Chapter 13

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"Good Morning CeCe, "good morning Sanem , how was your weekend?  I had a great weekend CeCe!!"
CECE:  does it have to do with Can bey?"
SANEM:  "Yes. It does my friend!!" CeCe stares at the entrance and looked a-little shocked. 
SANEM:  "CeCe, what's the matter, what are you looking at."she turns around and sees Huma, walking in with Aylin.  "CeCe are those two close." "Unfortunately very close."  Oh boy, Poor Leyla. Sanem ran to Leyla'a office.
"Sanem? What's the matter? What's going on?"
SANEM: Huma is here with Aylin.
LEYLA:  "what!! Oh Sanem, that's not a good combination. Poor Can and Emre, if she's going to be here this is going to stress them out." Here they come straight to us."
HUMA:  "what are you two doing in here get to work, how do you expect anything to get done around here with you two gossiping?" Aylin was smiling. then she starts bossing the girls around too.
AYLIN: "Yes, Leyla, go get me the financials for the past year and bring them to my office, now!"
LEYLA:  "actually, Aylin I work for Emre bey not for you."  AYLIN: Do what I tell you or I will report you to HR!
EMRE:  "Aylin, don't boss my assistant around, she doesn't have to do anything for you, or you mother!"
CAN:  "and don't Even try with Sanem, Huma, she works for me and only me." "You both can leave now!"
HUMA:  "Boys. show some respect for your mother.!"
CAN: you lost our respect when you left us and never turned back to care for your children, so no mother, there  will be no respect for you. don't expect it."
EMRE: "Leyla come to my office please."
CAN: Sanem please come to my office.
EMRE: "Leyla, I'm very sorry about my mother and Aylin.  You don't answer to them, just me ok?"
LEYLA: Emre, are you sure I don't want to cause problems". EMRE:  " yes I'm very sure, ( he takes a deep breath, it's going to be a long day."" Don't let them get to you, ok."  "Okay " he takes her hand and kisses it, while Aylin is watching.
SANEM:  "good morning my special friend"and she gives him a big smile.
CAN:  " good morning, my sweet, your smile just brightens my day." " Sanem, don't let my mother get to you, she's a miserable person, she's never happy.  And only do what I or Emre say ok. Don't worry about disobeying her. Please"she takes his hand caresses his beard, "anything you say my friend."he smiles and pinches her cheek, and says. " Sanem you're more than a friend and I think you know that. She smiles and turns beat red. He leans in for a kiss, and door opens.
"Well, now I know why, you broke up with me, for that cheap little nobody! Get away from him now!! I knew you wanted him even back in high school!
CAN: Polen, what are you doing here?
POLEN: since you didn't come to me, I came to you, but now I know why.  You can leave now Sanem, I can take care of Can from now on."
SANEM: "excuse me, I work for Can, only he has the right to tell me what to do.!"if you think that your going to do what you did to me back in High School, you can forget it.!" Can squeezers her hand and smiles.
CAN:   "Sanem, let me talk to her, I'll see you at lunch"
SANEM; "what ever you say Can."and she gives him a kiss on the cheek."
POLEN:  "this isn't over Sanem!! " SANEM: oh I know, it never was.  Look at me Polen, don't think you can intimidate me because you can't!! You never could and never will!" Polen just looked at her, and Can, was so proud of her . He smiled and winked at her when she looked back and walked out into Leyla's office.
LEYLA: "it looks like the evil stepmother brought her evil stepdaughters with her. this visit was intentional to break us up. We're in for a fight but I'm ready.!!"
SANEM: "oh yes and it's gonna be a good one. If she thinks she could put me down because of where I came from she has another thing coming. She's gonna be sorry just let her try and that goes for all three of them.!"
POLEN: "how could you Can, how could you leave me for that cheap little nobody? We've been together so long we had a very good relationship. You always came back to me.."
CAN: "first of all, I didn't leave you for Sanem! Second, I broke up with you way before Sanem came into the picture. so stop right there and don't say another word turn around and go back to London because this ship has sailed along time ago maybe several years ago"
POLEN: "if you think I'm giving up Can, I'm not," she gets up goes behind him and puts her arms around him and her other arm in his shirt. He pulled her off of him.
CAN: "what are you doing! Don't ever do that again.!"
I think you should leave now. And don't come back!"
She gets up very angry,      POLEN: I'm not going Can, I'll be in Instanbul for awhile, once I make you feel good again, you will see you belong to me, we always had good sex, And you know it."
CAN:  not really Polen, it wasn't that great, if everything was great between us.  Maybe things would have been different."   she walks out very angry! It's not over Can.! You will see.
Emre was sitting in his office when Aylin walks in.
AYLIN: "Emre, my Love, we need to talk, I miss you, let's get together tonight."
EMRE:  "are you the one who called my mother? of course it was you who else would it be? I wonder what kind of lies you told her!"
AYLIN: " Emre we belong together.  I'm not giving up on us!"
EMRE: "not going to happen Aylin, now I know for sure I never loved you. You manipulated me into trying to make me love you.  Now get back to work.  Something you don't like to do."
