Chapter 42

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EMRE: Can, what are you thinking? CAN : I'm thinking I have to get rid of Gamze somehow. The sooner the better. I don't like the way she's acting. I don't remember her ever acting like that.
EMRE: "well here she comes, good luck. Hope you figure out something soon." CAN: me to!"
GAMZE: Can, (she's gives him a hug and a kisses him on both cheeks) how are you?
CAN: "good, what are you doing here again today? Did we an appointment or something."
GAMZE: "no Can, I just wanted to see you, am I that bad to look at"(he's thinking yes, you are, and you're Annoying.)
CAN: "Gamze I have a lot of work. Did you need anything?"
GAMZE: "well actually tomorrow night we're meeting with our friends,  to make arrangements for the camping trip on Saturday into Sunday and don't say no you're coming."
CAN: "I thought I told you that I wasn't sure "
GAMZE: "you, did, but when you see the old gang, I know you're gonna want to change your mind come on Can, please."
There's a knock at the door. And Mevcabi walks in , Can can't help but smile. He gets up to welcome her.
EMRE : "Leyla your mom went into Can's office."
LEYLA: "what!! Oh no, this can't be good"
MIRIBAN: "I just love your mother, we think alike!"with a big smile on her face.
DERAN: "Sanem your mom just went into Can's office."
SANEM: "what is she doing in there? Oh god help us I almost feel sorry for Gamze."and she puts her hand on her head.
MEVCABI: "Can, you didn't eat, I brought you some food."
CAN: "thank you aunt Mevcabi. Aunt Mevcabi this is Gamze, an old friend. Gamze this is Mevcabi Sanem's mother."
GAMZE: "oh, nice to meet you, I m surprised you're here being that Can and Sanem are broken up."
MEVCABI: I still have another daughter who is engaged to Emre. Plus I love Can like a son. He will always be a part of my family.
GAMZE: "well it's a shame they broke up, but she really wasn't for Can."
MEVCABI; excuse me, it seems to me that you don't know what you're talking about. Sanem and Can are perfect for each other, They had a real genuine relationship. ( And then Mevcabi stares at her breast and points and says) not like those are they even real."and why are you dressed like that, this is a place of business not a strip club." ( Can is watching Mevcabi's facial expressions, he's trying not to laugh, but it's very hard to control himself .)( Emre is in his office, laughing. With Aziz and Miriban and Leyla.
GAMZE: "excuse me, what I wear is none of your business. You should keep your comments to yourself."
MEVCABI: "here take some food your to skinny.( Can put his head down, trying to hold in his laughter in.) if you would eat more you probably wouldn't need those fake things. And your behind wouldn't be so flat like a piece of cardboard."
GAMZE: "excuse me you're very rude.!"
MEVCABI : "not as much as what you're wearing that dress is obnoxious .  you should dress more like a lady."
GAMZE: "Can do you hear her?"
CAN: "I do, and I'm sorry but she's right that dress that you're wearing is not for business it's more for a night out "
GAMZE: "okay Can maybe you're right",(she puts her hand on his and caresses it. And Mevcabi slaps her hand of Cans.)Gamze just looks at her and gives her a dirty look, but she finds that Mevcabi is more intimidating)
MEVCABI: "oh. Sorry it's a reflex thing, plus you don't put your hand on another woman's man"
GAMZE: "that's in the past, not in the present. Can is a free man, he Can be with whom ever he wants."
MEVCABI: "trust me if I have something to say about it, Can and Sanem will get back together again."
GAMZE: "Can, I think it's time for me to go. I've had enough of this villager"
MEVCABI: "Villager maybe, but not a fake, like you and your body parts, everything you see in front of you is real.!" (And she shows her body with her hands.)Gamze just looks at her.
GAMZE: "I'll send you the info for tomorrow night, bye!
She walks out and goes over to Sanem, and says " your mother is the rudest person I've ever met, you two are the same, a bunch of no class disgusting villagers! And one day, you are going to be sorry, I promise.!!"
SANEM: ( talking to her Angrily and pointing her finger in her face) don't you ever talk about my mother like that again!!!! You can say whatever you want to me, but stay away from my mother. Understand!! Because you are the one who is going to be sorry!! Now leave!!! Gamze stormed out of the office, once she left everyone was cheering.
Can and Mevcabi watched her leave, and he gets up and hugs her so hard, kisses her on the cheek. And says auntie Mevcabi you are the best! I'm so happy you and Nihat are going to be my in laws.
