Chapter 19

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"Good morning my Princess" Can? "What are you doing here?" I'm taking you to the airport!"
SANEM: "awww you're so sweet, thank you!!"but I would of taken a taxi."
CAN: "No way, I wanted to see my best friend off."and they both started laughing. " don't worry I won't come in , miss independent, I will drop you off at the entrance"
SANEM: "Thank you Can.""you're so special!"
CAN: "listen, you call me anytime, day and night I will answer no matter where I am." They pull up at the front entrance . He gets out to get her suitcase out, she turns to him,  "Can I know you're nervous, but trust me it's going to be fine." She hugs him and kisses him on the lips.  And out comes Yigit, to help her with the suitcase. 
YIGIT: "don't worry Can, she will be fine, I won't let anything happen to her" ( sarcastically)
CAN: " Nothing better not happen or you will answer to me!"Sanem turned to look at Can, he looked very intimidating looking at Yigit.  Which actually made her pretty nervous. But Yigit seemed to like to push his buttons. 
SANEM : "okay Can, (she hugs him again) I'll call as soon as we land."
They went into the airport and Can went to get in his car and he hears his name.
POLEN : "Can, what are you doing here?
CAN: "none of your business!" Oh and by the way thanks for trying to cause problems again. But it didn't work and never will."
POLEN: "I know, that's why I'm going back to London Can". Can just looked at her and got in his car and left.
YIGIT: "is this your first time flying Sanem?"
SANEM: "yes, im alittle nervous, but will be ok."
YIGIT:  "yes it will,". ( I'm here don't worry my love I won't let nothing happen to you) ok when we get to Izmir, we will go straight to the hotel rest a little and then go get something to eat.  It's going to be along day tomorrow, so we will go back to our rooms early and rest.
SANEM: "ok sounds good to me.!"
She texted Can about an hour later and told him there bording now. I'll Text you when we land."  "Okay bebek!" She has a huge smile on her face, and Yigit sees it , she's probably texting that baboon, I have to convince her to want me not him. Damn this is going to be hard.!
They got to the hotel, yigit's room is right across from hers, " ok Sanem, go rest a little and we will go to eat at this nice restaurant I always go to when I come here."
" ok Yigit!, give me a couple of hours though, I want to take a nap." Ok, sounds good.
Sanem went into her room and locked the door, it was a beautiful room, with a huge living area, and a large king size .   She layed on the bed and called Can.
"Hi my prince, we're at hotel,   " hi my love, where is the idiot?"
SANEM:  "Can, his room is across the hall don't worry, I'm fine,"but I miss you."
CAN: "I miss you too, I can't wait till you get back."
SANEM:  "it will go fast, you will be busy I will be busy, and before you know it, I will be back Sunday night. Are picking me up from the airport?"
CAN: "of course I am.  I'll be waiting with open arms."
SANEM: "Can, I want to go to your hut when I get back, please,"
CAN:  "okay, but it might be late, what about your parents?"
SANEM: "we will just stay a little while.  I love it there. Please."
CAN: "anything you want bebek."
They hung up and Sanem took a shower and laid down for a while, a couple hours later. Yigit, picked her up and they went out to eat.
YIGIT: "what do you think of this restaurant Sanem?"
SANEM: "it's very nice, but it looks expensive"
YIGIT: "don't worry I got the bill."
SANEM : "no way, at least let me pay my share. It's only fair."
YIGIT: "No, this dinner is on me, for my number one writer."
SANEM: "Thank you!! So tomorrow , hopefully we will have a good turnout."
YIGIT: "we will, the book stores are getting good feedback on your book, and it's selling out fast. Don't worry it will be fine."
SANEM: "thanks for everything Yigit.  You're a great publisher!"
They, talked for alittle while longer and started walking back to the hotel.  Sanem is thinking, see Can is wrong about Yigit, he was nothing but a gentleman tonight. 
YIGIT: "are you cold, here take my jacket."
SANEM:  "no that's ok I'm fine."he put the jacket on her shoulders anyway. And she thanked him. And they went back to their rooms.
Yigit, laid in bed, thinking about Sanem, that they had a wonderful dinner together, they talked and laughed like a couple.  He was loving it having her all to himself.
Sanem laid in bed thinking about Can, that she should have let him come because she missed him so much.
She FaceTimes Can,
SANEM:  "hi Can, see I'm home, safe and sound." I miss you."
CAN:  "I miss you too bebek!! I should have came, I shouldn't have listened to you."
SANEM: "Can, really I'm fine , YIGIT and I went out to dinner and he was a perfect gentleman. So don't worry."
CAN : "okay, my love, I believe you.  I can't wait to see you Sunday night. Good night" they blow each other kisses and go to sleep.
The next morning they were on their way to the book store.  "Sanem, I have a surprise for you,". "What "
An American publisher is going to be here today, he's in town for a couple of authors, and you're one of them.
SANEM: Really, I'm so excited, and nervous, I hope I can impress him today."
YIGIT: "don't worry he's going to love you and your book!"
They got to the bookstore there was a line outside the door. "Sanem, they're all here for you!"
Wow I can't believe it!!"
YIGIT : Sanem, this is the American publisher I told you about his name is Anil Yeldin, he's originally from Turkey, so he speaks fluent Turkish."
Sanem shakes is hand. He's a young publisher no more than 30 years old, very attractive. And he seems to be taken by Sanem, he holds her hand alittle while longer, but Sanem of course is clueless, but Yigit isn't, he sees the way he's looking at her.  So he puts his hand on her back and leads her to her table to start the reading and to sign copies.  Yigit was hovering over her, he would not leave her side,
Anil say to the bookstore owner, " Doesn't this Yigit seem a little too obsessed with Sanem?
Bookstore owner:  he does, he's hovering over her and no one can get near her. He's a wierd guy,  Anil: "yes he is Very !"
It was the end of the day, and Anil invited the bookstore owner and Sanem and Yigit out to dinner.  Anil invited his assistant also a young woman around Sanem's age and they hit it off really well.  They ate and drank wine they were all a little tipsy, but were having a great time.  She texted Can about everything today and that they were on their way back to the hotel.
Sanem went to her room feeling very drunk and Yigit went back to his. He was feeling very happy he had a great time with Sanem. Sanem slowly got ready for bed, and she hears her door open, walks to the front of her room and sees yigit standing there.
SANEM: yigit did you forget get something?
YIGIT: "yes, I did" he looks at her and walks over to her and grabs her and try's to kiss her, she slaps him and pulls away.  Get out!!!! What the hell are you doing?! Sanem I want you, I know you want me, I saw it in your eyes tonight." He grabs her again, she pushes him and he slaps her, she looks at him in shock , she couldn't believe what was happening . She starts screaming trying to run, throws a lamp down to make noise.  He grabs her and smacks her again and knocks her down, they start wrestling on the floor and she screams, and all of a sudden they hear aloud boom.  And Can is standing at the connecting door to the other room. The door came off its hinges, Can runs over grabs Yigit by the throat and starts punching the hell out of him, he throws him on the floor like a sack of potatoes. He's passed out.
Can, grabs Sanem and hugs her. Sanem is holding on for dear life, crying, "I'm sorry Can, I should have listened to you." He picks her up bridal style and they sit on the couch.
CAN: "Sanem, my love, this is not your fault, no man should ever touch or try to force a woman like that."
SANEM: "but Can, you told me that he wanted me, and I didn't believe you,"
CAN: "because you are a pure heart Sanem, you don't see bad in people, and you don't try, you always try to pick out the best in people. And that's why I love you so much Sanem. You are my life." I love you!"
She looks at him with loving eyes and gives him the biggest smile. And kisses him.
SANEM:  "I love you Can Divit, and I'm so glad you didn't listen to me." And they both laughed, they were glued to each other Sanem wouldn't let go and neither would Can.  In the meantime security took Yigit away, they told Can and Sanem the neighbors heard Sanem screaming and they called the police.  So they have witnesses. He will be charged with sexual assault!
Can spent the night holding Sanem, and Sanem held him all night long, she would wake up during the night to make sure he was real and still there.  And then she would kiss him and go back to sleep.
The next morning, they both woke and Can looks at Sanem, " You know I can get used to waking up next to you every day. That was the best sleep I had in along time ago."
"I feel the same Can, I loved being cuddled all night and you know your body heat kept me warm all night."
He kisses her, and she scratches his beard and says,
"Can, we have to get up. I have another book reading and signing today."
"You mean you're going? I thought you might not want to go today, are you sure you're OK?
" i'm fine I have my bodyguard with me nobody would dare touch me. You know you're pretty scary when you get mad, remind me never to piss you off." He started ticking her and she couldn't stop laughing, "Can, I have to get ready."  "Okay ". They got up got ready and headed to the bookstore
Sanem introduced the American publisher to Can.
ANIL: nice to meet you Can Divit. Wait your that famous photographer that travels around the world to remote places."      CAN: "yes I am."  ANIL: wow , nice to meet you, I'm a big fan.  Are you and Sanem a couple.
CAN: yes, we are,
ANIL:  that's good, I have to tell you, that Yigit guy is obsessed with her, he needs to stay away from her. The bookstore owner and I were watching him yesterday. And we were both worried about her."
CAN: "believe me he won't be bothering her anymore, that's for sure" Anil looked at Can, and his size and knew exactly what he meant.
ANIL: "Well Can, I have to tell you, Sanem is a great writer, I want to publish her book in English, if you can find her a new publisher in Turkey, have him contact me, and we can work together."
CAN:  "I will definitely do, that, thank you!"
ANIL: tell Sanem that I had to leave I have a flight to catch and I will be in contact with you or with her and then with a new publisher. It was nice meeting you Can." They shook hands and he left.
The reading and singing was perfect, Sanem was glowing. Can was amazed at her resilience, She's a fighter. That's for sure.
CAN: "bebek are you ready to get back home."
SANEM:  "I am Can Divit!"
He hugs her and tells her how proud of her he is, and that he loves her very much. "And I love you too my special body guard!!"

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