene.  Plus I'm an adult now, time to grow up I guess. But I have to tell you I would love to punch that smirk of her face.
Do you know when that slow dance started I was walking over to you so we could dance, she saw me coming and that's when she grabbed you to dance and she looked right at me with a grin like the devil on her face. She's a piece of work that one, I feel sorry for anyone that's ends up with her." If she finds anyone!
Can parked the car by the shop to unload and turns to Sanem.  " look at me my love, ( and plays with her hair)
Trust me when I say. That if I was sober she wouldn't even have had the chance to put her arms around me I would've been to quick for her, You are the one I will only dance with,  you are the one I want close to me dancing in my arms.  Only when we're doing traditional Turkish dancing you won't be in my arms,"( he smiles)
"And I hope at the wedding we will be doing traditional dancing. Sanem has a bright smile on her face."
SANEM:  "of course we will, but you and Emre need more practice (and she starts to laugh)you two were so funny but we love you, for trying, we had fun that night didn't we.?"
CAN: "it was the best night of my life my love!"(he kisses her)ok princess, let's get these boxes inside so we can get to work."
They walk up to the Agency together hand and hand, CeCe, Deran, Guliz and the employees turn to look at them with huge smiles on their faces.
CAN: "I guess they're happy to see us together my love."  He grabs her and kisses her , and everyone starts to clap! And of course Sanem turns all red.
Can, goes straight to Emre's off he sees Metin in there.
And Sanem was talking to Deran and CeCe.
DERAN: "Sanem, where are your rings, aren't Can and you engaged?"
SANEM: "we are but we want Gamze and Ceyda to think we're not.  So let everyone know that if they come  to act cold towards them,  because Can and I aren't together because of them but especially Gamze."
CECE:  "that won't be hard, no one likes them!! They think they own the place and talk down to everyone."
DERAN: "I agree, I hate to say it, but I hope they go to another advertising agency, no one wants them here anymore."
Sanem and Deran went to Deran's office. To talk both looking in Emre's office, and Leyla decided to join them.
SANEM: "Well, how is it going with Metin? He seems happy to me."
DERAN: "Sanem, he is so sweet, he's very good to me, thank you!!"
SANEM: "I didn't do anything, I think there is some kind of love potion in the air here at the agency, everyone seems to be falling in love."
LEYLA: "I agree, Sanem! Look at CeCe and Ahan and Osman and Guliz.  They're inseparable."
DERAN: I think so to, But I'm truly happy for you and Can, when I saw her at the launch and the reception acting the way she did, I was so mad at her but mostly at Can,  and then Emre with Ceyda!!"
LEYLA:  That Ceyda is lucky I didn't go over there and pull out every piece of that ugly faded red hair of hers.  She's so fake I could scream!" The girls laughed and Sanem says.   SANEM: Who, Horney Ceyda!! ( and the three of them start laughing out loud)
The guys were watching the girls.
EMRE: "I wonder what the girls are laughing at?"
CAN: "isn't it obvious, us, and about Gamze and Ceyda."
METIN: "you think  that's why."
CAN: "oh yes, very sure. Sanem couldn't believe that I didn't notice how Gamze was hanging all over me at the launch and at the reception, and at the launch Ceyda was all over Emre." Emre looked confused.
EMRE:  "What do you mean, Ceyda was not hanging on me at the launch? She never did that, we were just laughing and having a good time."
CAN: "I don't think so brother, according to Sanem Leyla was ready to kick some ass and from what I understand, she can really kick ass!" The guys started laughing hard. 
METIN: "Can, I didn't notice Gamze at the reception, but then again I was drunk and I'm a guy what do I know."
And they start laughing again, the girls see them laughing and run over to Emre's office. And they stand next to there guy,
SANEM: "what are you guys laughing about?"
CAN: "not much, what were you girls laughing about?"
LEYLA: "not much" they all look at each other suspiciously, and Deran blurts out " okay, we were talking about the horny twins, and everyone burst out laughing. They sat around for a while and went back to work.
Sanem was working with CeCe when Gamze walks in.
CeCe: Sanem, look who's here? Sanem looks up and sees Gamze walking towards her.
GAMZE:  "hi Sanem, I see your better, I was worried about you, you were out sick all week" Sanem laughed
SANEM: "You were worried about me being sick, really Bambi!  Or were you worried that I might be back together with Can."
GAMZE:  "why would I be worried about you and Can?" What do you mean back together?" And she looks at Sanem's hand and Sanem pretends to try to hide her hand. And Gamze has a sly smile on her face.
SANEM:  you did your best to brake us up, bravo Gamze !!!( and Sanem gets up to clap her hands and everyone was staring at Gamze)
Congratulations, it worked! But does he want you! That's the question of the day." Gamze was furious, whispering in Sanem's ear. You will pay for this, humiliating me in front of everyone.
SANEM: I will pay? (out loud!)Really! Let me tell you something! If you think that you scare me you're wrong! and if you think you can intimidate me you're wrong! I should have punched you and horny Ceyda in the face at the launch when you spilled your drinks on my dress on purpose!! ( everyone in the office gasped)if anyone should be scared it's you Gamze.!!" Gamze was humiliated.
GAMZE: "you're lying, you don't know what you're talking about." (Embarrassed)
SANEM: "oh I know exactly what I'm talking about.
You wanted to come between us, and then horny Ceyda was all over Emre. Because you came between her and Can, because according to you, you and Can have a history.  But if you think my sister will sit back and let that happen, it won't.!" You Two have messed with the wrong sisters.   Leyla comes out of her office very angry and gives the Mevcabi stare to Gamze ( Gamze cringed) even Sanem cringed.
Can, Emre , Metin  were laughing in Emre's office.
EMRE: "look at Leyla oh no the Mevcabi stare now that would scare anyone."  ( even the guys cringed
And then the guys start laughing.)"boy Leyla looks exactly like her mom when she does that."
METIN: "Can, Sanem is one of a kind, you must be so proud of her, how long are you going to let this game go on?"
CAN: "I don't know, I will let Sanem decide. I think it's time I make my entrance." Can comes out of the his office.
CAN:  "Sanem, that's enough, there no need for this, I told you Gamze is just a friend!"
SANEM: "Okay, Can bey what ever you say!"(Sarcastically, And she does the quotation marks sign with her fingers by her head Can just looks at her and wants to laugh but he can't ) take your girlfriend I mean your friend ( sarcastically) to your office!!"  Can and Gamze start walking back to Can's office and Can turns to look back at Sanem and they wink at each other.
CECE:  "bravo Sanem, you deserve an Oscar award for your performance!"
GULIZ:  I agree, Sanem, I m so proud of you, I can't wait to tell Osman. They hugged Sanem and went back to work.
CAN:  "Gamze, I'm very sorry about Sanem's attitude, she is convinced that you tried to break us up. Of course I told her that is ridiculous, that we're just good friends. But she doesn't believe me."
GAMZE:  well, yes we're just friends, of course ( she's a-little nervous) she's a little crazy isn't she?"
CAN: "no actually she's a very sweet girl.  I'm trying to fix things between us but she won't listen to me she's very stubborn." ( Gamze is happy right now)
GAMZE: "Can, maybe she's not for you, I mean you two are very different. Different backgrounds.
CAN: "I don't know Gamze, we got along well up until her jealousy started with you."
GAMZE: "you know Can, jealousy is not good in a relationship it could cause  a lot of problems."
CAN: "maybe you're right, I don't know.  My brain is fried." Thank you Gamze for being such a good friend."
She takes her hand and rubs his and then goes up his arm and Can cringes but tries not to show it)
GAMZE: "I would do anything for you. All you have to do is ask", ( keeping her hand on his and rubbing it softly, now he understands why Sanem was upset)
In the meantime Ceyda shows up.
GULIZ: "Sanem look!" Sanem looks up and sees Ceyda, texts Leyla to be ready.
CEYDA: Sanem, nice to see you!(sarcastically)
SANEM: Ceyda, nice to see you too, which brother are you after today, oh sorry, I mean who are you here to see Can bey or Emre bey! (Sarcastically) Guliz and CeCe are snickering.
CEYDA: "I'm here to see Emre, I will find him myself!"
SANEM: "I'm sure you will!"  Ceyda gave her the dirtiest look and Sanem just smiled, and thought good luck bitch you're going to need it!
CEYDA: "Emre, nice to see you, I came to talk about payment if you have time."
EMRE: "of course Ceyda, anything for our number one account." She takes a chair and sits very close to Emre, and he's feeling uncomfortable. They start going over the numbers and Ceyda just keeps getting closer. She puts  her hand on Emre's and says. "Emre you're amazing, you're a very good accountant, I wish you could work for me, but I know you can't". She rubs his arm and the door opens and Leyla is standing there with fury in her eyes, Emre just sat back in his chair to watch the show.
LEYLA; "excuse me cougar get your paws off my fiancé!!  Go find someone who's single, and who is your age and will put up with your bullshit!!" (Emre loves Leyla like this)
CEYDA: "excuse me! We are just going over finances for my company so we can pay!"
LEYLA: "I know exactly what you're doing, I saw you at the launch and I see you now, keep away from Emre and keep your hands off of him. And if you have any questions you go through me! Understand!"
Ceyda just looked at her, and said "fine, I think you're over exaggerating but I will go through you! Send me the bill and I will pay." And she walks out.
Can and Gamze are watching the blowout.
GAMZE: "wow the sisters are a little crazy."
Can just shrugged his shoulders.
Leyla and Emre looked at each other and smiled and winked at each other and Leyla pretended to storm out of his office and slams the door and it shatters into a million pieces.
Emre sat there in shock, Leyla just looked and walked away. He shakes his head and says " that's my girl!"
Sanem,  CeCe, Guliz, Deran and Metin just looked at the door in shock.
SANEM: "I love my sister!! She's the best!!! "And they all start snickering.
GAMZE: "well Can, that was quite a shock!"
CAN: yes it was to me too, I never expected that from leyla." Actually he never did.
GAMZE: "anyway I have to get back to work, I will see you soon, and try to come to the camping trip next weekend, we would have a great time together."
She hugs him and kisses him close to his mouth, he cringes and smiles at her.
CAN: "I will try, we have been busy, and I've been working a lot of weekends too."
They said there good byes and she left.  CeCe ran to the window to make sure the horny twins left.
In Ceyda's car.  Gamze:  "I'm so happy Can and Sanem broke up, now I really have to work on Can.  But that little bitch humiliated me in front of everyone, but when she sees me and Can together then she will suffer for sure!!"
Ceyda: "good luck, those girls are crazy, did you see Leyla, I think I'm done trying. On to someone else."
GAMZE:  "no more crazy than me, I would be the same way if someone would try to take Can from me!"
CEYDA: "well good luck, because Can isn't yours! And he's not easy to get!"
GAMZE: "I'm not worried, he will be mine. I just have to get rid of the home girl." Ceyda just looked at Gamze, she didn't like what she saw, maybe it's my imagination.  So she just let it go.
Sanem went to Cans office  were Leyla and Emre. Deran and Metin were sitting.  When she walked in they stood up and started clapping and she takes a bow, and Can says, and the Oscar goes to Sanem Aydin!!" They all start to laugh, she goes over and kisses Can, he looks at her and says my life has never been more interesting and more exciting than it is now, I wouldn't change it for anyone or anything, you are my life.

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