MEVCABI: not in laws, parents, you and Emre are our sons now just like my girls are Aziz's and Miriban's daughters and your mother if she accepts them. We're a family, we stick together." She hugs him again and kisses him on the cheek.
MEVCABI: "come everybody back to my village ( and she giggles) for dinner after work, Nihat and I will be waiting. And she walked out. And went straight to Sanem. " daughter that one is nasty, be careful, she's not going to give up easily."
SANEM: "I know Anne, don't worry." her mother kisses her goodbye and says "I'll see you later with everybody else." " okay Anne!"
SANEM: "Can, I'm sorry about my mother, she can be quite a handful sometimes, it's just that she loves you like a son"
CAN: "Sanem, I love your mom, she's the best.  She doesn't beat around the bush, she's honest. And Gamze had it coming to her anyway."
SANEM:  "she did didn't she." And they start laughing.
CAN: "by the way you look beautiful, I guess no hut tonight? We're going to your mom's for dinner?"
SANEM:  "nope, no hut, until our wedding night. Can we go there after the wedding Can, at least for the night, I love it there."
CAN: "Sanem, you're killing me,( he takes her and puts his face in her neck.) yes we will go there the night of the wedding."
SANEM: "thank you, my love, I think I should get back to work."
CAN: "work in here with me today. And after this thing with Gamze is over, my office will be your office too."
SANEM: "are you serious. I don't know, I think you will get tired of me, being around 24/7."
CAN: "Never, I hate it when we're not together. Actually I love my life with you, it's become very interesting."
SANEM: "interesting in a good way?"
CAN: of course, it's never boring, you make me laugh Sanem, I'll look forward to seeing you every day. But soon it will day and night .( she looks at him and scratches his beard)
SANEM: Can, I love you.
CAN: I love you too, my princess. Now let's get to work because, your mom is waiting for us.
Everyone went back to the Aydins for a big family dinner. 
Nihat and Aziz were watching Soccer, and the couples went to the park for some ice cream.
Can gets a phone call from Metin.
METIN: "Can, listen I'm sorry to bother you so late.  I just wanted to update you about the vandalism on Sanem's shop. It isn't much, but someone did see someone running from the shop, who ever it was they were all in black and was wearing a hoodie and a face mask. It's not much. But the police haven't given up yet."sorry I couldn't give you more information.
CAN: thats ok Metin, hopefully the police will find who it was. See you soon."
Can explained to Sanem what Metin said. 
CAN: "don't worry Sanem, they will find who did this, I know you're in a hurry to know, but sometimes these things take time."
SANEM: "I know, I'm just worried, if it was personal, what happens if they come back again."
CAN: "now we have the cameras. Indoor and outdoor.
Don't worry everything will be fine." I Don't think they would take the chance and do it again."
Can gets a text from Gamze where everyone is meeting tomorrow.
CAN "she's such a pain, I don't get her, she doesn't understand. That I'm not interested in her."
SANEM:  "I don't get it either, she's convinced that she can get you. What ever happened with your friend and her why did they break up?"
CAN: "all I know is that he cheated on her, and I was upset with him that he cheated on her and it ruined our friendship."
SANEM: "how did you find out that he cheated on her? Did he tell you or did she tell you?"
CAN: "she did, but when I asked him, he didn't deny it, and then I just got up and left. I didn't want to hear anymore.."
SANEM: "maybe there is more to the story."
CAN: "maybe? Maybe, she was obsessed with him too, and she pushed him away, that's why he cheated on her."
SANEM: anyway it's getting late, let's start heading back.  On the way back, Sanem receives a text from Sinan, where to meet with their friends.
SANEM:  Can are you going to meet up with your friends tomorrow?
CAN: "I kind of want to, I haven't seen them for years, the down fall is Gamze. How about you?"
SANEM : "like you, we were all very good friends always hung out together. Okay how about if we go, just for dinner, and we will get together after just you and me. Even if they tell us to go out after we won't. Okay."
CAN: "okay, sounds good to me, I'd rather hang out with you anyway."
SANEM: "me too."
CAN: "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, we will go to the factory pick up some boxes and take them to the store."and go out to breakfast. Ok my love.
SANEM: "sounds good to me.  Good night, love you."
CAN: "love you too. Sweet dreams."

When we meet again Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant