Chapter 49

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The next morning the girls got up to have breakfast, of course Mevcabi, had a feast out. But poor Sanem was feeling nauseous.
MEVCABI: "Sanem, try to eat something. Maybe you will feel better."
SANEM: "that's ok mom, I feel if I eat I will throw up.""Can is bringing me a dry bagel, it might be better for my stomach."
MEVCABI: "ok I won't force you. I had the same symptoms with both of you. It will go away in a couple of weeks you will feel better."
Can came picked up Sanem and to take Elif to the hospital until it's time for her mother to be released.
CAN: "Elif let me know what time your mother is being released and I will come and pick both of you up and take you home."
ELIF: "Can bey, we can take a taxi, you don't have to leave work for us."
CAN: "it's fine don't worry, Sanem will come with me too, this way she gets a little break." They agreed.
It was a busy day at the agency, Can and Sanem were working in his office when Metin showed up to give them update on their case with Gamze.
METIN : "good morning, Can, Sanem". Good morning, Metin!"
METIN:  "I just wanted to let you know, that she refused insanity, she pleaded not guilty, which is good for us."
SANEM: "I'm surprised, I really thought she would plead insanity."
METIN:  "she wouldn't listen to her lawyer, she still thinks she's in the right. That you're to blame."
CAN: "so what happens now.?"
METIN: "well actually for us it's good, if we win, which we probably will, we have a lot of evidence against her. She will go away for long time. We searched her apartment and her office and we found that she was stalking Sanem, And some of Sanem's pictures have  X's across them. Sanem Some of the pictures were of you in your neighborhood, in your father's store. And Can there's pictures of you working out at the gym, and a couple of pictures of you two standing next to each other here in the office, with an X over Sanem's face. Plus the recording, that was very smart Sanem, what made you think of that?"
SANEM: "I can't believe that she actually followed us around like that and took pictures of us and we never knew it, that's so creepy. ( She sat there for a couple of minutes letting everything sink in) anyway, when I first saw her there, I wasn't scared for some reason, I felt calm, but I thought of the baby, and I don't even really know it just popped in my head. I guess I thought, if she hurts me she hurts my baby, and if that would have happened I wanted everyone to know who did it." Can, caresses her cheek.
CAN:  "wow! I can't believe that she had pictures of us, that she was actually following us. (Pause) so what happens next.?"
METIN: "we wait, for when court is scheduled, and we go from there" it won't be for a while yet, probably in a couple of months."
SANEM:  "okay, it's sounds like things are moving along in our favor. It makes me more relaxed."
METIN:  "well I'm off, see you both soon. Next week at the wedding"
SANEM:  "Yes, (she smiles at Can) I can't believe it, I can't wait!!  You know Metin wedding fever is in the air. Just saying, how are things with Deran?"
METIN: "well little Miss matchmaker, things are going very well, maybe I will surprise you both one day"
CAN: are you serious, wow I'm so happy for you Metin!!
Sanem got up and hugged Metin.
METIN: "okay, this is our little secret"
SANEM: "your secret is safe with us! And Metin thank you for everything!"
METIN: "don't mention it, anything for you guys. Okay I'm going to see my love and then back to work"
SANEM: "Can, I feel so much better now, but I can't wait till this all over. I just want to start our life together in peace."
CAN: "me too bebek, listen it's the end of the day, let's get something to eat, how do you feel? you haven't really eaten anything today"
SANEM: "I'm ok, I guess I'm a little hungry I'm not as nauseous as I was in the morning."
CAN: "okay, let's go. What are you hungry for?"
SANEM: "Pizza, I think I want pizza, now I'm getting hungry let's go."
They went for pizza, but Sanem ate very little, the smell was getting to her.
CAN: "Sanem, you hardly ate, how are you going to keep up your strength"
SANEM: "Can, I'm fine, Tuesday we have a doctors appointment, let's see how it goes, my mother told me she had the same symptoms with Leyla and me. I just don't want to feel like this next week for our wedding."
CAN: "I'm sorry bebek, I wish I could snap my finger and make it go away. Let's see what the doctor says , maybe there is something he can give you for the nausea."
They went and sat by the pier a little, but Sanem was falling asleep on Can's shoulder.
CAN: "Sanem, wake up, let me take you home, so you can get some sleep"
SANEM: okay, I'm sorry Can, I'm just so tired lately,
CAN: "I know princess, don't worry, get some rest tonight, if you want stay home tomorrow and rest and I will pick you up after work to go to the farm, to spend the night. And Saturday you are to do nothing, I will take care of everything when they bring the furniture."
SANEM: "tomorrow Leyla and I have our last fitting, I'm coming to work after lunch. I don't want to stay home. When I'm home I think too much."
CAN: okay. We will go the farm after work. Okay?
SANEM: "yes, sir, what ever you say."
CAN: "does what ever I say go for tomorrow night to?"
SANEM: "maybe, maybe not", (and she laughs).
