Chapter 2

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The year was going by pretty fast, prom was coming up, Sanem had saved money to buy herself a pretty dress.  She was going to the prom with a friend of hers Osman.  She met him in one of her classes. She knows he's interested in more, but she made herself clear that they could only be friends, because deep down inside she liked Can.  But he was still with Polen. 
Can, was always nice to me  throughout the school year, making sure I was okay, if I needed help with anything.  And Polen well , let's just say, she really doesn't like me, and really I could care less, because I don't like her either.  She would make fun of me to her friends, about my clothes where I worked. Sometimes the teasing would get pretty bad With only her group of friends. For the most part everyone else was nice.
One day she really got on my nerves, asking if I was going to the prom, " did you buy a dress ? were did you buy your dress from  second time around store?. And her group would laugh. So I decided, one day when she wasn't looking, I would put my foot out, and guess who fell, she didn't look to classy then.  She gets up and looks at me with the dirtiest look, and she says " you did this on purpose you made me fall."
I just looked and walked away, don't mess with me, there's always payback.
It was the night of the prom, Osman picked up Sanem he couldn't take his eyes off her, she had on a long silk emerald green dress, strapless, with a slit going up her leg.
OSMAN:   "Wow, you look amazing!!"
SANEM: "thank you Osman" there was only one person, she wanted please, but he probably wouldn't notice, with his model girlfriend hanging of his arm.
Sanem and Osman, entered the hall, and eyes were turning to look at Sanem. 
OSMAN: "Sanem everyone is looking at you"
SANEM: "I don't think so, all the girls look so pretty Osman." Sanem was scanning the room to find Can, and there he was, so handsome in a black tux.  Wow, this is the only time I could say Polen is lucky.  She was wearing a silver strapless dress, long wrapped around her body. She looked like an aluminum foil. Sanem mentioned it to Osman and his sister Ahan and they started laughing.
OSMAN:  "Sanem, I see some one looking at you.  I think Can likes you "
AHAN:  "yeh, Sanem. I see it too.  He keeps looking at you, and it seems that Polen noticed too.  She doesn't look happy."
Can couldn't stop staring at Sanem, she's beautiful.  Wow.  But Polen, wouldn't let him look for long she kept grabbing his arm to dance.
SANEM:  "I doubt that, look at the beauty queen next to him." What would he want with me, plus I'm to young he's graduating in a week, and then he will be gone." That hit Sanem, she probably won't see him again.  She went to the bathroom, feeling emotional, she wanted to clear her head.  Can comes up next to her and says, "Sanem, you look amazing!"thank you Can, you look very handsome also."
CAN:  "I'm graduating in a week, I'll be going away to college, but when I get back I will find you" but they were interrupted by the Beauty queen. Can went into the bathroom, and Polen was steering at Sanem, and she says " stay away from my boyfriend or you'll be sorry."
SANEM:  "we were just talking Polen, you have issues, get away from me ." And Sanem tried to leave, but Polen pushed her to the wall and said "I mean it." She pours  her drink all over Sanem's dress and Aylin comes right behind her and does the same thing. Can comes out of the bathroom. And sees Sanem's dress, and says. "What happened?"  POLEN:  oh nothing someone pushed me, and my drink fell all over poor Sanem's dress. I'm really sorry sanem" ( with a hint of sarcasm)
Sanem just looked at Polen then Can with unshed tears in her eyes. And walked away, Can tried to stop her but Polen, stoped him.
POLEN:  Can let her go, it was an accident, she knows it.
CAN:  "I feel bad for her , Polen, let's go help her."
POLEN:  her boyfriend will help her and his sister, come let's go dance.
SANEM: "Osman, can we leave please?"
OSMAN: "what happened". SANEM: "it was an accident,let's go I want to change."
So they left, Osman dropped off Sanem at home, and she went straight to her room.  Took off the dress and threw  it in the garbage, and cried all night.  She's thinking to herself thank God there all graduating, and I won't have to deal with them next year. The only one I will miss will be Can.
It was graduation night and Can was hoping to see Sanem, but she didn't show up.  He left Polen home and decided to go see if Sanem was working. 
Sanem had just finished her shift, and decided to walk along the pier.  And she feels someone coming close to her, she knows exactly who it is.  She always knows when he's near.
CAN: "hi, I thought you would have came to the graduation."
SANEM:  "No, I couldn't make it I had to work.  Congratulations by the way!! Good luck next year in college."
CAN:  "Sanem, I just wanted you to know that I liked getting to know you this year. I'm hoping we can be friends and maybe when I come back to Istanbul, I might be able to see you.."
She knew that wasn't possible with the snake slithering around.
SANEM: "Can, we are friends, you never know, when you come back maybe we will see each other again.  But you will be busy in college and me with work and school.  But you never know we might run into each other again. "
CAN: give me your number so I can call you once in awhile.
SANEM: "I don't have a phone Can, there too expensive. "And good luck to you Can, till we meet again."
They hugged each other and kissed each other on the cheek , "hopefully we will see each other soon Can,"she touches his cheek and says good night and starts to walk away. Can watched Sanem walk away, and whispers until we meet again Sanem.

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