Can and Emre were working on something when Huma walked in.  "Ah, it's so nice to see my boys working together." They just looked at her and went back to work.
Huma: "why are you ignoring me, all I want is to spend some time with you both, and you're both ignoring me you don't want me around you boys are breaking my heart."
CAN: "really,  we're breaking your heart,  but when you broke our heart, It meant nothing to you , you got up left got remarried , you didn't care about us only when you needed something or when you got a divorce so I think it's time for you to crawl back into your hole and leave because you're not gonna get anything from us and not from our father either.
AZIZ:  "that's right Huma, you can leave now. Why did you come and bring Polen back here.  And we all know your relationship with Aylin" he goes straight up into her face and points at her and says. " stay away from the boys stop causing problems for them or you will have to deal with me and trust me The last thing you want to do is deal with me you'll be sorry."
HUMA: "are you threatening me? I only want what's best for my boys. And those girls just want them for their money!"
AZIZ: "just like you did with me I think it's time for you to go. don't come back.. and you don't think I know what you did with me and Mirihban, it was your fault we broke up and then I ended up marrying you. And I'm still trying to figure out how that happened."
Huma got up and left. She was very angry.  CAN: baba are you ok?    AZIZ:  "I'm ok , that woman irritates me.  She's always causing problems."if it wasn't for her Miriban and I would have been married.  The only good thing that came out of the marriage between me and your mother is the two of you I'll never regret having the both you , my life would be nothing without out the two of you. I love you both!" He goes over to his boys and hugs both of them.
Huma, met Polen and Aylin for lunch. None of them looked happy.
HUMA:  "girls, cheer up.  We will figure out something, to get rid of those girls."my sons deserve better than them,"
POLEN: "have you seen the way Can looks at her. He never looked like that at me. And the worst thing is that he's right, we were on again off again not a real serious relationship, but it looks like I have more feelings than he did."
AYLIN:  yes, I agree with Polen, Emre is constantly with Leyla, I think he's in love with her."
HUMA: "nonsense!! You girls are giving up to fast!!
You're both beautiful, smart, educated!! They belong with you not those Mahalle girls. Just keep trying!"
We will think of something."
Can and Emre went out to lunch there father, and Leyla and Sanem ate at the agency, they wanted to give father and sons some alone time.
Sanem was eating lunch in Leyla's office, when Yigit came up looking for her.
SANEM: Yigit, what can I do for you. 
YIGIT:  I wanted to let you know that your book is ready, it will probably be in book stores in a couple of weeks.  We just need a couple of pictures of you so we can put them in bookstores next to your book. So people can put a face to the book.  When they see your beautiful face they will sell out.  Leyla and Sanem, just looked at him. 
SANEM: wow that's exciting! I can't wait to see my book in bookstores!!
YIGIT: "if you want I can take pictures of you.   And together we can select which ones you want."let's go out to dinner tonight and discuss what kind of pictures you want taken. And where."
SANEM:  "that's ok Yigit, Can will take the pictures, since he is a professional photographer."
YIGIT:  "oh ok, ( this is going to be a lot harder than I thought!) ok let's go to dinner and we can discuss the book release."
SANEM: "that's ok, I'll come earlier tomorrow morning, and we can discuss it.  I have plans tonight anyway."
YIGIT: ok Sanem, don't forget you have an obligation to me to! ( he's getting alittle frustrated)
SANEM:  "I know, but this is my full time job Yigit, whether you like it or not.  Take it or leave it.!"
YIGIT:  "No, that's fine ( he's burning up inside) I'm just excited for you, that's all.  Ok then I'll see you tomorrow morning."
LEYLA: "what was that!  I think he's kind of obsessed with you Sanem, he's always up here or he calls you down stairs."
SANEM; "he's ok he's trying to help me, but he is starting to irritate me alittle" the guy's are back I have to talk to Can about the pictures, see ya sister!"
Sanem walked into Can's office and she noticed he looks a little upset.
SANEM: Can are you okay?    CAN:  now I am, come sit next to me. 
SANEM: "are you sure I can come back."  CAN:  no way, I'll be fine my mother just irritated me along with Polen and Aylin. And my father is upset, that's it, don't worry everything will be fine."
SANEM: Can, can I ask you a favor? my book will be in bookstores in a couple of weeks and I need pictures of myself,  so I can put in the bookstores next to my book so people can see the face behind the book.  do you think you could do it for me take the pictures. Please.
CAN: «of course I will!! We will do it this weekend and I have the perfect spot." She gets up to hug him and he grabs her and puts her on his lap. Sanem, I would do anything for you all you have to do is ask."  She has her arms around his neck looks in is eyes and says. "
"Is it because we're special friends?"he starts to laugh, and he puts his forehead on hers. And kisses her nose.
"yes!" And she starts giggling. " OK now get off my lap because I'm starting to feel things,  finish up your work and we'll go out to eat something and then I'll take you home. How does that sound?"  "Sounds good to me!! "
She kisses his cheek and walks out.

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