They said there good nights and Sanem went straight to bed.
The next morning, Sanem, Leyla, Elif and Ahan went together for the wedding gown fittings and for Elif and Ahan to pick out their brides made dresses.
SANEM: "Elif, pick out what ever dress you want. The three of us are chipping in to buy you your dress for your birthday"
ELIF: "I can't let you do that, I brought money with me."
AHAN: Elif, you can't argue with older sisters, they always win!" They started laughing. And started looking for dresses.
The gowns looked beautiful on Leyla and Sanem,.
Sanem, was a little more filled out than last time. But it still looked perfect.
SANEM: "okay, let's go get some lunch, and then we can go to work."
Sanem and Leyla headed back to work. Sanem went to Can's office, with his tea. She knocks on the door, and walks in and Can looks up.
CAN: "and here comes the best part of my day, I missed you today."
SANEM: "I missed you too, my love, but we had such a nice time this morning. The fittings went well. Mine was a little more snug, but it looked so pretty, I can't wait for you to see it." She smiles at him and scratches his beard.
CAN: "I can't wait to see you in your gown too, You're going to look beautiful as always."
SANEM: "awww, I love you Can Divit, you're such a charmer." "Can, did you invite your mother to the wedding?"
CAN: "No, we decided not to.  We don't want her to cause problems."
SANEM:  "I think you should, I don't think she will cause problems. I think she learned her lesson."you both should give her a chance." Does she know about Aziz and Miriban?"
CAN: "she does, she seemed okay with it."
SANEM: "well then Emre and you should call her and invite her, she's your mother. She should be there."
CAN: "I will talk to Emre and see what he says.  But I'm sure Leyla got to him already am I right."
She just smiled and sat on his lap, and put her arms around his neck and kissed him.
CAN: "I guess I got my answer "and he starts laughing.
"You Sanem Aydin can make me do anything , you definitely have me wrapped around your finger" he sniffs her neck and starts kissing her.
SANEM: "we better get back to work if we're going to get out of here early. Miriban and your dad are going to have dinner ready for us."
CAN: "sounds good to me." She went to get of his lap but he wouldn't let her off. " were are you going?"
SANEM: "back to work, next to you in the chair."
CAN:"you can sit on my lap and work from there"
SANEM: "Can, someone will see us I can't sit here the rest of the day." And besides I'm feeling something hard." If you let me go maybe tonight you will get a reward."
CAN:  (he smiled and let her go) "I'm looking forward to tonight. You owe me."
SANEM: ( she gets up and says) remember I said maybe( he tries to grab her but she starts laughing and runs out.)
The rest of the day went well, they got a lot of work done, Can and Sanem, went back to the farm to spend the night. 
SANEM: "Can what are you doing".  CAN:I'm thinking how do you want to decorate the baby's room?
SANEM: I don't know, probably neutral colors for either a boy or girl what do you think?
CAN: "I was thinking the same, maybe like a yellow, mint green, or maybe light gray with little blue and pink or a combination of all colors!" She can see Can was getting excited, she goes behind him and wraps her arms around his waist. He grabs her and brings her around. And says. "Do you want to know what we're having?"
SANEM: "I think I do, this way , we can prepare better."
CAN: "I agree, when we're done with this room it's going to look beautiful."
SANEM "Can Divit you're like a big teddy bear!! I can hug you and squeeze you all day all night"
CAN: "I can think of some things we can do while you're hugging and squeezing me"and he winks at her.
She starts giggling and says "later, Aziz and Miriban are waiting for us."  He kisses her and takes her hand and they head over to Miriban's.
AZIZ:  "Can, I was thinking, we're getting busy at the Agency, I might hire a few people, after you and Emre get back from your honeymoon.  You and Emre can go the same weeks it's fine I will be there with Deran, and Miriban will help, she knows the business , she worked there for several years before we broke up"
CAN: "are you sure dad?"
AZIZ: "very sure, we're good, you're only going to be gone a week, we can handle it."
CAN: " okay baba. We will finish up this week all the older accounts, so you won't be left with a lot of work when we're gone."
AZIZ: "Sanem dear how are you feeling?" You didn't eat much "
SANEM:  "I'm ok, a lot of foods are bothering me, the smell, and mostly in the morning I feel very nauseous. And of course tired."
MIRIBAN:  "Can, take her back to the house, so she can get some rest, she does look tired."
Can took Sanem back to the house, but he saw that she was exhausted and told her to lay down on the blowup bed.
CAN: "Sanem lay down you look exhausted"
SANEM: "only if you lay next to me." He layed down next to her took her in his arms, caressing any part of her body he could." She smiled and said "Can, I'm about to give into you," he smiles and starts kissing her passionately, " wow Can, you're really hot tonight,  CAN:  it's been almost two weeks, Sanem, I missed you. And your beautiful sexy body." They made love several times that night.  " go to sleep my love I think I wore you out. "Good night my love, sweet dreams"
Good night my hunky teddy bear.

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